快好知 kuaihz

61. We shall follow closely the development of the situation. 62. He peered closely at the photograph. 63. Maxwell listened closely as Johnson laid out his plan. 64. I've been following his progress very closely. 65. Our defence had him closely marked. 66. Our views on this issue coincide closely with yours. 67. His hair was closely cropped. 68. The police are following the suspect's movements very closely. 69. He followed the speaker's words closely. 70. The church seeks to cooperate closely with local schools. 71. She closely resembles her mother. 72. The trends here closely mirror those in America. 73. They followed her academic progress closely. 74. The children huddled closely together for warmth. 75. Bad diet is closely connected with many common illnesses. 76. Good teaching and good testing are closely related. 77. Stella had had her hair closely cropped . 78. American companies are watching Japanese developments closely. 79. Griffiths closely supervised the research. 80. The two subjects are closely connected. 81. The Belgian language is closely related to French. 82. Economic progress is closely bound up with educational development. 83. I reminded myself to watch them closely. 84. The euro has closely shadowed the dollar. 85. She closely resembles her sister. 86. Here Wordsworth's verse movement closely approaches that of Gray. 87. The ground mist clung closely to the hedgerows. 88. These results accord closely with our predictions. 89. The government is monitoring the situation very closely . 90. Human rights groups have been closely watching the case.