快好知 kuaihz


LOL laugh out loud

BTW by the way

AKA also known as

FAQ frequently asked questions

FYI for your information

IDK I don"t know 

IMHO in my humble opinion

OMG oh my god

DIY do it yourself

TYT take your time

BRB be right back

BTW by the way

CUL see you later

F2F face to face


for what it"s worth

FYA for your amusement

GD&R grinning, ducking, and running

GMTA great mind think alike

HHOK Ha ha only kidding

IOW in other words

OBTW oh, by the way

OIC oh, I see

ROFL rolling on the floor laughing

SO  significant other

TIA think in advance

TNX thanks

TTFN Ta-ta for now (Ta-ta = bye bye)

WB welcome back

WRT with respect to

WTR way to go

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