快好知 kuaihz

come on造句
151. Come on, be a man now. No more crying. 152. Come on, enjoy yourself, let yourself go! 153. Come on, we haven't got time to hang about! 154. Come on - let's split. 155. Come on! We don't have much time. 156. Come on now - calm down, cool it. 157. Come on, don't you think you're evading the issue? 158. Come on, children, it's time for bed. 159. Come on. It isn't the end of the world. 160. Get your shit together then come on over. 161. He scored only two minutes after he'd come on. 162. Now, come on, settle down! 163. Come on, guys, let's get going! 164. Come on, darling. I want you. 165. The cooling unit hasn 't come on yet. 166. Come on, Phil, move it! 167. Come on, John. Lighten up! 168. Come on, tuck in everyone! 169. Come on, cough up:where've you been? 170. Come on, it's my turn. Fair's fair! 171. Come on, children, or we'll be late! 172. Come on, it's time for bed. 173. Come on - we're going to be late if you don't hurry! 174. Come on Gina,[www.] get on the dance floor and do your stuff! 175. Come on over, we've got lots of the old gang here. 176. Come on, Joey, you said you were going to cut me in on this one! 177. Come on, don't give up now! Where's your fighting spirit? 178. Come on, Nick, shake a leg or we'll never be ready in time. 179. Come on, it's getting on and we ought to go home. 180. Come on, Peter, stop dossing around and get some work done.