快好知 kuaihz

1. The world was drifting to war. 2. The wind is drifting the snow. 3. People kept drifting in and out of the meeting. 4. Is the business drifting towards bankruptcy? 5. A tiny fishing boat was drifting slowly along. 6. Some roads are closed because of drifting. 7. The country seems to be drifting towards war. 8. A fleecy cloud was drifting past. 9. He hasn't decided what to do yet-he's just drifting. 10. The ship was drifting on the ocean. 11. Some roads are closed owing to drifting. 12. He felt himself drifting off to sleep . 13. I was just drifting off when the phone rang. 14. He doesn't want a career, he's just drifting. 15. We seem to be drifting away from the point. 16. Jenni spent the year drifting around Europe. 17. There are some drifting petals in that river. 18. He spent the day drifting aimlessly about the house. 19. The piece of wood was drifting down the river. 20. The boats were drifting farther and farther apart. 21. You've been drifting from job to job without any real commitment. 22. We need to offer young people drifting into crime an alternative set of values. 23. She was just drifting into sleep when the alarm went off. 24. Cool summer dance sounds are drifting from the stereo indoors. 25. I couldn't help drifting off in the middle of that lecture - it was so boring! 26. She tried to concentrate, but found her mind drifting back to Alex. 27. Women began drifting over to the table. 28. His thoughts kept drifting back to Zoser. 29. Would a snow fence on the roof stop drifting? 30. There is a general sense that the country and economy alike are drifting.