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91. The effects of glutamine peptide on the infective complication may be result from altering immune functions, preventing nutriture deterioration in secondary acute stroke. 92. Profuse oral bleeding can result from trauma, aneurysm rupture, or tonsillectomy and needs prompt care. 93. The agency's safety review and its decision to ban unapproved hydrocodone products both result from gradual but significant changes in the standards used for drug approvals. 94. Their ignorance might just result from their shamefulness or from their impudence. 95. Professor Eagleson warned that serious injustice can result from unnecessarily complicated legal language. 96. Duchene's muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis are examples of hereditary diseases that result from nonsense mutations. 97. This approach recognizes that most childhood deaths result from a handful of causes that can be prevented by a handful of cost-effective interventions. 98. And, he adds, there is an element of impetuousness, which might result from being a woman. 99. It sends JMS messages to the request queue on the service integration bus or WebSphere MQ that the JRules MDB is listening to and gets the result from the response queue. 100. Amenorrhea is a common symptom of gynecological endocrine disorders, including primary and secondary amenorrhea. Most of the primary amenorrhea result from pathologic factors. 101. After compared with different results, it is found that the result from the correction formula matches with the result of FE better than that of the design code. It can be co... 102. They are characterized with systematization and generalization, which result from their semantic association and their formative analogy. 103. Death may result from errors in judgment, confusion, or loss of consciousness, that prevents self - rescue. 104. The death of rat does not result from secretion, the period of warm ischemia is cut as short as possible. Livability and survival quality is advanced, which are in favor of experiment. 105. The result from this second expression is a node set, which maps to the DOM org.w3c.dom.NodeList type. 106. An economic devastation might result from the massive animal death and the economic sanction from other countries on account of the FMD. 107. This may be the result from the genotype of wild rye itself. 108. ConclusionEMP can promote necrosis and apoptosis of cortical neurons at the early stage, which may result from DNA injury induced by EMP. 109. The precise yet endlessly suggestive works that result from his unrivalled draughtsmanship are just as compelling as his paintings. 110. Signs and symptoms of an insect bite result from the injection of venom or other substances into your skin. 111. At last, we analyze the risk assessment result from a monomial and a whole perspective, respectively, giving detailed risk process suggestions subsequently. 112. It must result from an accident, not from intentional act by the policyholder. 113. Some recent studies suggest that DOMS may result from multifactor such as the formation of sarcomere, disorder of microcirculation, and changing of peripheral nervous system. 114. It is explained that mine accidents due to human factor result from the invalidation of the first and the second controlling mechanism. 115. Articles without the model individual psychology development characteristics such as the dysphrenia result from acute brain flesh wound and so on as well as repetition researches were excluded./result from.html 116. In fact, the seemingly anomalous dispersion of the impurity band in the first Brillouin zone is a result from band folding. 117. Waterborne diseases are not usually as serious or widespread as water-washed diseases such as skin and eye infections, which result from insufficient water for personal hygiene. 118. The estimated accrual for bad debts result from the current period's sales. 119. If Benefic planets are in aspect to Mars in this location, considerable fame and income result from the occupations he has determined. 120. The simulations confirm that cross-contamination routes result from normal operation and random failure conditions, including system surcharge and trap depletion due to, for example, poor maintenance.