

  1.plenty of, a lot of, lots of (p29)关于"许多"的用法见下表:+[c]+[u]+[c]/[u]many, many a, a great/ good many, a large/ great number of/numbers ofmuch, a great/good deal of, a large/huge amount of, large amounts ofplenty of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of, large/vast quantities of, a large quantity ofwe have a large number/plenty of/many/a good many books in our school library.many a peasant there has lived a rich life since the village was developed as an attraction.the new law met with a good deal of opposition at local level.small amounts of land were used for keeping animals.the new tax caused a huge amount of public anger.police found a large/small quantity of drugs in his possession.
  we consumed vast quantities of food and drink that night. 相关高考试题we always keep ________ spare paper, in case we ran out. (XX浙江)
  a. too much b. a number of c. plenty of d. a good many答案:c 2. suggest (31)suggest (mention) vt.1. to mention an idea, possible plan or action for other people to consider:
  e.g.: they were wondering where to hold the office party and i suggested the italian restaurant near the station.
  formal might i suggest a white wine with your salmon, sir?
  [+ (that)] i suggest (that) we wait a while before we make any firm decisions.
  liz suggested (that) i try the shop on mill road.[+ ing form of verb] i suggested putting the matter to the committee.
  he suggested our starting off earlier/that we should start off earlier.[+ question word] can you suggest where i might find a chemist"s?
  n. [c or u]
  e.g.: i don"t know what to wear tonight - have you got any suggestions?
  she made some very helpful suggestions but her boss rejected them all.
  [+ that] they didn"t like my suggestion that we should all share the cost.
  i have a few favourite restaurants that i tend to go back to, but i"m always open to new suggestions (= willing to try new ones that people suggest).
  i went to the park street dentist"s at ann"s suggestion (= as a result of ann suggesting it) and i was really impressed.suggestvt. 2. to communicate or show an idea or feeling without stating it directly or giving proof:
  e.g.: [+ (that)] there"s no absolute proof, but all the evidence suggests (that) he"s guilty.
  are you suggesting (that) i look fat in these trousers?
  something about his manner suggested a lack of interest in what we were doing.his sad look suggested that he hadn’t passed the text again.propose (suggest)
  vt. 1. to offer or state a possible plan or action for other people to consider:
  [+ that] i propose that we wait until the budget has been announced before committing ourselves to any expenditure.
  [+ ing form of verb] he proposed dealing directly with the suppliers.
  she proposed a boycott of the meeting.
  he proposed a motion that the chairman resign.
  2. to suggest someone for a position or for membership of an organization:
  to be nominated for union president you need one person to propose you and another to second you.
  n.[c]a suggestion, sometimes a written one:
  congress has rejected the latest economic proposal put forward by the president.
  [+ to infinitive] there has been an angry reaction to the government"s proposal to reduce unemployment benefit.
  have you read steve"s proposals for the new project?
  [+ that] there was anger at the proposal that a un peacekeeping force should be sent to the area.advise
  vi.&vt. 1. to give someone advice:
  [+ to infinitive] i think i"d advise him to leave the company.
  his doctor advised him against smoking.
  i"d strongly advise against making a sudden decision.
  [+ that] they"re advising that children be kept out of the sun altogether.
  [+ ing form of verb] i"d advise waiting until tomorrow.
  [+ question word] she advised us when to come.
  she advises the president (= gives information and suggests types of action) on african policy.
  you would be well-advised to (= it would be wise for you to) have the appropriate vaccinations before you go abroad.advice
  an opinion which someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation:
  steven gave me some good advice.
  i think i"ll take your advice (= do what you suggest) and get the green dress.
  can i give you a piece of advice?
  i need some advice on which computer to buy.
  [+ to infinitive] my advice is to go by train.
  we went to paris on sarah"s advice.第二部分:练习1.have a good rest, you need to ____ your energy for the tennis match this afternoon.a. leave b. save c. hold d. get2. her son, to whom she was ______, went abroad ten years ago.a. loved b. cared c. devoted d. affected3. mary finally ____ bruce as her life-long companion.a. received b. accepted c. made d. honored4. –when shall we start?--let’s ____ it 8:30. is that all right?a. set b. meet c. make d. take5. be careful when you cross this very busy street. if not, you may ____ run over by a car.a. have b. get c. become d. turn6. hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have ____ one-year-old twins at the head.a. isolate b. separated  c. pided  d. removed7. after trainer was sure that the whale could look after itself, he ____ it into the sea.a. transported b. unloaded c. released d. handled8. the teacher wrote an example on the blackboard to _____ the point.a. took up b. caught on c. carried out d. made for9. a man is being questioned in relation to the _____ murder last night.a. advised b attended c. attempted d. admitted10. in our childhood, we were often ____ by grandma to pay attention to our table manners.a. demanded b. reminded c. allowed d. hoped11. modern plastics can _____ very high and very low temperatures.a. stand b. hold c. carry d. support12. –wow ! i’ve burnt my myself!--how did you do that?a. touched b. kept c. felt d. hold13. if a student is indeed wise, he or she should not enter the house of the teacher’s wisdom, but ____ go to the world of his or her own mind.a. just b. otherwise c. only d. rather14. the environmentalists said wild goats’ ____ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.a. escape b. absence c. attendance d. appearance15. don’t leave matches or cigarettes on the table within ____ of little children.a. hand b. reach c. space d. distance第二部分:练习答案1. b save one’s energy意为"积蓄力量",从前文的"have a good rest"可以推出下文应选用能表达这一含义的短语。2. c句意:十年前,她的儿子到国外去了。她曾将自己那么多的爱奉献给了他。3. b accept...as...把……作为;认为……是……4. c make it+时间,"就定为某时间吧"。5. b run over是及物动词短语.意思是"碾过"。get后接过去分词表示被动。这句话的意思是:穿过这条繁忙的马路时一定要小心, 否则,你就会被汽车轧着。6. b isolate意为"孤立。隔离" 如:he felt entirely isolated from society.他觉得自己完全与社会隔离了。separate意为"分离,分开".强调把原本分开的东西隔开。the baby is separated from his parent and lives in a separate room.pide强调把整体分成部分。he pided the apple into three. remove则表示"移开.移走,去除"。would you please remove the books from my desk? 根据题干是给一岁大的连体双胞胎做分离手术,故选择b为正确答案。7. c根据句子的意思可知应该是"释放鲸鱼"而不是运输、卸载或管理鲸鱼。 8. a根据逻辑关系可知,举例子是为了阐明观点。illustrate解释,阐明:suggest建议,暗示:express表达;:recognize承认,认出。9. c attempt尝试,企图;advise建议; attend打算;admit承认。10. b此题考查的是动词辨析。此句意为:在儿时,祖母经常提醒我们注意用餐礼节。a:(强烈)要求、需求;b:提醒;c:允许;d:希望。根据句意选b。11. a此题考查的是动词辨析。句意:新型的塑料能承受很高和很低的温度c stand为承受、经受、经得起。 e.g his heart won’t stand the strain much longer.b:支撑.c:运载,d:支持;养活。12.a a项,"触摸,碰";b项,"保持";c项,"感觉, 摸";d项."抓住,握牢":a是最佳选项。句意,"哇,我把自己烫着了。--你怎么弄的?""我碰着了一只热锅;".13. d rather作为副词使用在题中的用法为:you use "rather" when you are correcting the thing that you have just said,especially when you use describing the true situation after saying what is not.nm…but… "不是……,而是……"。题意为;聪明的学生应清楚:师傅领进门修行在个人。 14. d escape逃跑,absence缺席,根据句子后面的good indication of better environment. 可将a、b排除;attendance出席,一般指接受邀请或要求而主动参加,与题意不符。故只有appearance"出现",符合题意。句子意思为:环境学家说野山羊在大草原的出现说明环境变好了。因此答案选d。15. b reach作名词意为"伸手够得着的(地方或东西)"。within reach 意为"在……能够得着的地方".这是一个固定搭配。这里的选项 a可能对同学们来说会是一个干扰项,因为hand这个词和这个词组的意思有些接近,因此.如果过分地考虑中文意思,而不注意英文中的固定搭配,就有可能出现"望文生义"的错误。这个错误是母语干扰所致。
