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Weekly Civil Society News April 13 - April 19


Ex-laojiao inmate will continue her quest for justice

By Zhao Yinan, China Daily, April 13 2013


A former laojiao inmate, who claimed she was wrongfully confined without trial, says she will continue her quest for justice, after her initial lawsuit for State compensation was turned down on Friday.


Fresh Bread, fresh start

By Cang Wei and Song Wenwei, China Daily, April 14, 2013


Profile of Amity Bakery, a social enterprise established by the Nanjing Amity Foundation that is staffed with persons with intellectual disabilities.


Promoting the systemized development of public benefit organizations


By Wang Jian 王剑, China Science News 中国科学报, April 15, 2013


Interview with Jia Xijin, vice-president of Tsinghua"s NGO Research Center, about the space for growth for Chinese NGOs.


Regulations for social organization self-governance should be issued as soon as possible


By Zhao Xinxing 赵新星,  Southern Daily 南方日报, April 16, 2013


At the “Best Public Benefit” lecture held by the China Foundation Center and Tencent Charity Foundation last week, Wang Ming from the Tsinghua School of Public Policy and Management NGO Research Center, Xie Lihua from Rural Women Knowing All, and Wang Weina from NPI spoke about upcoming national reform of the social organization management regulations.


Environmental Public Interest Lawyers" Group founded in Hubei


By Wang Huixian 王会贤, Philanthropy Times 公益时报, April 16, 2013


As the number of environmental public interest lawsuits and incidents has increased, lawyers have decided to develop a slightly more formal group for the professionals engaged in this type of work.


Focus on social organization management system reform: expert calls for the timely issuance of the “Social Organization Law”


Philanthropy Times 公益时报, April 16, 2013


Li Xuming, vice-chairperson of the Guangdong Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences, emphasizes the need for an official comprehensive law, rather than dispersed regulations, in supervising and managing social organizations.


Report on International NGOs" Survival in China


By Zhang Mulan 张木兰, Philanthropy Times 公益时报, April 16, 2013


Looks at the survival strategies of international NGOs in China, which face significant barriers to registration and its accompanying perks, with a focus on Heifer International.


New rules for NGOs to improve operations

By He Dan, China Daily, April 17, 2013


Outlines new policies to alleviate NGO registration issues, while pointing out some of the major challenges that will remain for NGOs.


"Spring" in the air for NGOs?

By Tang Yue and He Dan, China Daily, April 17, 2013


A fairly realistic look at changes that may or may not be in store for Chinese NGOs.


Private foundations flourishing in China

Xinhua, April 17, 2013


The number of foundations set up in China reached 2,961 in the third quarter of 2012, about three times that of 2005, the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced Tuesday.


Lesbian couple calls for more understanding

By Xu Jingxi, China Daily, April 17, 2013


A lesbian couple in Guangzhou hosted a public "wedding" on Wednesday to call for more understanding and tolerance for same-sex marriages.


Eight types of Taiwanese social organizations can establish offices in Xiamen


By Fan Juan 樊娟, Haixi Morning Post 海西晨报, April 18, 2013


The Ministry of Civil Affairs recently approved a request by the Xiamen Civil Affairs Bureau to allow Taiwanese organizations working in economic development, education, science, culture, hygiene, environment, sport, and charity to register branch offices in Xiamen.


Last year"s RMB 2 billion in welfare lottery funds to be used for public interest, with a focus on serving disadvantaged groups

去年20亿元彩票公益金用于公益 重点服务特殊困难群体

By Chen Yu 陈郁, China Net 中国网, April 18, 2013


The Ministry of Civil Affairs announced yesterday how it will spend the contents of the welfare lottery public interest fund, revealing a focus on the elderly, the disabled, and orphans.


The seeds of “greatness” have already been planted


By Zhang Xuetao 张雪弢, Philanthropy Times 公益时报, April 18, 2013


Interview with Liu Xuanguo from the China Red Cross Foundation on the future for “great” Chinese foundations similar to those in other countries.


FTI Transparency Index promotes a new route for Chinese public interest


China Economic Net Public Interest Channel 中国经济网公益频道, April 18, 2013


Interview regarding the China Foundation Center"s FTI Transparency Index and other topics relating to the development of the public interest sector.


Raising flowers and planting grass


Philanthropy Times 公益时报, April 19, 2013


This article argues that too much energy is focused on the cultivation of Chinese NGO leadership, while not enough emphasis is placed on the development of a supportive environment for general staff, with sufficient salaries, benefits, and space for career growth.


Yunnan chromium public interest lawsuit mediation fails; defendant backs out

云南铬渣公益诉讼案调解失败 因被告单方面反悔

By Lin Ping 林平, Justice Net 正义网, April 19, 2013


A pollution case in Yunnan, led by Chinese NGO Friends of Nature and several other organizations, has failed to be resolved in mediation, and will proceed to court.

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