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Chen Gong: The Aging Countries Should Relook Immigration Policy

It is reported that Japan has the most serious aging problem whereby uninhabited area will expanded from the current 20% to 62% by year 2050. ANBOUND"s chief researcher Chen Gong warned about the issue of aging population 7 years ago; he stated that besides adjust social security system, the country also have to respond and focus on the issue of aging society. For instance, EU created "new Europe" though the expansion of European territory and brought in large number of young population to solve social security issue. Any country with serious aging population should relook and adjust its immigration policy soonest possible. The increasing uninhabited area in Japan requires great attention.

搜索建议:Immigration  Immigration词条  Countries  Countries词条  Should  Should词条  Relook  Relook词条  Policy  Policy词条  

