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91, At length he returned to the boarded-up shell which had been his family seat for countless generations. 92, The company were crammed into the kitchen like a limpet in its shell. 93, Mercifully, the Windows shell offers you tick boxes instead of command line switches to make life a little easier. 94, Some of them may have become bottom living, crawling hunters for which a gastropod-like shell would have been more appropriate. 95, Hard boil the fresh quails' eggs for 3min, cool slightly and shell. 2. 96, The first views came when the robot had already entered the atmosphere, and had discarded its protective shell. 97, Sometimes you can find a Zebra flatworm sharing the snail shell with the hermit crab. 98, As I approached Lovat and the two Officers, a shell burst a short distance away. 99, He secured a single-burner gasoline stove and wrapped a cylindrical iron shell lined with fire-clay around it. 100, Make a clam shell cruet Emulsion in your chosen colour 1 Apply a layer of undercoat or primer and leave to dry. 101, The stone interior of the church held darkness as a curved shell holds water. 102, Water patterns bounce off polished chrome, the fibreglass shell is honed to a waxy sheen of pearl. 103, And I also learned there is more to shell collecting than picking up a few for the condo coffee table. 104, The crab effectively parasitises these protective devices for its own ends by placing the anemone on its shell. 105, As befits its relatively young geological age,[www.] the specimen is preserved with its original shell material. 106, Even Reeves's younger brother, under the full blast of a howitzer shell, had stood a better chance. 107, The mature shell size also varies from small species a few centimetres across to giants of a metre or more in diameter. 108, Nematode eggs differ greatly in size and shape, and the shell is of variable thickness usually consisting of three layers. 109, They met the same tempest of shell, grape, canister, and musketry, and recoiled. 110, A slightly later anthropoid shell of the 1630s in the same vault displays an alternative technique. 111, The cowrie concentrates its secretion along the sides of the mantle, forming a shell like a loosely clenched fist. 112, His rib cage was missing on one side where a large piece of shell casing stuck out from under his breastbone. 113, I bounce a few more cheery sentences off her, but she has withdrawn into her shell. 114, Sometimes there were duckboards around the lips of the huge shell craters. 115, This is trapped between the inner and outer shell with an insulating filling divided into compartments for greater efficiency. 116, The other crab, rather than being left homeless and therefore extremely vulnerable to predators, instantly jumped into the broken shell. 117, A shell tore through his back, shattering his shoulder and collarbone and biting into his spine. 118, He did it three times, and each time the shell came up flush with the barrel. 119, Little boys dove in to grab the brass shell casings. 120, I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.Isaac Newton