快好知 kuaihz



  下次遇到这种客户一定记得要报给客户包邮价,哈:The best price I can offer to you is $xxx total including shipping for xxxpcs.


  Dear Xxx,

  Wish you have a nice day and everything goes well.

  Last time (Yesterday) I received your order about our Xxx Product and I updated the shipping cost to you immediately. (对上次沟通内容做一个总结).

  As long as you confirm the order and arrange the payment then I will arrange the shipping for you. (引导客户进入下一步).

  A good business needs more communication, I am totally ready to offer you the help with my professional product knowledge and experience, anyway I need your help in the further reply so that we can work together to move the order forward. (情商推进).

  Looking forward to your kind reply.

  est Regards

  Yours Xxx.

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