快好知 kuaihz

91. The player was guarded closely by her opponent. 92. The two maps of London correspond closely. 93. Dolphins and porpoises are closely related. 94. The prisoners were closely guarded. 95. Mind and body are closely related. 96. Anthropology is closely allied to the field of psychology. 97. I hugged her closely and hush her excitement. 98. This will be a closely fought race. 99. Social services and health workers liaise closely. 100. Political activity is closely controlled. 101. My profession touches our national defense very closely. 102. Their company's future is closely tied to our own. 103. She was following Laura'sprogress closely. 104. English and German are closely related. 105. His fate was closely entwined with her. 106. The group clustered together closely. 107. Pity and love are closely akin. 108. Joseph questioned the doctors closely . 109. We are consulting closely with our partners and allies. 110. She haunted Jackson closely before becoming a singing star. 111. The problems of crime and unemployment are closely intertwined. 112. The team will work closely with other government departments. 113. She discovered that she was being closely watched. 114. I sat and watched everyone very closely . 115. We work closely with the careers officers in schools. 116. The two companies are closely allied with each other. 117. The two things are closely interconnected. 118. Mr Edelson was closely connected with Trinity College. 119. They had cooperated closely in the planning of the project. 120. The people most closely affected are the passengers who were injured and, worst of all[.com], those who lost relatives.