快好知 kuaihz

61, Hiatt had come to oppose Shames and his plan to build a $ 30 million high-tech distribution center in Louisville, Ky. 62, He may oppose this measure but he should not pre-empt the results of the environmental assessment. 63, The argument about increased accuracy and destruction leads on to two which oppose such weapons. 64, Many of us oppose not just these policies and the international institutions that enforce them. 65, When James challenged both of these, Tory Anglicans inevitably sought to oppose him. 66, We should not oppose the principle of compulsory treatment simply because it could be misused. 67, Some delegates have indicated they will oppose a vice presidential nominee who is not solidly against abortion. 68, D., said Senate Democrats would oppose the final measure if it contains the provision on students. 69, On the other hand there is nothing in the Labour amendment which many of them would oppose anyway. 70, For Marxists, the changing nature of capitalist interests ultimately dictates what happens in medicine even though doctors themselves may oppose the changes. 71, I sought a mandate from my constituents to oppose the poll tax and made it plain exactly what I would do. 72, The problem is that the burden to oppose a development falls upon local communities. 73, Having lost the opportunity to oppose the factory itself, local opposition first focused on the factory's dumping plans. 74, As citizens we can oppose unfair trade and voice that opposition to our political leaders. 75, But there are others who vehemently oppose changing the general plan designation in either area. 76, To oppose McCarthy was to invite hints about one's own loyalty. 77, Over a hundred other organizations also came to oppose the plan, including trade unions, environmental groups and parish councils. 78, I am surprised that the Labour party has decided to oppose it. 79, Republicans bitterly oppose sampling, saying it invents people for Democratic benefit. 80, A local group has formed to oppose the mining and has held its first public meeting. 81, Their bodies were left for several hours to serve as an example of the fate awaiting people who oppose the regime. 82, But traditional catholic moral doctrine would oppose this on the grounds of the legitimacy of the state qua state. 83, It would be folly to oppose the exploration of this weapon. 84, Can we oppose the checkerboard strategy on the ground that it would produce more instances of injustice than it would prevent? 85, It is typical for local residents to oppose the building of a nuclear waste facility. 86, Some city residents who oppose annexation are concentrating on trying to accomplish positive alternatives. 87, I have said several times that we will not oppose the Bill. 88, Some polls show as many as 70 percent of respondents oppose gay marriage. 89, She says she might oppose the final annexation plan if given enough reason. 90, Both the Lakeside Planning Group and the Lakeside Design Review Board oppose throwing out the specific plan.