

  高二英语unit16 the united states of america知识点总复习教案
  section iii 词汇、语法、综合技能
  23. the native americans lived by gathering roots, … 美洲土族民族以采集根茎… 为生。(p.47 integrating skills reading 第一段 第2行)
  * gather v.
  (1) 聚集,集合,召集a crowd soon gathered. 很快聚集起一群人。gather round and listen, children! 孩子们,围过来听我说。
  (2) 收集,收扰 (分散的东西) give me a moment to gather my notes together. 给我些时间整理一下笔记。she gathered up her scatted belongs and left. 她把自己的散乱物品收好就走了。
  (3) 搜集,采集(水果等) the small boy gathered mushrooms in the fields. 小男孩在田中采集蘑菇。
  (4) 收割,收获 the harvest has been safely gathered in. 庄稼已妥善收获完毕。
  (5) 增加(某事物) the darkness is gathering. 夜色渐浓。the car gathered speed. 汽车速度逐渐加快了。
  这两个词都有"聚集"的意思,gather是普通用语,指"集中起来",既指具体的人和物,也可指抽象的印象、思维、力气等。collect是"收集,聚集"之意,指有计划,有选择的收集,强调日积月累的过程,有时和gather通用。he is gathering information. 他在收集信息。the clouds are gathering。and it would probably rain. 云在聚集,也许要下雨。the patient is gathering strength. 病人正在恢复体力。do you collect stamps? 你集邮吗? his work is to collect information. 他的工作是收集资料。
  联想:altogether adv. 完全,总共; together adv. 在一起,共同; gathering n. 采集,集合
  24. they hunted bison, a type of wild animals which used to exist in huge numbers on the plains of america. 土族民族狩猎野牛,这是一种曾经在美洲平原上大量存在过的一种野生动物。(p. 47 第二段第1行)
  (a)type of作"种类" "类型"解释时,后接单数名词,不用复数名词,该名词前不加任何限定词。例如我们可以说a different type of bicycle,但不可说a different type of a bicycle(或bicycles)如: ① what type of plan is this? 这是一种什么计划? ② the engineer designed a new type of plane. 这位工程师设计了一种新型飞机。
  【注】但type作"典范"解释时,其后的名词可以被限定词所修饰。① abraham lincoln was a fine type of the american patriotism. 阿巴拉罕•林肯是美国爱国史上的典范。② liu hulan was a fine type of the revolutionary here. 刘胡兰是革命英雄人物的典范。③ john is a fine type of school boy. 约翰是学生的典范。
  【注】types后面的名词可用复数,也可用单数,但作主语时相应的谓语动词一律用复数,与types保持一致。如: several new types of computer(s) are on show.几种新型的计算机正在展出。
  【注】上述type的用法,亦适用于kind,即a kind of后面的名词通常是单数,且该名词前不用冠词或其他限定词,如a certain kind of rose等, 请看下列例句: ①what kind of animal is it? 这是一种什么动物? ② is this kind of tv set made in shanghai? 这种电视机是上海制造的吗?
  【注】kinds后的名词既可用单数,也可用复数,但其作主语时,其后的谓语动词应用复数,与kinds保持一致。如: ① these kinds of rose(s) are beautiful to look at. 这几种玫瑰很好看。② there are different kinds of birds in the woods and they sing beautifully. 林子里有各种各样的鸟,它们唱着悦耳动听的歌。
  【注】 a kind of意为"某种"或"一种不甚明确的"。如: ① the dances of the bees are a kind of language. 蜜蜂的舞蹈是一种语言。② i had a kind of suspicion that he was cheating. 我有点怀疑他在欺骗。
  【注】kind of常用在口语中,作状语修饰动词,意为"有点""有几分"。① i kind of thought he would come.我似乎感到他会来的。② i kind of thought this would happen.
  25. … while their fur provided warm clothing during cold winters. 冬天取其皮毛御寒。(p. 47 第二段第5行)
  provide意为"提供""供给",在provide sb. 后常接with介词短语,表示所提供的事物。在provide sth. 后常接for sb.,表示向谁提供。如: ①this book will provide you with the information you need. 这本书会向你提供你所需要的信息。② food and drink were provided for all of them.向他们全体提供了食物和饮料。③ that hotel provides good meals. 那家旅馆伙食很好。④ these rivers provide water flor irrigation. 这些河流提供了灌溉用水。
  【注】 provide亦可作"预防""作好准备""提供生计"解释,常与against或 for连用。如: ① we have to provide against accidents.我们必须做好应付事故的准备。② they had to provide for their old age. 他们得积攒点钱以备在老年时用。③ we will see that au the old folks are provided for from now on. 从现在起,我们要做到老有所养。④ he has a large family to provide for. 他需赡养一大家子人。
  【注】 provide还有"规定"之意。如: they enjoy all the rights provided in the constitution. 他们享有宪法所规定的一切权利。
  【注】 provide的过去分词可引导条件状语从句,从句中的谓语动词用一般时态,而不用将来时。如: ① you may keep the book another week provided that no one else requires it.只要没有别人要这本书,你还可再借一个星期。② provided that no objection is raised, we shall hold the meeting here. 如果没有人反对,我们就在这里开会了。
  【注】provided that中的that有时可省略。如:he should be home soon provided the buses haven"t been held up.只要汽车没误点,他应该就要到家了。
  26. from about 1830 onwards in the usa, ... 在美国从大约一八三o年起。(p. 47 第三段第1行)
  onwards与on同义,后缀-wards常用来构成副词,表示方向,如: eastwards,westwards,southwards,northwards,forwards,backwards,upwards,downwards等。① from now on, we"ll study harder than before. 从现在起,我们要比以前更努力地学习。② they went on sailing eastwards, until they saw the land. 他们不断地向东航行,终于看到了陆地。③ from 1990 onwards, the seaside town began to take on a new look. 从一九九o年起,这个海滨小城开始展现新的面貌。④ from 1993 onwards, they tried again and again to go across the desert on foot. 从一九九三年起,他们多次努力要徒步穿过沙漠。⑤ get back! step forward and i"ll fire. 回去!再向前的话我就开枪了。
  27. settlers made agreements with native american chiefs. 移民者和土著人头领达成协议。(p. 47 第三段第5行)
  agreement此处作可数名词,意为"协议",常与arrive,reach,keep,break,make,sign等动词连用。如: ① the two countries signed an agreement on nuclear weapons.两国签订了一项关于核武器的协议。② i"m sorry you couldn"t arrive at an agreement. 很遗憾你们不能达成协议。③ many agreements have been made between the two countries. 两国之间签订了很多协议。
  【注】agreement可以后接不定式或从句表示agreement的内容作定语 ① we reached an agreement with them to cooperate fully at all time. 我们与他们达成在任何情况下都合作的协议。② the negotiators came to an agreement that all troops would be withdrawn. 谈判者达成协议,撤出所有部队。
  【注】 agreement可用作不可数名词,意为"意见(或目的等)""一致""同意"。如: ① the two sides failed to reach agreement. 双方未能达成共识。② we are in agreement with their decision. 我们同意他们的决定。③ we are in full agreement with them on all points. 在所有方面我们和他们看法完全一致。④ there"s little agreement as to what our policies should be. 关于我们该采取什么政策,意见很不一致。⑤ we have to get their agreement before we go ahead with the plan. 在进行这项计划之前,我们必须得到他们的同意。
  28. while early settlers had killed bison for food, … 早期的移民宰杀野牛是为了充饥… (p.47 integrating skills reading 第四段 第2行)
  * while conj. 在……的同时,当……的时候
  (1) while与延续性动词连用,而when既可与延续性动词也可与终止性动词连用。
  (2) 表示一个人的两个动作交替或同时进行时,多用as表示"一边……,一边……";when很少用于这种情况。
  (3) 当表示两个同步发展的情况时,多用as而不用when或while。
  (4) 当表示两个短促行为或事件几乎同时发生时,用as要多于用when。
  (5) while用作并列连词,连接一个并列句,意为"而,却",表示前后意义上的对比和转折。
  while he was reading,he fell asleep. 他在读书的时候睡着了。he came while we were having dinner. 我们在吃晚饭时他来了。when he came, we were having supper. 他来时,我们正吃晚饭。(不能用while) when / while i was sleeping, a thief broke in我睡觉时,小偷撬门而入。 he looked behind from time to time as he went. 他一边走,一边不时地向后看。she dances as she sings. 她一边唱歌,一边跳舞。as time went on / by, she became more and more worried. 随着时间的推移,她变得越来越烦躁不安。as children get older,they are getting more and more interested in things about them. 随着孩子们年龄的增长,他们对周围的事物越来越感兴趣。 just as he caught the flying worm, he gave a loud cry. 他刚抓住那只飞虫,就大声地叫了起来。i thought of it just as you opened your mouth.我刚想起,你就开口说了出来。 some people are rich while others are poor. 有些人富,有些人穷。i"m interested in sports while my brother is fond of music.我对体育很感兴趣,而我的弟弟爱好音乐。
  29. they killed the bison, cut off the skins and left the bodies behind to rot. 他们把野牛杀了,剥去牛皮,抛弃尸体,任其腐烂。(p.47 integrating skills reading 第四段 第4行)
  leave...behind作"留下"解释,是执行者有意识的动作。如: ① the men had all run away leaving only old women and children. 男人们都跑了,只留下年老的妇女和孩子。② i shall leave you behind if you are not quick. 如果你不快点,我就把你丢在后面不管了。③ in their withdrawal,much of the heavy equipment had to be left behind. 他们在撤退时不得不留下许多笨重的东西。 ④ his wife left behind two little girls. 他妻子死后留下两个小女孩。⑤ you"ll have to put in some extra work at night if you don"t want to get left behind. 如果你不想被别人超过,就必须利用晚上时间做更多的工作。
  leave behind还有"遗忘" "遗留"之意,为执行者无意识的动作。如: ① 0h,dear! the travelling bag has been left behind. 唉呀!旅行袋忘了拿了。② it left behind a long train of problems and difficulties.这遗留下一连串问题和困难。③ i have left my keys behind at the office. 我把钥匙忘在办公室里了。
  30. with fewer bison, grass shoots were not eaten, … 因为野牛少了,嫩草没有牛吃,… (p.47 integrating skills reading 最后一段 第1行)   with
  (1) 表原因 my hand were blue with cold. 我的双手冻得发紫。the captain was beef-red with anger. 上尉气得满脸通红。the boy trembled with fear. 这男孩害怕得
  (2) (表示方式等)……地,……着,以…… you must handle this parcel with care. 这个包裹你须小心轻放。he speaks english with ease and fluency. 她说英语不费力而且流利。she performed the operation with great skill.她极为熟练地给病人施行手术。
  (3) (表示工具,手段等)用 did you write with a pen or pencil? 你用钢笔写还是用铅笔写? it’s best to draw lines with a ruler. 用尺子划线最合适。
  31. … which as a result became less good for growing plants. 这就越来越不适合植物的生长。(p. 47 最后一段第4行)
  as a result和as a result of
  as a result意为"因此""所以",后面的内容表示结果,而as a result of则意为"因为(由于)……",of后面的内容表示原因;请对照下列例句,辨析这两个词组之间的差别。① my car broke down and as a result, i was unable to get there. 我的车出了故障,因此我没能到那里去。② the flight was delayed as a result of fog. 因有雾,该航班误点。③ we went on walking in spite of the rain, as a result, we all got a bad cold. 我们不顾下雨继续往前走,结果都得了重感冒。④ he was late as a result of the traffic jam.由于交通阻塞,他迟到了。
  【注】as a result后面常接一个分句,as a result of常接名词、代词或动名词。
  32. … , and the insects which lived on these plants died out. 原来靠那些植物卫生的昆虫也都死了。(p. 47 最后一段第3行)
  die out的含义
  (1) (指家族, 物种)死光, 灭绝, 绝迹 these animals have already died out.这些动物已经绝种。
  (2) (指习俗,做法)消失,过时 ① the old traditions are dying out. 旧传统正在消失。② that style of music died out ten years ago.那种音乐十年前就听不到了。
  (3) 作熄灭解,out为副词。 the fire has died out. 火熄了。
  拓展:die away 消逝,平息,静下来; die down 平息,熄灭; die for 迫切想要; die from 由于……而死; die off 一个个死掉,绝种
  【注】 注意die out与die away的区别,后者主要指风、声、光等自然现象逐渐停止、消失。如: ① the wind has died away again. 风又停了。 ② the sound of the car died away in the distance. 汽车的声响在远处消逝。
  【注】die out意为"消亡""灭绝",而die off则意为"(一个一个)地死亡"。如: ① the leaves of this plant are dying off. 这株植物的叶子正在一片一片地凋谢。② the deer in the forest are dying off from disease. 森林中的鹿正因疾病而陆续死亡。
  33. this in turn had an effect on the food supply for wolves. 这样反过来又影响了狼的食物供应。(p. 47 最后一段第2行)
  in turn意为"依次""逐个地""转而""反过来"。如: ① theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. 理论以实践为基础,反过来又为实践服务。② we"ll cross the bridge in turn. 我们将挨个过桥。③ the students answered the teacher"s questions in turn.学生们依次回答老师的问题。④ the boys were summoned in turn to see the examiner. 男孩们被依次叫进去见考官。⑤ he spends too much time on maths, and this in turn affects the progress of his other subjects.他在数学上花的时间太多,这同时影响他的其他学科的进步。
  【注】 take turns at (或in) doing sth. 意为"轮流做某事",相当于do sth. in turn。注意两短语中名词的单复数。① mary and helen took turns at sitting up with their sick mother. 玛丽和海伦轮流熬夜陪伴她们生病的母亲。② the athletes took turns in singing songs and reciting poems. 运动员们一个接一个地唱歌和朗诵诗。
  【注】 turn也可解释为"短时间的活动", 相当于a short period of activity, turn在这里作可数名词用。如: ① i"ll take a few hams round the deck before i go to bed. 就寝之前我要在甲板上散一会儿步。② i"ll take a turn at the oars now if you want a rest. 如果你要休息,我来划一会儿浆。
  拓展:take one"s turn 轮班(做某事); take turns 轮流(做某事); by turns 轮流; on the turn 将好转
