快好知 kuaihz

121. He interacted closely with us so as to finish the difficult task. 122. They questioned her closely about her friendship with the dead man. 123. She was closely questioned about her whereabouts on the night of the murder. 124. The school's unexceptionable purpose is to involve parents more closely in the education of their children. 125. She's a student and has to watch her budget closely. 126. How do you explain the existence of closely related species in widely separated locations? 127. His theory is linked closely with the success of our economic reform. 128. She watched the man closely to see where he would go. 129. The two communities are closely knit by a common faith. 130. The description of these events corresponds closely to other accounts written at the time. 131. The successful applicant will be working closely with our international staff. 132. That passage interested me because it seems to parallel very closely what you're doing in the novel. 133. In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized. 134. This argument may seem arcane to those not closely involved in the world of finance. 135. Because they worked so closely in the same department, John was tarred with the same brush as Tim. 136. This evidence ties in closely with what we already know. 137. All parts of the aircraft are closely scrutinized for signs of wear or damage. 138. The two runners contested the race closely it was nip and tuck all the way. 139. He walked into the room, closely followed by the rest of the family. 140. They are closely charting the progress of the telecommunications satellite. 141. Our price has already been closely calculated. There is no room for reduction. 142. The sentry guard dived into his foxhole and closely observed the stranger towards him. 143. Several pages of closely reasoned argument preface her account of the war. 144. The history of the company is closely bound up with the history of the Grant family. 145. If they need to bunch aircraft more closely together to bring in one that is short of fuel, they will do so. 146. The two companies are closely tied up with each other. 147. The tax office liaises closely with our department on such matters. 148. The animals were reared in conditions which approximated the wild as closely as possible. 149. The recipe for their health drink is a closely guarded trade secret. 150. I have been closely involved in the work of both committees.