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Ocean colour signature of climate change



[1]Monitoring changes in marine phytoplankton is important as they form the foundation of the marine food web and are crucial in the carbon cycle. 

评论:这句话没有错。但是,可以写得更加明了。比如说:把they改为such changes。


[2]Often Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) is used to track changes in phytoplankton, since there are global, regular satellite-derived estimates. 

评论:Chlorophyll-a不需要大写(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorophyll_a)。我会用routine, global satellite-derived estimates of Chl-a.


[3]However, satellite sensors do not measure Chl-a directly. 


[4]Instead, Chl-a is estimated from remote sensing reflectance (RRS): the ratio of upwelling radiance to the downwelling irradiance at the ocean’s surface. 

评论:如果downwelling irradiance前面加the,为什么upwelling radiance前面不加the?

可以用ocean’s surface,或ocean surface。

我会把[3]+[4]改为:Chl-a is estimated from remote sensing reflectance (RRS),which is the ratio of upwelling radiance to downwelling irradiance at the ocean surface.


[5]Using a model, we show that RRS in the blue-green spectrum is likely to have a stronger and earlier climate-change-driven signal than Chl-a. 

[6]This is because RRS has lower natural variability and integrates not only changes to in-water Chl-a, but also alterations in other optically important constituents. 

[7]Phytoplankton community structure, which strongly affects ocean optics, is likely to show one of the clearest and most rapid signatures of changes to the base of the marine ecosystem.






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