

  unit 8 our clothes
  topic 3 we are going to watch a fashion show.
  i. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。
  1. i don’t like the coat because it looks so u____________ on me.
  2. our school makes u____________ for us, and we have to wear them every day.
  3. i’m an o____________. i work in an office in that building.
  4. the p____________ is looking for a thief. she caught him at last.
  5. you can d____________ your own styles of clothes.
  key: 1. ugly 2. uniforms 3. officer
  4. policewoman 5. design
  ii. 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空
  1. parents make children ____________(study) on sundays.
  2. my teacher allows us ____________(raise) our hands if we have some questions in class.
  3. uniforms can show good ____________(rule).
  4. people should dress ____________(correct).
  5. he give me some ____________(advise).
  key: 1. study 2. to raise 3. rules 4. correctly 5. advice
  iii. 根据汉语提示完成句子。
  1. don’t ________________________(躲在树后).
  2. you should wear ________________________(紧身上衣).
  3. my friends see me off ________________________ (在机场).
  4. at home we may wear ________________________ (休闲服).
  5. the house is on fire. ________________________(消防员) are coming.
  key: 1. hide behind the tree 2. tight coat 3. at the airport
  4. casual clothes 5. fire fighters [来源:学科网zxxk]
  iv. 单项选择。
  ( )1. the sweater looks so nice _________my brother.
  a. on b. to c. about d . for
  ( )2. he doesn’t agree _________you.
  a. to b. on c. with d. at
  ( )3. the math teacher said i ________right.
  a. am b. was c. will be d. is going to be
  ( )4. the young lady’s dress is _________fashion.
  a. on b. out c. in d. outside of
  key: 1. a
  2. c "同意某人的意见"agree with sb. 。
  3. b 宾语从句主从时态一致。
  4. c in fashion "流行的",out of fashion "过时的"。
  5. my pants are ___________than yours.
  a. expensiver b. more expensive
  c. more expensiver d. expensive
  6. you can wear ___________.
  a. what do you like b. what you like
  c. you like what d. what are you like
  7. the most important thing is ___________ how much we get from ___________how much are given to our society.
  a. not only; but also b. either; or
  c. not; but d. for; and
  8. my son stopped me from ___________songs.
  a. to sing b. sang c. singing d. sing
  9. —let’s go hiking this saturday. —___________.
  a. i agree with you
  b. yes, i will
  c. no, i have no time to play with you
  d. i think not
  10. don’t allow stud ents ___________ slippers in the school.
  a. to wear b. wear c. on d. wearing
  key: 5. b 因为than在句中,所以要用比较级。expensive是多音节词,比较级要加more。
  6. b 宾语从句中,从句是特殊问句,一须陈述语序,二须时态相呼应。
  7. c
  8. c stop… from doing sth. 阻止……做某事。
  9. a
  10. a allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事。
  11. would you like ___________to have?
  a. else anything b. else something
  c. something else d. everything else
  12. the woman often ___________a red coat.
  a. puts on b. wears c. in d. dress
  13. is ___________impossible that everyone likes the same?
  a. that b. it c. this d. the
  14. you had better make a survey about the styles ___________uniforms.
  a. in b. of c. for d. on
  15. you are fat. you should dress ___________ dark colors.
  a. in b. of c. on d. about
  key: 11. c
  12. b
  13. b 本句为it is 形容词 that从句的一般疑问句形式。
  14. b
  15. a
  i. 阅读理解。
  for most people, the word "fashion" means "clothes". but people may ask the question, "what clothes are in fashion?" and they use the adjective (形容词) "fashionable" in the same way, "she was wearing a fashionable color."
  but of course there are fashions, in many things, not only in clothes. there are fashions in holidays, in restaurants, in films and in books. there are even fashions in school subjects, jobs and languages. [来源:学|科|网z|x|x|k]
  fashions change as time goes. if you look at pictures of people or things from the past, you will see that fashions have always changed. an english man in 1750 looked different from his grandson in 1860.
  today fashions change very quickly. some of this is natural. we hear about things much more quickly than in the pas t. newspapers, radios, telephones and televisions (电视) send information from one country to another in a few hours.
  new fashions mean that people will buy new things. so you see there is money in fashion.
  根据短 文内容,选择正确答案。
  ( )1. from the passage we know that "fashion" means _____________.
  a. clothes b. many things
  c. most of the popular things d. everything
  ( )2. which of the following things is fashionable today?
  a. surfing on the internet.
  b. doing morning exercise at school.
  c. having a family dinner on new year’s day.
  d. learning to sing songs on the radio.
  ( )3. today fashions change very quickly because _____________.
  a. people read newspapers every day
  b. radios send information from one country to another
  c. new things that people like are often shown on tv
  d. people quickly learn what is happening in the world
  ( )4. "the re is money in fashion." means ____________.
  a. fashionable things are expensive
  b. money comes from fashion
  c. people like new things
  d. there are no fashions without money
  ( )5. according to the passage, fashions change as __________ goes.
  a. place b. money c. time d. people
  a lot of boys and girls in western (西方的) countries are wearing the same kinds of clothes, and many of them have long hair, so it is often hard to tell (辨别) whether they are boys or girls.
  one day an old man went for a walk in a park in washington, and when he was tired he sat down on a chair by a lake. a young person was standing on the other side of the lake.
  "oh", the old man said to the person sitting next to him on the chair, "do you see that person with the pants and long hair? is it a boy or a girl?"
  "a girl," said his neighbour, "she is my daughter."
  "oh," the old man said quickly, "please forgive me. i didn’t know that you were her mother."
  "i’m not," said the other person, "i’m her father."
  ( )1. what did the old man see on the other side of the lake?
  a. a girl. b. a boy.
  c. a young person. d. a man.
  ( )2. "is it a boy or a girl?" in this sentence "it" means ___________.
  a. he b. she c. that perso n d. the lake
  ( )3. the meaning of "forgive" is ___________.
  a. 忘记 b. 责备 c. 放弃 d. 原谅
  ( )4. the old man thought his neighbour was ____________.
  a. a woman b. a man c. a girl d. a boy
  ( )5. where did the story happen?
  a. in a park. b. on a chair. c. in a lake. d. in a house.
  what do you want to be when you are older? students have different views (观点) on what their dream job could be. but whatever they want to be when they are older, students at huangehuan renhe middle school have to be ladies and gentlemen now. this month, the school started a programme to turn girls into ladies and boys into gentlemen. the words "ladies" and "gentlemen" mean men and women who are polite to other people.
  in the past, it also meant a person who came from a good family. so, can a school turn 3,000 boys and girls into ladies and gentlemen?
  mr. yang kexue at the school, wants his students to learn how to behave (表现) well. "we want our students to be kind, polite and graceful." he said.
  one important part of the school’s programme is polite language. "language is the first step to being a polite person. ladies and gentlemen never say dirty words." said yang. a study of 100 students at school found that half of them sometimes used dirty words. also, all students must wear uniform. the school chooses two well-behaved students in each class to set a good example.
  "we also plan to have lessons in manners (礼仪) next term!" said yang. most students say they want to be ladies and gentlemen.
  "a gentleman should be kind and polite," said a junior 2 student at the school. another junior 2 student thinks she is just like a lady. "it’s important for a girl to smile at people and say, ‘thank you’ with all her heart." sh e said.
  ( )1. "students at renhe middle school have to be ladies and gentlemen now." means ___________.
  a. the students have to be grown-ups now
  b. the students should learn to be kind and polite to others
  c. the boys and girls must come from good families
  d. the boys and girls must be good at their lessons
  ( )2. ________is one of most important steps to be a lady or gentleman.
  a. saying dirty words b. foreign languages
  c. polit e language d. body language
  ( )3. the underlined word "graceful" means ___________.
  a. 幽默 b. 富有 c. 优雅 d. 休闲
  ( )4. which of the following is wrong?
  a. the students at renhe middle school have lessons on manners next term.
  b. only a few students may want to be ladies or gentlemen.
  c. the programme has already had some good effects (效果).
  d. mr. yang works in renhe middle s chool.
  ( )5. when someone helped a boy in renhe middle school, what can he say?
  a. nothing b. your duty.
  c. ok. d. thank you very much.
  ii. 书面表达。
  要求:1. 书写清晰,卷面整洁;
  2. 语法正确, 语言 流畅;
  3. 词数不少于60个。
  a 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. a 5. c
  b 1. c 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. a
  c 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. d
  if you are a fatter person, you had better wear the coat in dark color. it’ll make you look slim. if you are a short-necked person, you’d better wear warm colors like red, yellow or orange. and if you are a short man or woman, you’d better wear short coat and tight trousers. they will make you look taller.
