快好知 kuaihz

181. I think the company places too much stress on cost and not enough on quality. 182. They were already under stress, thanks to the aftershock of last year's drought. 183. The trend towards downshifting, where employees swap the stress of corporate life for more quality time, tempted 6% of the UK workforce last year. 184. Jogging puts a lot of stress on your knee joints. 185. The meaning of a sentence often depends on stress and intonation. 186. When you have an injury you start putting stress on other parts of your body. 187. She swears by meditation as a way of relieving stress. 188. During his speech, he laid particular stress on the freedom of the press. 189. The stress began to get to her, and one morning she just snapped. 190. A system of beliefs can bring you reassurance at times of stress. 191. Stress is often self-inflicted. 192. There are steps you can take to counter the effects of stress. 193. When you have made up your mind, pick on a day when you will not be under much stress. 194. Regular exercise helps to combat unwanted stress and is a good way of relaxing or letting off steam. 195. Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress. 196. Shoes with high heels put a great deal of stress on knees and ankles. 197. Many workers experience a high level of stress in their daily life. 198. Normally, the stress falls on the first syllable of a word. 199. An overcrowded workplace can be a major source of stress. 200. There's been a lot of stress on getting drug sellers off the streets. 201. the primary stress is on the third syllable, and the secondary stress is on the first syllable. 202. In the word 'engine', you should stress the first syllable. 203. Many people felt that admitting to stress was a sign of weakness. 204. A heart attack can be brought on by stress and worry. 205. She's been under a lot of stress recently and it's starting to tell. 206. His explanation for resigning was that he was under stress . 207. His reason for resigning was that he was under stress. 208. Stress has an immeasurably more serious effect on our lives than we realize. 209. If you pin people down, they will tell you some puzzling things about stress. 210. Support from family and friends acts as a buffer against stress.