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result from造句
31. The increase in the incomes of elite workers is only relative; it does not result from their own stellar economic gains. 32. A further cause could result from the exchange of gas in and out of the bladder. 33. Often they result from particularly stressful circumstances but they may simply be a moment of carelessness. 34. Do they result from the body clock, from sleep loss - or from some mixture of these factors? 35. Nevertheless, some openings will result from the need to replace workers who transfer to other occupations or leave the labor force. 36. The real numbers which result from making measurements are interpreted as the eigenvalues of the corresponding observable. 37. These fluctuations probably result from interaction between phasic gastroduodenal motility and intermittent pancreatic secretion of neutralising bicarbonate. 38. They result from their real essences, the arrangement of corpuscles which make them up. 39. But they probably result from the nature of the dimerization interfaces, which are very different for each protein. 40. Cell adhesion and disease adhesion molecule deficiency A number of rare diseases result from defects in adhesion molecules. 41. But please hurry up if you want to avoid the nerve damage and deformity that result from long-term exposure to the germ. 42. It follows that policies for rural housing do not consider the social implications which might result from their implementation. 43. Changes in the balance of other hormones or growth factors, which are as yet unknown, may result from fundectomy. 44. It seems highly unlikely to result from the subdivision of territorial claims. 45. This is sheer chance, but suggests a good average result from the use of the algorithm! 46. Better value for money would result from less use of custody for many classes of offender. 47. Many damaging consequences can result from being a heavy drinker but alcoholism does not come simply from drinking too much. 48. The other inhibition is more pragmatic: fear of unlimited losses on short positions that might result from a sudden market rally. 49. There will then be 3n control areas per cylinder on the 3350 and no loss of performance will result from the transfer. 50. As a result, different outputs could result from activating the same node at different points in time. 51. The losses initially will result from heavy expenditures to start up operations in the region, he said. 52. Some of the new proteins result from an arms race between animals and plants. 53. Vertical packages tend to be of a pioneering nature, whereas horizontal packages tend to result from the development of existing ideas. 54. The Cartesian coordinates which result from this transformation describe a space which is tangential to the curved space at the point selected. 55. Nor did dramatic economic change result from those withdrawals which took place. 56. In part, the growth of peer pressure will result from revolutionary changes in pay practices. 57. Such deterioration may not necessarily result from the proclamation of commitment. 58. This could result from bile acid mediated effects on cellular proliferation through several possible pathways as already discussed. 59. Physiological problems Finally, a few words about some physiological problems which result from nutrient deficiencies and weather conditions. 60. Reconstituted and recombined milk and milk products are those that result from the recombining of milk constituents with potable water.