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HMC | 情绪平衡与健康

In recent years a number of investigators have pro-posed the DHEA/cortisol ratio to be an important biological marker of stress and aging. When individuals are under prolonged stress, a divergence in this ratio results, as Cortisol levels continue to rise while DHEA levels decrease significantly. The effects of DHEA/Cortisol imbalance can be severe, and may include elevated blood sugar levels, increased bone loss, compromised immune function, decreased skin repair and regeneration, increased fat accumulation and brain cell destruction.


That effective emotional management can have such profound positive effects on the cardiovascular, immune, hormonal and autonomic nervous systems may provide a basis for the improved physical health and vitality reported by many individuals who regularly use the HeartMath tools. These effects may also help explain the health improvements and symptom reduction experienced by individuals suffering from diverse diseases and disorders after using the techniques.




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