potentially造句31. Tears help to protect the eye from potentially harmful foreign bodies.
32. So far they have only dipped their toe in the potentially vast computer market.
33. The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentially catastrophic.
34. Ignoring safety procedures can have potentially tragic consequences.
35. The interior, too, contains elements which are potentially destructive.
36. That prevented a potentially violent political explosion.
37. It is also a potentially destructive one.
38. This is potentially the most convincing argument.
39. There were potentially avoidable factors in all the cases.
40. Doctors said afterwards the overdose was potentially life threatening.
41. They also claim that fluoride potentially causes birth defects.
42. The timing is potentially embarrassing for the Government.
43. Failure to share information is potentially dangerous.
44. New powers to refuse wastes and revoke licences are potentially powerful weapons in controlling the movement and safe disposal of wastes.
45. By setting up such a system yourself, you are potentially circumventing any security systems your company has in place.
46. This standard ensures the unit is waterproof and so prevents an accidental, and potentially fatal, combination of water and electricity.
47. Cantor was elated; a potentially devastating situation was about to be defused.
48. This automatic system monitors the position, closure rate and altitude of nearby aircraft, identifying potentially threatening intruders.
49. Microwave cooking creates potentially dangerous substances in baby milk which may damage the brain, liver and kidneys, doctors said.
50. Skirmishes are already going on as rivals battle to gain control of potentially lucrative new domains such as.pro.
51. Try the risky, potentially spectacular shot, or cut his losses and play safe?
52. Such automated systems would also be potentially vulnerable to false information from people or agents hoping to capitalize on their correlated behaviour.
53. This has caused some concern as peaceful demonstrators may be prevented from marching because of the threat posed by a potentially disruptive counter-demonstration.
54. Amgen also said it would pay for any human trials to test the drugs, a potentially costly expense.
55. They tend, however, to keep a closer watch on discharges which are potentially highly polluting or large in volume.
56. National Savings For a more guaranteed but potentially less bountiful return, there are a number of fixed-rate bonds.
57. The major benefit would be in raising awareness of this potentially devastating condition.
58. With no suspense about the outcome to enliven the potentially dull political proceedings, the Republicans embraced the popular world of entertainment.
59. The chalk pit itself is potentially a valuable habitat and adds yet one more facet to this lovely stretch of land.
60. Of the six basic housework tasks cooking is, according to these women, potentially the most enjoyable activity.