快好知 kuaihz

Experience from International Volunteer















AIESEC每月有超过1,400个活跃社区,250,000 个注册档案,以及10,000个论坛领导职位,是全球最大的、最活跃的开放性ACS平台。









































































































I am glad to be a part of AIESEC the world’s largest Youth organization which gave me a platform to discover and develop my potential in the world’s fastest developing economies i.e. China.






With over 1,400 active communities, 250,000 documents, and 10,000 forum postings per month, AIESEC is the largest and most active installation of the Open ACS platform in the world.






AIESEC in Delhi IIT, India supported and coordinated with AIESEC in Uibe Beijing, China. They helped me get an opportunity to work in the development sector of China that works for the cause of upliftment and rehabilitation of numerous ill destined and misfortunate children of China . It is called Beijing Feng Tai Li Zhi Healing Center.






It is then that I came to China and had a life changing and the most memorable experience. I would like to share my experience in terms of work and being a part of this country in the last eight weeks.  






We are caught up with our own little hankerings, cravings and aversions. The mind is filled with its own noise; it is unable to perceive the music of existence….






Yes, I experienced this when I first met the students of Li Zhi Healing Center. When we, the people with clear hearing, sound vision and healthy bodies, are busy rushing about our living, there is a group of people overlooked by our side. I realized this only when I met them and spent time with them trying to understand them. I could not interact with them in terms of language as I don"t understand Chinese very well, but still there was a bond that kept us together. It was the bond of love, affection, simplicity, purity and friendship that helped me understand them.






They experience this world with their unique perception of life. When our senses our dulled by the roughness of life which is always engaged in desiring more in life and living in ignorance of the present, they are sensing the creations in this world and depicting the colors of the Paradise with their spiritual and meaningful lives.






“Being disabled is not nearly as disabling as being discriminated against.” I think this society has no right to discriminate such human beings, as in my expereince I see them as independent actors in their own lives, rather than passive recipients of care or charity. I believe that they are the ones who are living life in the present and understand the meaning and purpose of this life.






 “They don"t exist but live unlike us.” Only after spending some time teaching various activities to the students of Li Zhi Healing Center, I realized that its important for the people in this world to know about their talent and their skills. That is why I encoraged, supported and organized an event called “Breaking Barriers Together”  with Beijing Feng Tai Li Zhi Healing Center, a NGO which cares for and educates Chinese people with disabilities.






People are disadvantaged not by their impairments, but as a result of the limitations imposed on them by attitudinal, social, cultural, economic, and environmental barriers to their participation in society. This is the reason that lead to the Event- “Breaking Barriers Together” aiming to raise awareness and break through the barrier caused by social stigma.






AIM: To raise awareness and make the citizen’s of China more responsible and sensitive for the issue of the disabled human beings.



Objective: It would give a platform to the disabled students to interact, communicate and express themselves in a different world. Thus, bridging the gap and resulting into a healthy outlook of the event.






Being an Indian, I have always been inquisitive to know more about the culture, people and language of China. After a lot of hard-work and patience, I got this opportunity to work with a non-governmental and non-profit organization called Li Zhi healing Center. I would consider myself to be extremely lucky because I got a chance to work and experience a country, which is growing at a rapid speed and has an extremely unique culture.






Being a part of China for a period of two months has been quite interesting and challenging at the same time both personally and professionally. I have had the time of my life staying with twelve Chinese girls for more than 6 weeks. It was awesome to learn about China and its people, and the best way to experience it was by living with them. I not only picked up the language Chinese but also learnt how to cook Chinese dishes like Hot Pot (which is my favorite), special Chinese noodles, mushrooms etc and also learnt to eat with chopsticks. However, at times I had to face a lot of challenges when I was suppose to travel alone in buses, bargain with the shop sellers, traveling long distances in heavy traffic. But I guess it was all a part of growing up and experiencing the real life of China and I had a great time facing all such problems because I could overcome all of it.






As a tourist I traveled to a lot of historical places in Beijing. I saw The Great Wall, The biggest Lama Temple, The Temple of Heaven, The Forbidden City, Summer Palace and Tiananmen Square. I was really impressed to study and experience going back to the history of China. As an individual opinion I liked The Great Wall the best out of all and I totally agree with the statement that “You"re not a real man if you haven"t climbed the Great Wall". It’s an elating and once in life time experience to stand on The Great Wall, one of the two places that can be spotted from the moon.






I also went to places like the Beijing Zoo, Chinese restaurants, the famous KTV and Messaging parlors and some good night clubs. I had the time of my life experiencing things I had never even heard of. Apart from being in Beijing, I traveled to the south of China. I went for a holiday trip to Guangzhou, A place which is famous for its brilliant food and shopping.






The most memorable and exciting day for me in Guangzhou was when I saw the Dragon Boat Festival, Standing in a rush, trying to look at the boats on the Pearl River, competing against each other at a great speed. Cheering for them was an experience that I cannot get in any other country. Later we had the rice dumplings, which was awesome as well.






In the last eight weeks, I was on a journey in a place which has over 5000 years of civilization, lots of knowledge and some spiritual beliefs. It was like a cauldron containing globalization, lots of technology, infrastructure, trade, industry and commerce. It is the fastest developing and booming Economy in the world. Thus, China is a complex module of DNA...and for China I think now sky is the limit.






It is beautiful, unique and different but sometimes chaotic and frustrating. But that’s just CHINA AND I LOVE THIS PLACE.








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