快好知 kuaihz








3月初,我收到了一封特别的来信,来自于我们丹麦团队的高级销售经理Torben Arlyk。他17岁入职IBM,后随并购加入联想,在工作40年后,即将退休。Torben所在的丹麦团队是“出租车愿景”的缔造者,他们立志让丹麦的每一个出租车司机都知道联想。今天,这个梦想早已变成现实,我们在丹麦拥有全球各个市场中最高的占比,超过50%。联想之于丹麦,已经是家喻户晓的品牌。Torben在信中告诉我,从小到大,他一直在追寻“生命至臻”(the greatest in life),在联想,在与同事们一起努力的过程中,他终于实现了自己的梦想。



与此同时,疫情当前,请大家务必遵循各区域和Site Leader团队的防疫指导,确保健康与安全。我们在各地的疫情防控小组正日以继夜地工作,一手抓防疫,一手促运行,在严密防控的前提下,以对员工、合作伙伴和客户最安全的方式,力求业务的正常运营。




联想集团董事长兼CEO 杨元庆


Dear Team,

As we start our new Fiscal year today, each of us finds the world a much different place than where we were a year ago. Even though we are more separated than ever, with many working from Home for the near future, I believe this Crisis has brought us and much of the world closer together. We see citizens of every Country helping their neighbors and communities around the world. Countries are sharing critical best practices, and even their valuable Medical resources to one another.

Our vision of “Smarter Technology for all” has never been more prescient than right now. Technology that brings our friends and families together, connectivity that enables distance learning, data centers that are streaming more video than ever before – this is our vision becoming reality, and it is only possible with each one of you working together to overcome the Crisis.

Lenovo is truly a unique, global Company – one I believe is equipped like no other to weather this storm. Our global nature means we are constantly working remotely. But Key to our success in overcoming the long distances that separate us has always been the fact that we are in it together, as One Lenovo.

In fact, earlier last month I heard from Torben Arlyk, a Senior Sales Manager in Denmark, Who is retiring after 40 years with IBM and Lenovo. Torben was part of the “Taxi Vision” Team Who had the Goal of making Lenovo known to every taxi Driver throughout Denmark – and was successful in gaining more than 50% Share in the Country! In His letter to me, Torben communicated that, he has been finding “the greatest in life” since he was a Young Man, and at Lenovo, he has eventually realized this dream through working with the fantastic colleagues from all over the world.

This is why I Am certain we will not only withstand today’s uncertain times, but we will emerge from it stronger, ready for a new future and the new possibilities of a more connected world because Lenovo is full of Torbens Who never settle, Who always strive for impossible dreams and take us to greater heights.

Like Torben, I also want to highlight those Who have driven Lenovo to where we stand today. I Am delighted to Share our 2020 Lenovo Corporate Award winners. This year we are honoring over 100 individuals and Heroes as well as 18 teams comprised of more than 660 members all over the world Who have gone above and beyond for Lenovo this past year. Please take time to learn more about your peers’ achievements by viewing the Lenovo Corporate Awards Storybook and join me in congratulating them for their success!

I hope each of you remain safe and healthy and encourage everyone to continue following the guidance of their Geo and Office Site Leadership teams. These groups are working around the clock to ensure the well-being of everyone, and that our operations continue in a way that’s safe for our employees, partners, and Customers.

I look forward to the day when I can see each of you! Until then, I will ‘see’ many of you in our first-ever virtual Kickoff events in the coming weeks. I will be joined by Gianfranco, Kirk, Buniac,Gina, Gao Lan, Yong Rui, Art and many more as we align on our achievements, our Strategy, and our goals for the new year.

Thank you for another milestone year in Lenovo’s history and for your combined spirit that has kept the entire Company, your teams and your leaders, and even me going forward during these difficult days.

Thank you,

Yuanqing Yang

Chairman & CEO


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