potentially造句181. Gradually the voluntary churches thus came to be safety valves for society, means of draining potentially dangerous conflict into harmless channels.
182. It was potentially extremely dangerous and although it had survived since the war it may have been very unstable.
183. Worse, it confuses your readers and makes a potentially interesting message boring.
184. Outside the stadium, however, the competitors excelled-clocking up a potentially world-beating 106 asylum applications.
185. These are held in a removable cage which makes the potentially awkward job of fitting new cards easier.
186. They unanimously supported calls for action to prevent bail hostels being used by potentially dangerous offenders.
187. At least some of the wood should be harvested, potentially putting carbon back into the atmosphere.
188. I have come to the same conclusion as many people who find that they have a potentially fatal disease.
189. Punitive damages potentially could be much more costly to cigarette companies than compensatory damages.
190. But according to plaintiffs' attorneys, the privilege log could be invaluable in helping them pry loose potentially damning documents.
191. For this reason concentrations of potentially interfering metal ions approximating the serum levels are used in the standards.
192. A bad interviewer can give a potentially excellent employee such a negative impression that he or she loses interest in the job.
193. And he says potentially far more damaging excerpts from his tape haven't yet been used.
194. The effort potentially could have a major impact on apparel industry working conditions worldwide.
195. Such abuse of power is not just a problem for women, it is potentially an obstacle to accomplishing the mission.
196. The tyres contain only low levels of carbon and no dioxins; potentially harmful products of burning tyres are to be recycled.
197. What people do in retirement is equally important, yet we know comparatively little about this potentially lengthy and possibly isolated experience.
198. Salesmen warning DOOR-TO-DOOR salesmen are posing as Fire Brigade representatives to sell potentially lethal fire extinguishers, it has been disclosed.
199. I agree with you that it's not right to call your son names, and that slapping him is potentially dangerous.
200. Intake of potentially hepatotoxic drugs, intravenous drug addiction and previous blood transfusions were ruled out in all patients.
201. There are two circumstances that may potentially reduce the diagnostic accuracy of this technique.
202. It was the first major industrial dispute to test the Conservative Government's industrial legislation, or at least potentially to do so.
203. Now they are composite, multi-faceted and potentially more dangerous - and the governments contributing troops tend to be much more demanding.
204. These sources of exposure are potentially controllable by regulation or other government intervention.
205. The bureaucracy also offered a means of social control over potentially antagonistic classes.
206. The potentially tainted gruel reached more than 80 countries.
207. All disputed points are potentially resolvable.
208. Potentially huge oil also lie underneath the Caspian Sea.
209. He doesn't have any of those potentially redemptive qualities.
210. Children and guns are a potentially lethal cocktail.