快好知 kuaihz

151, After all, Obama had the dignity to oppose the war in Iraq while the Republican and Democratic parties cheered the announcement of this bloodbath. 152, TEHRAN, Iran - June 26 Acting Oil Minister Mohammad Ali Liebadi 26, reiterated that Iran will continue to oppose parts of the country's oil consumption increased OPEC production quota requirements. 153, Pro-life conservatives oppose embryonic stem-cell research on the grounds that it destroys life. 154, And in fact there have been those in theChristian community that wage war in the spiritual realm like Islamicterrorists, even burning at the stake those who oppose theirinterpretation of the Bible. 155, He is Hatcher's assassin. Paid to hunt all who oppose him, including me. 156, Mr. Zhao said that unlike Mr. Ai, he did not directly oppose the party, though his subjects, from oppressed peasants to drug-addicted rock musicians, live on China's margins. 157, A scientist has the freedom to doubt or oppose any research and development project, but not the right to question or oppose projects that they've taken on. 158, The story has pinged around quite a few blogs since, and Rush Limbaugh and Martina Navratilova have taken their predicted positions. (Limbaugh: gay activists finally have a reason to oppose abortion. 159, Those who oppose or support GM crops per se make an unhelpful generalisation. 160, To oppose U. S. imperialism , people of European origin in the Latin-American countries should unite with the indigenous Indians. 161, Father very disappointed sigh mouth Ch'i said this even a, further pursuing is oppose. 162, In the first place, we should not only lay emphasis on finance security, but also oppose financial hegemony by restraining dollar glut. 163, Meanwhile, they differ a lot in the means they negate subjectivity and abandon preexistent rules and in the way they oppose reason and logic. 164, Accordingly, agrotechnical promotion is versed in the development of oppose agriculture and rural economics is crucial. 165, Brazil was one of five nations at the just-ended Summit of the Americas to oppose U. S. calls for negotiations on a hemispheric free-trade agreement. 166, The money anti-laundering work is a long-term, systematic and integrated project, and any enterprise is unable to oppose to the money laundering crime independently. 167, Does the DPP intend to oppose CECA regardless of the consequences? 168, Everyone must see that the other States, inself - defense , must oppose it at all hazards. 169, Dodd has been discussing alternatives to Obama's CFPA proposal to try to bridge disagreements with Republicans, who oppose making the CFPA an independent agency. 170, The significances of the theory are that it provides powerful arms of thought for the people to advocate science and oppose feudalist superstition. 171, Participants can indicate if they agree, disagree, kind of agree or oppose vehemently -- all non-verbally. 172, Because the Right of Preemption is likely to injure the security of trafficking, it shouldn't peremptorily oppose the third party. And some restrictions are necessary. 173, Though it looks complicated, their basic stand didn't oppose with each other, there has no difference of their reorganization of Kumintang and their posit of elite. 174, He says the DPJ will oppose the stimulus package, which he describes as "half-baked",[http:///oppose.html] favouring the LDP's traditional interests over the elderly and the weak. 175, Results The Baihe Dihuang decoction can obviously oppose the situations that reserpine induced, including ptosis, akinesia and body temperature drops. Also it can increase the content of mouse's 5? 176, Chiang Kai-shek who is trying to usurp the fruits of victory of the War of Resistance and ourselves who oppose his usurpation. 177, And considering the force of Ming and suzerain - feudatory system some officials in the frontier are actually adopt the policy of supporting Li' s to oppose Mo' s. 178, Another old expression that comes from England is to kick over the traces, meaning to resist the commands of one's parents, or to oppose or reject authority. 179, "Why don't they ban cigarettes from CT first, then we can get into the rest," one Facebook member wrote on a page for people who oppose the hookah legislation in Connecticut. 180, However, there are 120 moneybags written to oppose the abolition of estate duty.