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From 2002 to 2005, Winrock’s NGO Capacity Building Program compiled a series of training materials for Chinese NGOs. This material was edited for wider dissemination in 2005 as the NGO Management Series. This series was edited by Julia G. Bentley, Wang Guangyu and Huizeren Human Services Group. For author information on this volume, please see the foreword. Winrock’s NGO Capacity Building Program is grateful to the authors, editors and to the Ford Foundation for making these publications possible, and to Chinese NGOs for making the effort worthwhile.


This publication is not copyrighted. The use, translation, adaptation, copying and dissemination of this material for non-commercial purposes is encouraged, provided acknowledgment is made to the authors, Winrock NGO Capacity Building Program and the Ford Foundation. The correct citation is: Julia G. Bentley et al, eds, NGO Management Series (Wenluoke Feiyingli Zuzhi Guanli Cankao Ziliao Xilie), followed by volume number and the title of the volume, Winrock NGO Capacity Building Program, Beijing, 2005.



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Preface to NGO Management Series


The creative potential of China’s citizens will shape the future of the nation. Increasingly, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are providing a channel to mobilize that potential.  NGOs constitute an important dimension of China’s emerging civil society, but they face operational challenges due to limited staffing, financial resources and experience.


Winrock’s NGO Capacity Building Program was designed to develop an integrated series of activities and management tools from which NGOs could select what they need, and document the process for reference of other NGOs. Based in Beijing, this program was implemented by Winrock and funded by the Ford Foundation. For three years, from 2002 to 2005, it provided direct management assistance to a small group of NGOs funded by the Ford Foundation, through collective training, coaching for individual NGOs, mentoring for NGO leaders, and consulting to solve specific management issues. 


The documentation of this process has resulted in a series of publications. The NGO Management Series consists of guidelines and manuals compiled by experts for reference of NGOs operating in the complex Chinese regulatory, social and political environment.  It is intended to reinforce their efforts to strengthen their management and make their organizations more effective, efficient and accountable. We recognize the limitations of this material in meeting the practical needs of diverse NGOs, and hope readers will be able to adapt it to serve their own purposes.


The material for this series was compiled by a team of authors and editors who devoted time and energy to this innovative project. In many cases, the authors also worked with NGOs in this program, and willingly took on the additional task of compiling guidelines and manuals for NGOs to continue using after the coaching concluded.  To all of those who contributed to this series, Winrock’s NGO Capacity Building Program is deeply grateful. It also assumes responsibility for the material as presented here.


Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development is a US-based non-profit organization which works around the world to increase economic opportunity, sustain natural resources and protect the environment. Winrock has been active in China for over two decades, and since 1982 has maintained an office at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.  Winrock and the Ford Foundation have a long history of collaboration, initially focused on improving individual capacities of key professionals, and now geared to improving the capacity of emerging civil society organizations.


The Ford Foundation is a US-based private philanthropic institution dedicated to international peace and the advancement of human welfare. Its work in China includes support for NGOs that address issues as varied as environmental protection and legal aid. The Foundation funded Winrock’s NGO Capacity Building Program to assist these organizations thrive and better meet the needs of those they serve.


Julia G. Bentley

Winrock NGO Capacity Building Program Director

June 2005



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