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121, Children come to oppose Lying because truthfulness is necessary for cooperation. 122, Such disparate allegiances are more likely to agree on what they oppose than in what they support. 123, But Republicans now in command at the White House and in Congress generally oppose new gun control measures. 124, Nor do I believe in deliberately making people poor: that is why I oppose sanctions. 125, He provides the intellectual thrust and gravitas of the arguments of those who oppose monetary and political union. 126, Romley strayed from the fold only recently, daring to oppose Symington on juvenile-justice reform. 127, Sam Nunn said Thursday that he will support a minimum wage increase and oppose a repeal of the gas tax. 128, Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else.Theodore Roosevelt 129, Barbara Boxer, when she announced she will oppose the anti-gay marriage bill. 130, But in terms of the protestant - loyalist philosophy, the overwhelming majority of catholics oppose the state's legitimacy. 131, For what other reason does he oppose a blanket advertising ban on tobacco? 132, Dole did initially oppose it but ultimately voted for it that year. 133, The disabled from the Prestbury centre and other similar centres are planning a protest demonstration in Cheltenham on Friday to oppose charges. 134, All who oppose will be buried alive. 135, To oppose with force or resolution. 136, Those which oppose us be to be bring under. 137, We must oppose attempt to politicize trade issues. Politicizing trade issues will harm the interests of not just one side, but both sides. 138, Those that submit and accord with you, treat them generously and virtuously . Those that oppose you, break with force. 139, Yet those who oppose organized religion may be missing out on some of the best tools for staving off meaninglessness. 140, Recording day by day the symptoms of degeneration, it tried to oppose to the growing Thermidor the conscious will of the proletarian vanguard. 141, The Islamists in the Brotherhood do not support the military as much as they want to undermine the revolutionary groups, liberals, and secularist parties that they oppose. 142, We support those who maintain peace and oppose those who make war and who seek hegemony. 143, The use of a trademark watch service could provide foreign companies with timely information to decide whether to oppose to a mala fide application in a given country or region. 144, Learning historic experience should fight against doctrinairism and oppose to deviating away from historic experience as well... 145, The core of the insurgency is made up of Sunni Muslim militants who oppose the polls. 146, Thumb can oppose other fingers because of its special caropmetacarpal joint (trapeziometacarpal joint). 147, Many Republicans oppose any path to legal status for illegal immigrants, viewing it as a reward for lawbreaking. 148, Most US businesses oppose the bill for its potential to escalate to China putting retaliatory tariffs on US imports. 149, We should advocate doing Business in an honest way and resolutely oppose giving short weight. 150, Tragedy spirit is the struggling spirit and sacrifice spirit that dramatis personae oppose doom fate for some perfect value.