

  [误] the brave man safed the boy from drowning.
  [正] the brave man saved the boy from drowning.
  [析] safe是形容词,如: they wished him a safe journey. safely是副词,如: the young man drives his car safely. 而safety是名词,如: safety island(安全岛),safety first!(安全第一!)但save是动词。
  [误] yesterday i got a postcard. it is th e same that you got the day before yesterday.
  [正] yesterday i got a postcard. it is the same as you got the day before yesterday.
  [析] the same that意为"即是",而the same as才能译为"像……一样的。"
  [误] your book is not same as mine.
  [正] your book is not the same as mine.
  [析] the same as中的定冠词不能少。
  [误] his report wrote she is nineteen.
  [正] his report says she is nineteen.
  [析] 中文中常讲"报告上写到"、"信上写到",这样的"写"在英文中要用say.
  say speak talk tell
  英文中"说"一般有四个词,其中say和tell为及物动词。tell可以加双宾语,如please tell me a story. 而speak 与talk为不及物动词。speak只有后面直接加"语言"时才是及物的,如: please speak english. 请看下句: he went on talking for a long time, but he spoke so fast that few of us could catch what he said.
  [误] as a boy his great ambition(抱负) was to go to the sea.
  [正] as a boy his great ambition was to go to sea.
  [析] go to sea为"去当水手、海员";而go to the sea=go to the seaside, 如: he want to go to the sea for his vacation.
  在"海中"游泳为in the sea; at sea为在"海上航行",如: i have a brother at sea. by sea为"坐船"、"由海路运输",如: we travelled to new york by sea.
  [误] i want to learn the second foreign language.
  [正] i want to learn a second foreign language.
  [析] 当作为"第二"外语,"再增加一个"时,不要用the secon d而要用a second. the second强调排队的次序,a second强调再增加一个。
  [误] he was seen leave the room.
  [正] he was seen to leave the room.
  [析] see作主动态时用作to see so mebody do something, 而用作被动态时则是somebody to be seen to do something. 要注意惯用法let me see(让我想想)。
  [误] there are five sheeps on the grass.
  [正] there are five sheep on the grass.
  [析] sheep是单、复数同形名词,其他的还有: deer(鹿),fish(鱼)等。
  [误] i travelled on a yacht.
  [正] i travelled on a ship (in a yacht).
  [析] 虽然都是船,但游艇(yacht)要用in, 而ship要用on.
  [误] the littl e boy was a ill boy.
  [正] the little boy was a sick boy.
  [析] sick与ill作表语时都表示"有病"之意,如: he feels ill. 或he feels sick. 都对,但作定语时则只能用sick.
  [误] he is living in greece since 1978.
  [正] he has lived in greece since 1978.
  [正] he has been living in greece since 1978.
  [误] she has been quite different since came back from america.
  [正] she has been quite different since coming back from america.
  [析] 分词短语可以用在after, before, since等介词后面。
  [误] the boy was very asleep.
  [正] the boy was fast asleep.
  [析] 熟睡在英文中为fast asleep. 非 正式英语中一般不常用he"s sleeping. 而常讲he"s asleep. 其形容词sleepy是"困倦的",如: i shall go to bed now. i"m so sleepy. "卧铺"英国人讲sleeping car,而美国人讲sleeper.
  [误] slow the door opened.
  [正] slowly the door opened.
  [析] slow与slowly的用法与意思相同,在口语中和路标中多用slow,如: tell him to drive slower. slow, dangerous bend. 但是如果用在动词前还是要用slowly.
  [误] she smiled to me.
  [正] she smiled a t me.
  [析] "冲着某人笑"应为to smile at somebody.
  [误] it is such beautiful a book that every child like s it.
  [正] it is such a beautiful book that every child likes it.
  [正] it is so beautiful a book that every child likes it.
  [析] 关于so与such用法的区别有四种情况: ① 用于单数可数名词之前,其 格式为"such+不定冠词+形容词+名词",而"so+形容词+不定冠词"。② 用于可数名词复数或不可数名词前,只能用 such,如: it is such good weather that we want to go for a walk. they are such good students that they can pass the exam easily. ③ 在只有形容词时只能用so,如: it is so good that i like it very much.④ 在many, much, few, little这四个词前只能用so而不能用such。如: i have so little money that i can"t buy the dictionary.
  [误] he got up early so as he could catch the first bus.
  [正] he got up early so as to catch the first bus.
  [正] he got up early so that he could catch the first bus.
  [正] he got up so early that he could catch the first bus.
  [误] do you have some lessone to prepare?
  [正] do you have any lessons to prepare?
  [析] 在疑问句或否定句中要用any; some多用在肯定句中, 如: i have some money to buy it.
  在请求,或真心希望得到肯定答复时,在疑问句中也要用some,如: would you like something to drink?即真心实意希望为对方提供饮料。又如: could you lend me some money?即真心想要借到钱。
  [误] i have sometime thought that i should like to live in the country.
  [正] i have sometimes thought that i should like to live in the country.
  sometime sometimes some times sometime
  sometime为"某个时候"、"总有一天",如: we"ll meet again sometime next year. 或过去的"某一时刻",如: i saw her sometime in july. sometimes为"有时候"、"时常"、"常常",如: every man is a fool sometimes, and none at all times. some times为"若干次",如: i visited america some times. may be five or seven times. i am not sure. some time则是"一段时间"、"一些时候",如: i want to leave some time.
  [误] the room as soon as became crowded.
  [正] the room soon became crowded.
  [析] soon为"不久"、"很快",如: i"ll be there very soon. 而as soon as意为"一……就……",如: as soon as i finished my homework i went out to play football.
  [误] the report sounds well.
  [正] the report sounds good.
  [析] sound作动词时其后接形容词而不接副词,如: how sweet the music sounds!
  [误] are you going to run in the school sprot?
  [正] are you going to run in the school sprots?
  [析] sport用作可数名词单数时指具体的某项运动,如: basketball is an indoor sport. 而在泛指"运动"或"运动会"时要用其复数形式sports.
  [误] i"ll visit america in this spring.
  [正] i"ll visit america in spring.
  [正] i"ll visit america this spring.
  [析] 英语一年四季前如果有that, this, last, next等词,则其前面不要再加介词。这样的用法还有周、月、年等。请看下面句子中的用法有何不同: he told me that she did it on the next day. 这时是指过去某一天的第二天,所以才有这种用法。如果以现在为时间基点的第二天应为i"ll do it next day.
  [误] what time will you start to san francisco?
  [正] what time will you start for san francisco?
  [析] start与leave一样,其后接"for+目的地"。
   begin start
  begin与start在很多场合下是一样的意思,如: we started/began to study english two years ago. 但在如下场合则不能用begin: ① 作为"启程"讲,如: i think we ought to start at six. ② 表示"开始工作",如: the car won"t start. (车子发动不起来。) ③ 作为"开动"、"启动"讲,如: do you know how to start this machine.
  [误] oh, it is still raining now.
  [正] oh, it is still raining.
  [析] 因still即包含有现在仍然如何,所以now是多余词。
  still yet already
  still一般与动词连用,可放于句子中间用以说明过去开始的动作现在仍然在继续,特别用来表示我们希望它早点停止。如: i"ve been thinking for hours, but i still can"t decide. yet一般放于句末,用在疑问句与否定句中。如: has the postman come yet? already则与动词连用,可放于句中表示某事的发生比预期的要早,如: i"ve already finished my homework.
  [误] when the teacher came into the classroom the students stopped to talk.
  [正] when the teacher came into the classroom the students stopped talking.
  [析] stop to do something是"停下来去做某事",而stop doing something是"停止做某事"。
  [误] there is a narrow winding street from our village to the next one.
  [正] there is a narrow winding road from our village to the next one.
  [析] street一般指城市中两旁有建筑物的"街道",而road多指乡间的"路"。
  [误] you ought to be strict to him.
  [正] you ought to be strict with him.
  [析] be strict with是"对……严格的"。
  [误] do you want to have such a dictionary?
  [正] do you want to have such a good dictionary?
  [正] do you want to have a dictionary like that?
  [析] such作加强语气时一般是"such+(冠词)形容词+名词",如: it"s such a good book. 但如果名词前没有形容词则要看其名词是否具有"能显示程度的含意",如: i"ve got such a headache. you are such fools!否则在such与名词之间一定要有形容词。
  [误] i am quite sure for that answer.
  [正] i am quite sure of that answer.
  [析] sure用于句中表示"对……事有确实把握"时应跟of或about,而不跟for,如: i"m sure about (of) his ability to control this machine.
  [误] honey tastes sweetly.
  [正] honey tastes sweet.
  [析] sweet可以作为名词,意为"糖果",是可数名词,如: may i have a sweet?作形容词,如: the child looked very sweet. 而sweetly为副词,意为"甜美地"、"悦耳地"。要注意taste为感观动词,其后面要接形容词而不是副词。
