快好知 kuaihz






HestudiedEnglishhard in the university for the test on Sunday.他在大学里,为了考试星期日努力学习英语。




  Helenisthe most conceited(自负) personI know. She thinks she knows everything and can do anything under the sun.  According to her, she is an expert bowler, tennis player, swimmer, and softball player.  She tells everyone that she is the smartest person in the class.  No matter what the problem is, Helen always thinks she can solve it because she believes that there is nothing she can not do. 

注解:英国人在写文章的段落时,同样把最重要的东西放在段首,既主题句。此段在第一句“海伦是一个最自负的人”,先说段落主题然后再进一步说明海伦是如何自负。考试中我们只需看一句就够了,无需全部阅读。如果不认识conceited,便可读第二句“She thinks she knows everything and can do anything under the sun.”“她认为在这个世界上她无所不知,无所不能。”从该句也可推出conceited是自负的意思。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------


  In the last 500 years,nothingaboutpeople-notheir clothes, ideas, or languages----has changedas much aswhatthey eat.The original chocolate drink was made from the seeds of the cocoa tree by South American Indians. The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the1500’s, and although it was very expensive, it quickly became fashionable. InLondonshops where chocolate drinks were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today. 

1.According to the passage, which of the following has changed the most in the last 500 years?A)        Food.             B) Chocolate.C)     Potato.          D) Coffee. 

注解:在阅读理解的考试中,经常提问段落的主题句,既中心思想。我们只要读一句what they eat.就够了,这样可以节省大量的时间。 

 Even though ulcers(溃疡)appear to run in families, lifestyle plays more of a role than genetic(基因的)factorsin causing the illness, according to a report in the April 13thJournal of Internal Medicine. In particular, smoking and stress in men and the regular use of pain-releasing medicines in women were linked with an increased risk of developing an ulcer.1.    The passage argues thatA.    ulcers are related to genes.B.  Ulcers arechieflyrelated tolifestyle.C.    Ulcers appear in men and women.D.    Ulcers are caused by bacteria infection. 


2、如果有转折词,如but, however等,中心思想通常在这些连词的后面。

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