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result from造句
151. The analysis result from the laser method is very close to that from the sieve method. 152. The complications frequently accompanying diabetes, such as impairment of vision and of kidney function, are now thought to result from the lack of continuous control of blood glucose concentrations. 153. The dispersion process in heterogeneous porous media is distance dependent, which result from the multi scaling property of heterogeneous structure. 154. Restrictive cardiomyopathy may result from either myocardial or endomyocardial diseases. 155. Friendship, a more lasting commodity than love, is as likely to result from a marriage of convenience as from any other. 156. In general, excess calcium effects result from the anion with which the element is associated. 157. I am aware that my investment capital must not result from a criminal offence. 158. Paul Woolley of the London School of Economics has suggested that momentum might result from an agency problem. 159. Many patients who have persistent low backache might result from lumber vertebral osteophyte . 160. COMA:A state of unconsciousness. In diabetes, it may result from a variety of causes including severe hypoglycemia or diabetic ketoacidosis. 161. Under the allowance method, companies estimate the amount of the uncollectible accounts expense that will eventually result from a period's sale in order to reflect the expense during the same period. 162. F waves result from the back fire of the motoneuron activation, which may indirectly reflect the functional state of the motoneurons. 163. Moles , also known as nevi, and melanoma often result from the same genetic mutation, and the biological pathway that differentiates the two had been a mystery. 164. Should an injury result from nonstandard practice, a malpractice claim for damages could be made. 165. This was the result from the large - scale regression in the Late Ordovician. 166. Scientists suggest that this may result from alcohol's effect on visual perception abilities. 167. Then you're stuck not only with the original problem, but all the bad feelings and ill-will that result from failure. 168. And, he adds, "there is an element of impetuousness of judgment, which might result from being a woman. 169. Gains in sodium can result from hyperaldosteronism, Cushing's syndrome, or excessive hypertonic saline or sodium bicarbonate administration. 170. Finally, long - range prediction model of the gibberellin was developed according to the result from the analyses. 171. We shall deduce the result from a lemma about Euler trails in directed multigraphs. 172. Conclusions Decreased elastic fibers in the tunica albuginea can result from diabetes mellitus. 173. Based on this turf-type Festuca rubra L. summer dormancy occur, mainly result from the summer heat, pressure of drought. Its extent of summer dormancy varies with species difference. 174. The joint zero position deviations of joint type CMM, which result from assembly technology errors, have an enormous influence on the pose errors of probe end. 175. Indirect ionization by neutrons can also result from fission of plutonium or uranium isotopes. 176. Then extracts the multiple features of these target candidate areas in fusion detection result from the two sensor images as the evidence to eliminate redundant information. 177. Characterized by scattered scarring of some of the glomeruli, this condition may result from another disease or a genetic defect or occur for no known reason. 178. This is a distinctive commercial profit pattern, result from the profit that searches an industry. 179. There are at least thirty-four physical symptoms of stress which result from bullying. There are an even greater number of psychological symptoms associated with bullying. 180. The dislocation helices might result from the cross slip of some segments on an initial screw dislocation from (111)plane to (112) plane.