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take the place of造句
31, The results show that the new plasma cathode e-gun can take the place of material cathode e-gun, especially in plasma filled microwave tubes. 32, Helicopters can to some extent take the place of tanks by spearheading the airborne attack. 33, Philinte contends that honesty must be balanced with manners, arguing that flattery might justly take the place of offensiveness. 34, The karl - fischer reagent method can take the place of the weight method. 35, Used to take the place of hyphen in many occasions when finer typography is required. 36, As a new diagnosis method, it will take the place of the unacceptable gastroscopy. 37, One man on a tractor can take the place of twelve families. 38, In semiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes. 39, But there will always be another oligarch to take the place of the fallen. 40, En dash (En rule): A rule the length of which equals an en. Used to take the place of hyphen in many occasions when finer typography is. required. 41, In addition, the lemons, tangor and grapefruit also have similar efficacy so that they can take the place of Orange. 42, John Barrymore:A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 43, Because SQL is a non-procedural language, a single statement can take the place of a series of procedures. 44, The neural network model of E plane septum is established and is used to take the place of the analysis program of design procedure of the E plane filter. 45, In the adult world a job can take the place of a security blanket. 46, The statutory law stems from custom, whereas it doesn't take the place of custom completely. 47, On the other side, E-bike very cheap and if you only drive in city, E-bike completely can take the place of autobike. 48, "Orchards would take the place of the jungle," he rhapsodized.