快好知 kuaihz


        第9届亚太国际艾滋病大会(ICAAP IX)将于2009年8月9日至8月13日在印度尼西亚巴厘举行。













The 9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP IX) will take place in Bali, Indonesia from 9 August - 13 August 2009.

ICAAP IX will bring people from various backgrounds in Asia and the Pacific region to meet and share knowledge, skills, ideas, and research findings related to HIV and AIDS.  The theme of this year"s conference is "Empowering People, Strengthening Networks".

The goal of ICAAP IX is to: promote scientific excellence and inquiry; provide a forum for meaningful dialogue; foster accountability; encourage individual and collective action in addressing HIV/AIDS in Asia and the Pacific; and ensure the sustainability of the response.

For more information about ICAAP IX, please visit:

http://www.yazhoudiaocha.com/events/146.php.  To visit the ICAAP IX website, please visit: www.icaap9.org.

Asia Catalyst has worked specifically to increase the presence of Chinese grassroots organizations at this year"s conference.  It is Asia Catalyst"s hope that bringing representatives of these Chinese NGOs together with their colleagues from other countries will serve to enhance the cross-border collaboration and the strengthening of networks that is the conference"s theme.

In the weeks leading up to ICAAP IX, Asia Report will be a resource for promoting the collaborative approach that is a driving purpose of the conference.

Also, keep checking back for presentations by and about ICAAP IX

participants and updates on related events.   Also, from 8 August to

13 August, we will be providing continuously updating, on-the-ground coverage of ICAAP IX activities.

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