

  模块7 units 3-4
  name ___________ class ________ no._________ score___________
  1. —what’s your ____________ (每年的)salary? —us$10,000.
  2. several people ____________(目击)the accident in which eight people were injured.
  3. simon’s behavior ____________(反映)his lazy attitude to work.
  4. these fish are found in ____________(浅的)waters around the coast.
  5. they used to ___________(捐赠)generously to the red cross every year.
  6. when you deliver a speech, you should ________(调整) your language to the age of your audience.
  7. the repairs to the school will be ____________(出资)by the education department.
  8. muriel gave her son some money for the ___________(购买)of his school books.
  9. we want to encourage students to ____________(参与)in the running of our school.
  10. nathan spent months recovering in a private health ___________(诊所).
  it is ________ _________ me to do this task.
  2.我现在仍然努力去适应这些状况,但是有一件事是确定的, 我的教学方面已变得更富有想象力。
  i’m still trying to ______ ______ these conditions but, one thing is for sure, i’ve become a lot more imaginative in my teaching.
  we are fully______ ______ the gravity of the situation .
  he ______ ______the old cards.
  during the civil war, thousands of people ______their country.
  this building ______ ______ well despite its age .
  nobody ______ me ______ when i lost my job.
  the flames finally ______ ______.
  you must ______ well ______ for the worst .
  his ideas were______ ______ his time .
  sharon looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. her hair was _______ _______ all over the place. she smoothed it down with a wet comb. she thought about the time when she had met him three months before. he was the nicest boy she had ever _______ _______. he had rung her often but now she hadn’t ________ _______ him for two weeks. why not? she decided to find out. she walked down to the ________ to catch the train. she felt both excited and nervous. she was ______ _______ see him again but what if he didn’t want to see her?
  二、从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 (25分)
  1. he told me about the things ___ at the meeting.
  a.to discuss  b.being discussed c.discussed  d.be discussed
  2. ________ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police
  a. having lost b. lost c. being lost d. losing
  3. the water in this glass is too hot.i prefer some cold ___ water.
  a. to boil  b. having boiled   c. boiled  d. boiling
  4. the problem just ___ is an important one.
  a.to be referred to  b.referred to  c.referring to  d. referred
  5. there are five pairs____, but i’m at a loss which to buy.
  a. to be chosen b. to choose from
  c. to choose d. for choosing
  6. when i entered the theatre, i saw him ___ in the first row.
  a. sit down   b. sat   c. seated   d. seating
  7.___________, we found the whale soon died.
  a. badly wounded b. it was badly wounded
  c. because it was badly wounded d. having been badly wounded
  8. i had already heard that george didn’t like _________.
  a. to keep waiting b. to be kept waiting
  c. being kept waiting d. keeping waiting
  9. what do you enjoy ______ your weekend?
  a. to spend b. spending c. spend d. spent
  10. i’ve been looking forward to _______ you soon.
  a. hear from b. hear about c. hearing from d. hearing about
  11. sometimes people can’t help _________ to buy many useless things in the supermarket.
  a. persuade b. to persuade c. being persuaded d. to be persuaded
  12. old tom, the killer whale was off and back to the hunt ______ the others killers were still attacking the whale.
  a. how b. why c. what d. where
  13. it seemed the sea lion didn’t mind _________ with the tourist after all.
  a. photographing b. being photographed c. to be photographed d. to photograph
  14. james was afraid of ________ by sharks.
  a. attack b. attacking c. being attacked d. to be attacked
  15 the boys who had never come across anything like this before __________ out of the windows.
  a. starting jump b. started jumping c. started to jumping d. starting jump
  16. with the boy ___ the way, the soldiers managed to walk through the forest.
  a. to lead b. led c. leading d. to be leading
  17. before he came to london, he had never heard a single english word_______.
  a. speaking b. speak  c. spoken d. to speak
  18. the program was so exciting that the children kept their eyes _______on the screen.
  a. fixed   b. to fix   c. to be fixed d. fixing
  19. you time should have been made full use of_______ the final exams, but to my regret, it wasn’t.
  a. to pass b. passing c. having passed d. to have passed
  20. your chest needs____. you’d better have it_____ in the hospital.
  a. to be examined; examine b. to be examined; examined
  c. examining; examine d. being examined; examined
  21.—look! someone has spilt coffee on the carpet.
  —well, it _____ me.
  a. isn’tb. wasn’tc. hasn’t beend. hadn’t been
  22. he asked for a piece of paper ____ and a pen _____.
  a. to write; to write b. to write; to write on
  c. to write on; to write with d. writing; writing
  23. when _______ help, one often says "thank you." or "it’s kind of you."
  a. offeringb. to offerc. to be offeredd. offered
  24. _________in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.
  a. dressed b. to dress c. dressing d. having dressed
  25. it is said that the bridge ___now will be completed before national day.
  a. built b. having built c. being built d. to be built
  三. 定语从句(27分)
  1. ① i still remember the days _______ i worked with the farmers.
  ② i still remember the days _______ i spent with the farmers
  a. which b. on which c. when d. what
  2. ① we were on the way ______ it began to rain.
  ② i don’t like the way _____ you speak to your parents.
  a. when b. that c. how d. which
  3. ① the teacher didn’t know the reason _______ she was absent yesterday.
  ②the teacher couldn’t accept the reason ______ she explained yesterday.
  a. how b. why c. that d. who
  4. ① is this school ___ you ever visited?
  ② is this the school ___ you ever studied?
  ③ is this the school in__ you ever studied?
  a. where b. which c. that d. the one
  5. ① this is ______ he said at he meeting yesterday.
  ② this is all____ he said at the meeting yesterday.
  a. that b. which c. what d. how
  6. ① _____ is reported in the newspapers, they have beaten all the other teams.
  ② ____ is reported in the newspaper that they have beaten all the other teams.
  ③ ____ is reported in the newspaper is that they have beaten all the other teams.
  a. it b. as c. which d. what
  7. ① it was such an easy question _____ they could answer
  ② it was such an easy question _____ they could answer it.
  a. that b. as c. which d. what
  8. ① that is the house, ______ windows hasn’t been cleaned for months.
  ② that is the house, ______ the windows hasn’t been cleaned for months.
  ③ that is the house, but ______ windows hasn’t been cleaned for months.
  a. it’s b. its c. whose d. of which
  9. ① john said he’d been working in the office for hours, ______ was true.
  ② john said he’d been working in the office for hours, but ______is not true.
  a. he b. it c. which d. who
  10. ① a few people were caught in the big fire, ____ died.
  ② a few people were caught in the big fire, ____ dead.
  a. two of who b. two of whom c. two of them d. two of they
  11. ① it was 1945 ______ the world war ii ended.
  ② it was in 1945 ______ the world war ii ended.
  a. that b. which c. when d. at which
  12. ① do you know the girl ______ calling herself miss forgetful?
  ② do you know the girl ______ calls herself miss forgetful?
  a. who b. whom c. she d. /
  四. 阅读下列短文,根据提示,在每个空格内填入适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上.所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。(10分)
  like most of my schoolmates, i have neither brothers nor
  sisters---in other_____, i am an only child. my parents 1._____
  love me dearly of course and will do all they ____ to make sure 2._____
  that i get a good ______(教育). they do not want me to do 3._____
  any work at home; they want me to d_____ all my time to 4._____
  my studies so that i"ll get good marks in all my ______(科目). we 5._____
  may be one family and live ______ the same roof, but we do 6._____
  not seem to get much time to talk _____(一起). it looks 7._____
  as if my parents t______ me as a visitor or a guest. 8._____
  do they really u________ their own daughter ? 9._____
  what things are in other families, i w_______. 10._____
  模块7 units 3-4参考答案
  ㈠.单词拼写(10分)。1. annual(每年的) 2. witnessed(目击) 3. reflects(反映)
  4. shallow(浅的) 5. donate(捐赠) 6. adjust(调整) 7. financed(出资) 8. purchase(购买)9. participate(参与) 10. clinic(诊所)
  1.up to 2.adapt to 3.aware of 4.sorted out 5.fled 6.held up 7.helped out 8.died down 9.be prepared10.ahead of
  sticking out heard about come across platform dying to
  二、从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 (25分)
  1. he told me about the things ___ at the meeting.
  a.to discuss  b.being discussed c.discussed  d.be discussed
  2. ________ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police
  a. having lost b. lost c. being lost d. losing
  3. the water in this glass is too hot.i prefer some cold ___ water.
  a. to boil  b. having boiled   c. boiled  d. boiling
  4. the problem just ___ is an important one.
  a.to be referred to  b.referred to  c.referring to  d. referred
  5. there are five pairs____, but i’m at a loss which to buy.
  a. to be chosen b. to choose from
  c. to choose d. for choosing
  6. when i entered the theatre, i saw him ___ in the first row.
  a. sit down   b. sat   c. seated   d. seating
  7.___________, we found the whale soon died.
  a. badly wounded b. it was badly wounded
  c. because it was badly wounded d. having been badly wounded
  8. i had already heard that george didn’t like _________.
  a. to keep waiting b. to be kept waiting
  c. being kept waiting d. keeping waiting
  9. what do you enjoy ______ your weekend?
  a. to spend b. spending c. spend d. spent
  10. i’ve been looking forward to _______ you soon.
  a. hear from b. hear about c. hearing from d. hearing about
  11. sometimes people can’t help _________ to buy many useless things in the supermarket.
  a. persuade b. to persuade c. being persuaded d. to be persuaded
  12. old tom, the killer whale was off and back to the hunt ______ the others killers were still attacking the whale.
  a. how b. why c. what d. where
  13. it seemed the sea lion didn’t mind _________ with the tourist after all.
  a. photographing b. being photographed c. to be photographed d. to photograph
  14. james was afraid of ________ by sharks.
  a. attack b. attacking c. being attacked d. to be attacked
  15 the boys who had never come across anything like this before __________ out of the windows.
  a. starting jump b. started jumping c. started to jumping d. starting jump
  16. with the boy ___ the way, the soldiers managed to walk through the forest.
  a. to lead b. led c. leading d. to be leading
  17. before he came to london, he had never heard a single english word_______.
  a. speaking b. speak  c. spoken d. to speak
  18. the program was so exciting that the children kept their eyes _______on the screen.
  a. fixed   b. to fix   c. to be fixed d. fixing
  19. you time should have been made full use of_______ the final exams, but to my regret, it wasn’t.
  a. to pass b. passing c. having passed d. to have passed
  20. your chest needs____. you’d better have it_____ in the hospital.
  a. to be examined; examine b. to be examined; examined
  c. examining; examine d. being examined; examined
  21.—look! someone has spilt coffee on the carpet.
  —well, it _____ me.
  a. isn’tb. wasn’tc. hasn’t beend. hadn’t been
  22. he asked for a piece of paper ____ and a pen _____.
  a. to write; to write b. to write; to write on
  c. to write on; to write with d. writing; writing
  23. when _______ help, one often says "thank you." or "it’s kind of you."
  a. offeringb. to offerc. to be offeredd. offered
  24. _________in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.
  a. dressed b. to dress c. dressing d. having dressed
  25. it is said that the bridge ___now will be completed before national day.
  a. built b. having built c. being built d. to be built
  三. 定语从句(27分)
  1. ① i still remember the days ___c____ i worked with the farmers.
  ② i still remember the days ___a____ i spent with the farmers
  a. which b. on which c. when d. what
  2. ① we were on the way ___a___ it began to rain.
  ② i don’t like the way ___b__ you speak to your parents.
  a. when b. that c. how d. which
  3. ① the teacher didn’t know the reason ___b____ she was absent yesterday.
  ②the teacher couldn’t accept the reason ___c___ she explained yesterday.
  a. how b. why c. that d. who
  4. ① is this school _d__ you ever visited?
  ② is this the school __a_ you ever studied?
  ③ is this the school in_b_ you ever studied?
  a. where b. which c. that d. the one
  5. ① this is ___c___ he said at he meeting yesterday.
  ② this is all__a__ he said at the meeting yesterday.
  a. that b. which c. what d. how
  6. ① __b___ is reported in the newspapers, they have beaten all the other teams.
  ② __a__ is reported in the newspaper that they have beaten all the other teams.
  ③ __d__ is reported in the newspaper is that they have beaten all the other teams.
  a. it b. as c. which d. what
  7. ① it was such an easy question __b___ they could answer
  ② it was such an easy question __a___ they could answer it.
  a. that b. as c. which d. what
  8. ① that is the house, ___c___ windows hasn’t been cleaned for months.
  ② that is the house, ___d___ the windows hasn’t been cleaned for months.
  ③ that is the house, but ___b___ windows hasn’t been cleaned for months.
  a. it’s b. its c. whose d. of which
  9. ① john said he’d been working in the office for hours, ___c___ was true.
  ② john said he’d been working in the office for hours, but __b____is not true.
  a. he b. it c. which d. who
  10. ① a few people were caught in the big fire, __b__ died.
  ② a few people were caught in the big fire, __c__ dead.
  a. two of who b. two of whom c. two of them d. two of they
  11. ① it was 1945 ___c___ the world war ii ended.
  ② it was in 1945 ___a___ the world war ii ended.
  a. that b. which c. when d. at which
  12. ① do you know the girl ___d___ calling herself miss forgetful?
  ② do you know the girl ___a___ calls herself miss forgetful?
  a. who b. whom c. she d. /
  四. 阅读下列短文,根据提示,在每个空格内填入适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上.所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。(10分)
  like most of my schoolmates, i have neither brothers nor
  sisters---in other_____, i am an only child. my parents 1.words
  love me dearly of course and will do all they ____ to make sure 2.can
  that i get a good ______(教育). they do not want me to do 3.education
  any work at home; they want me to d_____ all my time to 4.devote
  my studies so that i"ll get good marks in all my ______(科目). we 5.subjects
  may be one family and live ______ the same roof, but we do 6.under
  not seem to get much time to talk _____(一起). it looks 7.together
  as if my parents t______ me as a visitor or a guest. 8.treat
  do they really u________ their own daughter ? 9.understand
  what things are in other families, i w_______. 10.wonder
