快好知 kuaihz

come on造句
121. Come on then! Let's see what you're made of. 122. Come on, old boy, drink up. 123. Come on, Ellen, you're meant to be helping me. 124. Does the heating come on automatically? 125. Come on, get your kit off! 126. Come on, scaredy cat - it won't bite you! 127. The new man doesn't come on till midnight. 128. Come on, then, hit me! 129. Come on, why aren't you dancing? Enjoy yourselves! 130. Come on Annie, it's long past your bedtime. 131. Come on, luv, don't cry. 132. Come on in - I've made some coffee. 133. Come on, answer me! Where were you? 134. Come on, you can do it! 135. Come on, lighten up! It was only a joke. 136. Come on Doreen, let's dance. 137. I've programmed the video to come on at ten. 138. Come on, then, and do the business. 139. When did the new teacher come on the scene? 140. Come on, try to look on the bright side. 141. Come on, son, we haven't got all day. 142. Come on, use your brain , John. 143. Come on in and make yourself at home. 144. Come on, don't cry. You're a big girl now. 145. I've come on a special errand. 146. Come on, lighten up! Where's your sense of humour? 147. Come on, we'll be late! 148. Come on, sunshine, get a move on. 149. Come on, chaps, let's go for a drink! 150. The case will come on for trial tomorrow.