potentially造句151. Potentially the hermaphrodite dissolves gender difference and, at least in its associated idea of androgyny, has become acceptable.
152. Rhys was to receive the potentially life-saving operation at the unit before its closure.
153. The intact skin acts as a barrier between the internal and the external environment which contains many potentially harmful agents.
154. Many growers may feel overwhelmed as they struggle to keep abreast of potentially helpful developments.
155. What is important is that all the chlorine in the VOCs ends up as chloride ion rather than other potentially hazardous chlorinated compounds.
156. An aptly named gas, discovered in 1766, it had that potentially lethal combination of having both explosive and lifting properties.
157. So how do we remove the mystery from a potentially highly beneficial technology?
158. Their potentially adverse effects with particular reference to the diabetic will now be outlined.
159. Long billed as a potentially boundless source of relatively clean energy, fusion research costs hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
160. What was a potentially valuable, or at least useful, asset in bricks and mortar rapidly becomes a liability.
161. The above strategies are potentially available for resolving the tension between word order and communicative function.
162. In this way the timbers will be protected from repeated desiccation and expansion, potentially a grave danger to such ancient wood.
163. The 1995 text addresses the science linking antioxidant nutrients found in plant foods with a potentially beneficial role in fighting disease.
164. The term dormant volcano is applied during the period between eruptions to those volcanoes thought to be potentially active.
165. The question begs other questions and is potentially leading and confusing.
166. However, many potentially hazardous chemical installations are not covered by such regulations.
167. These include the more firmly established association between the drugs and a potentially fatal lung disease, primary pulmonary hypertension.
168. Clearly the disclosure letter is important as it potentially undermines the warranties.
169. The effects of comet and asteroid impacts are potentially damaging to life in general, and to human civilization in particular.
170. Location inserts potentially give the strongest visual clues to programme content.
171. The image presented was of potentially active individuals bereft both of health and satisfaction through enforced retirement from economic activity.
172. They are also prominent in investigating potentially dangerous occurrences in the day's routine.
173. It would also make extremely efficient use of potentially dwindling uranium supplies.
174. A living being is therefore in essence a potentially self-healing system.
175. It will potentially drive a wedge between the Catholic H.E.
176. He considers such maneuverings a ridiculous way to run a government and still potentially hazardous to the credit markets here and abroad.
177. But if the moment of performance is considered as potentially an act of composition, a different perspective can emerge.
178. There is a potentially much broader field of work which could be construed as the sociology of knowledge.
179. Recourse to stabbing is at least potentially more open to abuse.
180. The issue was a potentially controversial one for Clinton, who was embarking on his re-election campaign.