

  unit 12 education
  整体感知单元要点word study1 load 2 workload 3 strict4 compulsory 5 commitment6 sceptical 7 tendency 8 absent9 unwilling 10 expand 11 distribute12 corporation 13 donate14 curriculum 15 ministry16 worldwide 17 profession18 alongside 19 advocate 20 housewife 21 obtain 22 evident 23 recorder24 anecdote 25 select 26 suit27 restriction 28 schedule29 presentation 30 analyse31 measurement1.负荷2.工作负担 3.严厉的4、有责任的 5、承诺 6、常怀疑的 7、倾向, 8、缺席的 9、不愿意的10、扩大,11、分布 12、公司 13、捐赠,14、(全部的)课程 15、(政府的)部 16、遍及全世界的 17、职业 18、在…旁边19、提倡 20、家庭主妇 21、获得 22、明显的 23、记录者24、轶事 25、选择 26、适合于 27、限制 28、进度表 29、描述, 30、分析 31、衡量,测量useful expressions1 be strict with/in 2 begin with3 drop out(of) 4 be unwilling to do 5 result in1、对…要求严格 2、首先,3、活动,竞赛中退出,退学4、不愿意做… 5、产生某种作用或结果
  sentence patterns and communicative english1.it be reported that 从句2.…the custom is to educate boys rather than girls .3.…the number of students in some schools is so low that students of …
  topic and writing1 to talk about study methods and learning styles2 to write a report analyzing the way you learn
  key schoolthe designation "key school" exists for selected schools at every level: elementary, secondary, and higher. in addition, there are various levels of the "key" designation itself: there are national key institutions; provincial or municipal key institutions, and county or district key institutions. key schools all enjoy priority funding as well as the privilege of recruiting the best students. at the elementary and secondary levels, this concept is similar to that of a "magnet" or "college preparatory" school in the united states. entry into such schools is based on examination and academic promise and achievement. for such schools, success usually is measured in terms of the percentage of its graduates entering colleges and universities----especially the key colleges and universities priority in the allocation of limited resources, the training of top-level manpower for china’s reconstruction can be carried out more efficiently.
  in certain areas, the "key school" concept has come under fire. indeed, the success of the key elementary and middle schools has been measured too often solely in terms of the college placement of its students, rather than on more objective measurements of learning. furthermore, remnants of the same sort of elitism that shut down the key schools during the cultural revolution have re-emerged, leading to questioning by education authorities. nevertheless, the vast majority of students gaining admission to china’s colleges and universities are graduates of key upper middle schools. thus, key schools are likely to continue to thrive as long as they enjoy the near monopoly of placing students in college.
  finally, since 1992, a new informal category of schools has emerged: the so-called "elite schools." these non-governmental schools with state-of-the-art facilities often charge astronomical tuition fees and cater primarily to children of the new and wealthy entrepreneurial class in china. "elite schools: exist at all levels of education, from kindergarten through higher education. (for more on these schools,)
  细说教材warming upall the people in the pictures are famous educators画面里所有的人都是著名的教育家[点拔]:educator n.教育者,教育家educate vt.教育education n.教育educational adj.有教育意义的,教育的,有关教育的短语:educate sb. in/on sth. 对人某人进行…教育educate sb.to do sth . 教育某人做某事e.g.:she was educated in the u.s.她是在美国受的教育e.g.:children need to be educated on the dangers of drug-taking.有必要对儿童进行吸毒有害的教育e.g.:a british-educated lawyer.受英国教育的律师。… and then report to the class… 然后向全班同学汇报[点拔]:1. report 动词,"汇报":有以下搭配结构report (on) sth to sb/doing to sb 向某人报告某事be reported to do (接动词不定式时,只用于被动语态)"报告说…"e.g.:the committee will report on its research next month.委员会下个月将汇报他们的研究情况。e.g.:the neighour reported seeing him leave the building around room. 邻居们反映说在中午时分看见他离开了大楼。e.g.:the house was reported to be in excellent condition 报告说明这房子的状况极佳。2:report vt. "报道,公布,发表,宣布"(事件,消息等)注意句型结构:it be reported that 从句相当于名型: 主语+be reported to do 句型。e.g.:it was reported that several people had been arrested.转换为:several people were reported to have be arrested.据报道已有数人被捕。report (on) sth "报道…" e.g.:she reports on news for the bbc.她为英国广播公司做新闻报道。3:report n. "报道","汇报"常与介词on搭配。e.g.:are these new reports true ? 报纸上这些报道属实吗?e.g.:a weather report 天气预报e.g.:can you give us a progress report ? 你能给我们提供进度报告吗?listening:compare your notes with your partners.与你的同佯交换你的看法[点拔]:compare vt."比较" comparison n."比较"注意短语:compare a and /with b "比较a和b""把a和b比较"compare a to b "把a比作b"compare to/with … "和…相比"e.g.:we carefully compared the first report with the second.我们仔细比较了第一份报告和第二份报告。e.g.:people always compare teachers to red candles 人们总是把把教师比作红蜡。e.g.:my own problems seem nothing compared with/to other people’s. 与别人的问题相比,我自己的问题算不得什么。[点拔]compare notes with sb 与某人交换看法或意见等make a note ofmake notes of 请记录下…take a notes/notes of 记笔记…注意以上短评意义上的区别。speakinga heavy workload 沉重的工作负担[点拔]:1. load n."负担,负载" e.g.:such a heavy workload.如此沉重的工作负担2.load n."担子,货物"短语:a load of=loads of 接可数名词和不可数名词,"大量","许多"之意。e.g.:she has got loads of friends.she has got a load of friends.她有许多朋友。e.g.:there is loads of work to do today.今天有好多工作要做。3.load vt.译为"装载"常见短语:load … with sth 相当于 load sth onto/into 汉语意思是:"把某物装到…上"e.g.:we are still loading. 我们仍在装货。e.g.:men were loading up a truck with wood..转换为 men were loading up wood onto a truck.工人正在把木材装到卡车上。(工人们在卡车里装了木材。)e.g.:she loaded film into the camera.转换为 she loaded the camera with film.他把胶卷装到了相机里。(他在相机里装了胶卷)[点拔]区别 burden :"重负",多指心理思想上压力。 load : "负荷""担子",多指物体、事物。e.g.:bear a heavy burden. 忍受学生的心理压力。his aged farther is becoming a burden to him他年迈的爸爸正成为他的负担。to be strict with 对…严格要求[点拔]:1、strict adj. "严格的","严厉的",注意短语be strict with sb. 对…要求严格(人)。be strict in sth. 对…要求严格(事/物)。e.g.:a strict rule against smoking 禁止吸烟的严格制度。e.g.:the teacher is strict with us and strict in his work as well.老师对我们要求很严格,对他的工作也很严格。2、strict adj. 精确的,严密的。please give a strict understanding. 请给我一个准确的理解。3、strictly adv. 严格地,固定习语 strictly speaking.意为:"准确地说","严格地讲"。e.g.:strictly speaking , he is not qualified the job.准确地说,他不是具备从事这工作的资格。reading… every chinese child would have nine years of compulsory education.每一位中国儿童必须接受九年义务教育。[点拔]:compulsory adj. "义务的,有责任的","必须做的"。e.g.:is military service compulsory in your country ?你们国家实行义务兵役制度吗?e.g.:is english a compulsory subject ? 英语是必修科目的?… that the future welfare of their citizens is closely linked to education . …公民的未来幸福与教育是紧密相关的。[点拔]:1、closely adv. "密切地","仔细地","紧紧地" closely adv.,与距离无关,指抽含意的关系近地。 close 也可作副词,意思是"near , not far away"为"接近,靠近"之意,指距离近地。e.g.:they sat close together . 他们紧挨着做在一起。e.g.:i couldn’t get close enough to see . 我无法靠得很近去看清楚。e.g.:i sat and watched everyone very closely .我坐着仔细观察每一个人。e.g.:the two events are closely connected.两件事件之间有密切的关系。[点拔]: link 联系。1、link n. 名词:"联系,连接","关系,纽带",常见短语link between a and b 连接a和b/a和b之间的联系。link with sth. 与…联系。e.g.:police suspect there may be a link between the two murders . 警方怀疑那两桩凶杀案可能有关联。e.g.:we will keep trade links with asia .我们将保持与亚洲的贸易关系。2、link v. 动词,常见短语搭配link a to/with b(或 link a and b) 把a和b连接起来。e.g.:the channel tunnel links britain with the rest of europe.英吉利海峡隧道把英国和欧洲其他国家连接起来了。e.g.:detective have lined the break-into a similar crime in the area last year.侦探以为这起入室盗窃案与去年此地区一类似案件有关。… made a commitment to provide … …作出一项承诺提供…[点拔] 1. make a commitment to sb. to do "做出承诺",相当于 make a promise.commitment 是名词,意为"承担","保证"。e.g.:i’m overworked at the moment . i’ve taken on too many commitments.我目前劳累过度 应承的事情太多了。e.g.:she doesn’t want to make a commitment to steve at the moment.她不想在此刻对史蒂夫作出承诺。2、commit vt."承诺","保证",注意短语搭配 to sth.commit sb/yourself to doing 向…承诺做某事。 to do e.g.:the president is committed to reforming health care.总统承诺要改革卫生保健制度。e.g.:both sides committed themselves to settle the conflict peacefully .双方承诺和平解决矛盾。to begin with , it is important to create a positive attitude .首先,重要的是拿出一种积极的态度。[点拨]:to begin with 固定短语,有下列意义:1. in the first place ; firstly. 首先,第一e.g. i’m not going .to begin with i haven’t a ticket ,and secondly i didn’t like the play . 我不走。第一我没有票,第二我不喜欢这出戏。2. at first 起初e.g. to begin with he had no money ,but later he became quite rich . 起初他没有钱,但是后来他变得很富有。3. begin with "从---开始"相当于 "start with ---" 相反的短语是 "end with ---""以—结束"e.g. the english alphabet begins with "a" and ends with "z".  "alphabet"这个英语单词是以"a"开始以"z"结束。in areas where agriculture plays an important role ,people do not attach importance to education ,and parents are sceptical of anything that takes children away from their work on the farm.在一些地方,农业扮演着重要角色。人们认为教育对他们不是那么举足轻重,父母对任何让孩子脱离农田劳动的事情常表示怀疑。[点拨]:play a role (in---) 相当于play a part (in---) "在---中起作用"或者译为"在---中扮演角色"[点拨]:attach to 意思是:"把---固定""把---附在---上"e.g. i attach a copy of my notes to the newspaper for your information . 我在报纸上附了一份笔记让你参考。attach importance (value, weight etc.) to sth. 固定短语 意思是"认为---有重要性(价值,分量等)"e.g. i attach great importance to this research . 我认为这项研究十分重要。[点拨]:sceptical "怀疑的"注意短语 be sceptical of /about 意思是"怀疑---""对---表示怀疑" e.g. i am sceptical about his chances of winning . 我怀疑他取胜的可能性。the public remain sceptical of this claims .公众对这一说法仍持怀疑态度。china and other countries found that even in the countryside when children do start school ,they have a tendency often to be absent and drop out later .中国和其它国家发现,尤其在农村,孩子确实去上学了,而他们又经常逃学,继而辍学这一倾向。[点拨]: do start school 短句中,do 是助动词,表示强调,无任何意义,要重读。e.g. she did know the truth of the theft . 她的确知道盗窃案的真相。she dose go to the park to feed the ducks every day .她确实每天下午到公园去喂鸭子。[点拨]:tendency 名词"倾向""趋势"tend 动词"倾向""趋势"tend 动词"照料、看护"e.g. prices continue to show an upward tendency . 物价继续显示出向上的趋势。i tend to go to bed earlier during the winter .在冬季我常常早睡觉。there are nurses tending the injured .有护士照料这些伤员。[点拨]:absent 形容词"不在现场的""不存在的""无"absence 名词e.g. he is absent from school very often . 他经常旷课。love was totally absent from his childhood .他的童年时代完全缺少爱。in the absence of the manager ,i’ll be in charge .经理不在,我来负责。[点拨]:1.drop out of 这一短语的意思是"退出""辍学"e.g. since his last defeat ,he has dropped out of politics . 自从他上次失败了,他就退出了政治生活。she got a scholarship to combridge but dropped out a year later .她获得了剑桥大学的学籍,但是一年后她辍学了。2.drop 动词"降落、落下""指人或动物筋疲力尽地倒下""降低、减少"e.g. the bottle dropped and broken . 瓶子落下来,摔碎了。the climmer slipped and dropped to death .登山者滑了下来,摔死了。his voice dropped to whisper .他的声音降到了耳语的程度。3.drop 相关短语drop in on sb. (= call on sb .) 拜访某人drop in at a place (= call at a place ) 访问/参观某地in some countries parents are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys rater than girls .在一些国家,父母尤其不愿把女孩子送到学校读书,由于习惯上重男轻女的缘故吧。[点拨]:unwilling 形容词"不愿意的""不情愿的" 反义词是willing 1. willing adj. 相当于 ready or eager to help 意思是"愿意"e.g. are you willing to accept responsibility ? 你愿意承担责任吗?2. will 助动词,表示对未来事物的预料,还可表意愿等;e.g. you will be in time if you hurry . 如果你抓紧,你会准时到。he will start school soon , won’t he ?他不久就上学了,是吗?he’ll take you home---you only have to ask .他愿意带你回家,你只要请求一下。3. will 名词,意思是"意志、意愿"e.g. she shows great strength of will . 她显示出了坚强的意志力。where there is a will ,there is a way .有志者,事竞成。[点拨] 有关rather than 的用法: 1. rather than可连接两个并列成份,表示"---而不是---"rather than e.g. the colour seems green rather than blue . 这颜色似乎是绿色而不是蓝色。it was what he meat rather than what he said .这是他的意愿而不是他的原话。2. 句型would do --- rather than do ---也可写成would rather do --- than do "宁愿做---而不愿做---"e.g. he would rather listen to others than talk himself .可换为: he would listen to others rather than talk himself . 他宁愿听别人谈而不愿自己说。he would deal with a man rather than with a woman .可换为:he would rather deal with a man than with a woman .他愿意和男人打交道而不愿意和女人打交道。3. would rather +从句 "宁愿某人做某事",从句谓语动词用过去式,表示希望现在或将来的事;从句谓语动词用过去完成式,表示希望已过去的事情;若用进行式,表示希望正在进行的事情。e.g. she would rather the children called on her the next day . 她宁愿孩子们第二天来看望她。he would rather you had led a happy life .我们宁愿你们已经过上了好日子。china’s large population meat that the schools had to expand to take in many more students .中国人口众多,那就意味着学校不得不扩大来接纳如此多的学生。[点拨] take in 接人和接物,其含义不同1. take sb. in 意思是to allow sb. to stay in your home 译为:"收留、留宿"e.g. he was homeless ,so we took him in . 他无家可归,我们便收留了他。2. take sb. in 另一个含义是 to make sb. believe sth. that is not true 译为"欺骗、蒙骗"e.g. she took me in completely with her story .她的一番花言巧语完全把我骗了。don’t be taken in by his charm --- he’s ruthless .不要被他迷人的风度所蒙蔽,其实他冷酷无情。3. take sth. in 意思较多,常有"吸入、吞入""改小、改瘦衣服""包含、包括""注意到、看到"e.g. fish take in oxygen through their gills . 鱼用鳃呼吸氧气。this dress needs to be taken in at the waist .这件连衣裙腰身需要改瘦一些。the tour takes in six european capitals .这次旅行包括六个欧洲国家的首都。he took in every detail of her appearance .他仔细打量了她一番。[点拨] many more students "更多的学生"请注意修饰不可数名词时用 much more e.g. he has much more work to do . 他有更多的工作要作。---the number of students in some schools is so low that students of ------学生的数量是如此之少以至于学生---[点拨] so --- that --- "那样---以至于---"引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句。e.g. he was so young that you must excuse him . 他是那样年轻,你必须得原谅他。he got up so early that he could catch the first bus . 他起得那样早以便能赶得上第一班车。so that "以致"引表目的的从句e.g. let’s try and arrange so that we can get there at one o’clock . 咱们设法安排一下,以便我们能在一点钟到那儿。在so --- that ---分开的句型中,为了强调,可将so 放在句首,主句倒装。上面两句可改为:e.g. so young was he that you must excuse him .so early did he get up that he could catch the first bus .--- this results in large class sizes .---这种情况导致了大班上课。[点拨] result in "产生---作用/结果"是固定短语result from "因---而产生""导致"as a result of "因为""由于---的结果"as a result "结果"e.g. our efforts resulted in success.我们的努力导致了成功。the talks resulted in reducing the number of missiles . 谈判导致了导弹数量的减少。the failure resulted from his laziness .失败源于他的懒惰。in many developing countries there is not enough money available to provide classrooms .---在许多发展中国家,国家拿不出足够的钱为所有的孩子提供教室---[点拨] developing 为现在分词,作定语修饰 countrisea developing country 一个发展中国家a developed country 一个发达国家[点拨] provide sth. for sb. ( 或provide sb. with sth. )supply sth. to/for sb. ( 或supply sb. with sth. ) offer sth. to sb. ( 或offer sb. sth. )以上三个词短语,大意"为---提供物""把---物提供给人"但要注意offer 含有自愿奉献的意思。e.g. i offer him a a glass of wine . 我敬了他一杯酒。we offered him the house for £1000.我要价1000镑卖给他那幢房子。we offered him £1000 for the house .我们出价1000镑向他买那幢房子。the school provided food for the students .( 或the school provided the students with food. )这所学校为学生提供食物。the school supplies books for/to the children .( 或the school supplies the children with books .)学校提供学生们书籍。providing 和provided 还可作连词使用,意为"如果--""只要--"相当于if 条件句。但要根据句子主语判断是使用 provided 还是使用providing 。e.g. she may come with us provided that she arrives in time . 如果她及时到达,她可能会和我们一起来。you may go out providing you do your homework first .只要你先把作为做好,你就可以出去了。the equip schools some of these governments rely completely on aid from other countries ---为了装备学校设施,这些国家政府几乎完全依赖外国。[点拨] 1. rely—relies—relying –--relied --–relied 注意动词五式的写法。2. rely on sb./sth. to do 或 rely on sb./sth. doing 固定结构,意思是"依赖、依靠"( 相当于be dependent on ) e.g. these days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work . 现在,我们很大程度上依赖电脑来安排我们的工作。the industry relies on the price remaining high .这一产业靠的是价格高涨。3. rely on sb./sth. to do sth. "信任、信赖"相当于 trust or have faith in e.g. you should rely on your own judgment . 你应该相信自己的判断。you can rely on me to keep your secret .你可以相信我一定会为你保守秘密。---international organizations such as the world bank and non—governmental organizations ---国际组织,诸如此类有"世界银行组织"、"非政府组织"---[点拨]:non是一个前缀词头,可以放在名词、形容词前构成一个反义词。e.g. non+n. non-cooperation 不合作 non-member 非成员 non-smoker 不抽烟的人 non-white 非白种人 non-confidence 不信任e.g. non+adj. non-existent 不存在的 non-human 非人类的 non-stop 中途不停的 non-smoking 非吸烟的 non-nuclear 非核子的corporations and private citizens also donate money through the hope project. 一些大公司和个人也通过"希望工程"捐助
  [点拨]:donate 意思是give money、food、clothes、etc.to sb/sth译为"捐赠、赠送"。常见短语:donate sth.to sb/sthe.g. he donated thousands of pounds to charity.他向慈善事业捐款数千英镑。e.g. all donated blood is tested for hiv and other infections.所有献的血都要接受爱滋病病毒和其他传染病检查the usa has found that it is not easy to make sure that every student……. 美国发现,确保让每个学生受到同样……
  [点拨]: of sthmake sure  that 从句注意接that从句时,从句常使用一般现在时,而不用一般将来时。这一短语有两个含义,一是"确保,没法保证",另一是"查明"、"核实"、"弄清事实"。e.g. make sure(that)no one finds out about this. 绝对不能让任何人发现这件事e.g. they scored another goal and make sure of victory. 他们又进了一个球,这就赢定了e.g. she looked around to make sure that she was alone. 她往四下里看看,是不是只有她一个人……reaching the target of "education for all" will be a huge task, despite help from the international community ……尽管有国际社会的援助,要实现"全民教育"这一目标将是一项艰巨的任务
  [点拨]:despite 介词,意思是"不管、尽管、任凭"。注意固定短语:despite oneself,译为"尽管(自己)不愿意"e.g. her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it. 尽管她竭尽全力控制自己,声音仍然在颤抖e.g. despite applying for hundred of jobs, he is still out of work. 尽管他申请了数百个工作,但仍然在失业e.g. he had to laugh despite himself. 他不想笑,但还是忍不住笑了出来integrating skillsin other aspects you have a lot in common 在另一些方面,你们有好多共同点
  [点拨]:common adj."常见的;普遍的;通常的"、"共有的;共同的" n. "公共用地;公地"、"(学校等)学生公共食堂"注意有关固定短语的使用:have sth in common with sb/sth (想法、兴趣等方面)相同/有相同的特征in common 共有,公有in common with sb 与……相同e.g. jane and i have nothing in common 可转换为 i have nothing in common with jane. 我与简毫无共同之处e.g. the two cultures have a lot in common 这两种文化具有许多相同之处e.g. they hold the property as tenants in common. 作为共同租赁人,他们共同占用这份房地产learning style theory suggests that different people have different ways of obtaining information. 学习方式理论表明不同的人具有获取信息的不同方法
  [点拨]:suggest此处为"暗示;表明"之意,故从句谓语动词未使用表现虚拟形式的should+动词原形。1.suggest 表示"建议"后面可接以下几种结构 名词suggest+ 动名词 从句(从句的谓语动词多由should+动词原形构成,也可省略should) london for their meeting.他建议在伦敦举行会议e.g. he suggested  a twenty-day tour of europe.他建议到欧洲作二十日游e.g. i suggest doing it in a different way.我建议用另种方法做这件事。e.g. he suggested that she(should) come another day.他建议她改天再来。注意:现代英语中,suggest作"建议"讲时,从句谓语有时也可能有别的形式。e.g. your niece suggested i might call and see you .你的侄女建议我来看你。2.suggest "表明、暗示"接从句时,用陈述语气 e.g. her pale face suggests that she hasn’t got well. 她苍白的脸色表明她还没有痊愈…and the way that things are said. …和事物表述的方式 [点拨]:that things are said 是定语从句修饰先行词way , 先行词way常用that或in which 作关系词引导定语从句,that/in which 也可以省略they select a variety of activities to suit their students different learning styles 他们选取了适合学生不同学习风格的各种活动
  [点拨]:select v."挑选、选拔", to do 短语select sb   as+名词         adj.仔细挑选的,精选的    selection n.挑选,选择,选拔e.g. who has been selected to take part in the project? 挑选谁去参加这个工程?e.g. he is selected as the team leader. 他被选为队长.e.g. i’m delighted about my selection as leader 我很高兴被选为领导e.g. the selected works of mao zedong.《毛泽东选集》[点拨]: choose 对所选事物事前不了解 区别 pick out 事前已知道或了解所选事物,通过辨别挑选出来 select 精心挑选最好,最优秀的事物[点拨]:suit vt."适合于",指日期、天气、食物、衣着、色彩等等诸方面 suitable adj."适合的" be suitable for  fit vt."适合"只是指尺寸大小合适 fit adj."适合的"be fit for一是"尺寸大小合适",另一是"适合工作"e.g. does the skirt suit me ? 指裙子的颜色、款式、图案等是否合适 does the skirt fit me ? 指裙子的尺寸大小是否合适 这裙子适合我吗? 这裙子合我身吗?e.g. will thursday suit you ? 星期四合适吗?(不可用fit)e.g. a place suitable for a picnic .一个适合野餐的地方(不能用fit)
  习题对话language practice1.①absent: not in a place because of illness etc.②compulsory: that must be done because of a law or a rule③standard: a level of quality ④curriculum: the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught a school, college .⑤distribute: share sth between a number of people .⑥tendency: behave or act in a particular way; a new custom that is starting to develop.⑦expand: to become greater in size, number or importance; to make sth greater in size, number or importance⑧skeptical: having doubts that a claim or statement is true or that sth will happen.⑨commitment: a promise to do sth or to behave in a particular way; a promise to support sb/sth⑩load: sth that is being carried by a person, vehicle, etc.2.1).compulsory 2).continuous 3).requirement 4).unless 5).corporations6).demanding 7).tendency 8).comminent 9).retires 10).curriculum 11).benefit 12).outcome 13).ministries 14).be expanded3.①leave before they finish drop out.②increased gone up③hopes and requirements expectations④not prepared unwilling ⑤examined analyzed⑥lead to acquire⑦in comes and higher levels of comfort living standard⑧worked out calculated
  考题档案1.[全国XX.25]rose need special care they can live through winter. a. because b. so that c. even if d. even2.[全国XX.26]—how about eight o’clock outside the cinema? --that me fine a. fits b. meets c. satisfies d. suits3.[上海XX.30]it is believed that if a book is ,it will surely the reader.a. interested; interest b. interesting; be interestedc. interested; be interesting d. interesting; interest4.[上海XX.34]we were in when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.a. a rush so anxious b. a such anxious rushc. so an anxious rush d. such an anxious rush5.[上海XX.50] one of the consequences of our planet’s being warming up is a(n) in the number of natural disasters.a. result b. account c. reason d. increase6.[ 上海XX.54]the engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather the helplessness of the crew at sea. a. added to b. resulted from c. turned out d. made up7.[北京XX.30]it was raining heavily. little mary felt cold ,so the stood to her mother. a. close b. closely c. closed d. closing8.[上海XX.39] be sent back to work there?a. who do you suggest b. who do you suggest c. do you suggest who would d. do you suggest whom should9.[上海XX.50]can you make a sentence to the meaning of the phrase?a. show off b. turn out c. bring out d. take in 10.[湖北XX.30]on hearing the news of the accident in the local mine, she pale. a. got b. changed c. went d. appeared
  参考答案1.b 2.d 3.d 4.d 注意两种习惯表达法,so+adj.+a(an)+n.或者such+a(an)+n.,故选d。 5.d 6.a 7.a 8.a 9.c a项为"炫耀",b项为"结果是",c项为"使(意义)明白表示出来"。d项为"吸入" 10.c
  a级(基础训练)ⅰ:单句改错 1.it is a no-smoking office, the only one of the building . 2. all of you ,including the 10-year-old child must make sure you will finish morning exercise before 6 a.m. 3.the climate here doesn’t fit anyone moving form the south . 4.he who is strict in himself is sure to succeed. 5.the two events are closely connected, providing you think over .6.who do you suggest the game should begin from ?7.where there is will, there is a way .8.she would rather all of her sons have attended college leaving her alone at home.9.the lack of resources often make it impossible for teachers to provide the best exercises to all learners.10.it is very different from for parents of children in the least developed nations of africa and asia.
  b级(创新提高)i:单项选择。1.he will surely finish the job on time he’s left to do it in his own way . a.in that  b.so long as  c.in case  d.for fear that 2.a student _________ his family lots of money for education. a.spends b.costs  c.takes d.pays3.everyone was on time for the lecture ________ charles, who is usually ten minutes late for everything.a.but  b.only  c.even  d.yet4.—i"ll tell something about the change in your job tomorrow.—you ________ me some time earlier.a.ought to tell  b.would have told  c.must tell  d.should have told 5.i hear you are saying that doctors should be highly paid, and this is ________ i disagree.a.why  b.where  c.what  d.how6.there is no experience you can have ________ is more exciting than skating on real ice.a.that  b.it  c.what  d.this 7.you shouldn"t leave the water ________ while you wash clothes; it"s a waste of water.a.run  b.running  c.being run  d.to run 8.only when they were told of the importance of time ________ wasting time is like wasting part of their lives.a.those boys realized b.those boys had realized c.had those boys realized  d.did those boys realize 9.________ you met with yao ming for the first time? a.when it was that  b.was it when thatc.when was it that  d.was it that when 10.he accidentally ________ he had stolen something from a shop and had been punished by the guards.a.let out  b.took care  c.made sure  d.made out11.they wanted to get paid before the spring festival, but it didn"t quite ________ as planned.a.make out  b.go on c.turn out  d.come up12.________ the project, the workers have to stay there for another two months.a.not completing  b.not completed c.not having completed  d.having not completed 13.________ to the top of the hill and you"ll find the city more beautiful.a.climb  b.climbing  c.if you climb  d.when climbing 14.our monitor has ________ larger collection of ________ books than any other student in our class.a.the; 不填  b.a; 不填  c.a; the  d.不填;the 15.—what are we going to do on the weekend? — ________ .whatever you want to do is fine with me.
  when sailors are allowed ashore after a long time at sea, they sometimes get drunk and cause trouble. for this reason, the navy 1 has its police in big ports. whenever sailors cause trouble, the police come and 2 them.
  on day, the police in a big seaport received a telephone call 3 a bar in the town. the barman said that a big sailor had got drunk and 4 the furniture in the bar. the officer in charge of the police guard that evening said that he would come immediately.
  now, officers who 5 and punish the sailors 6 drunk usually chose 7 policeman they could find to go with them. 8 this particular officer did not do this. 9 , he chose the smallest and 10 man he could find to go to the bar with him and 11 the sailor.
  another officer who 12 there was surprised when he saw the officer of the guard chose such a small man. 13 he said to him, "why 14 you take a big man with you? you have to fight the sailor who 15 ."
  "yes, you are 16 right," answered the officer of the guard. "that is exactly 17 i am taking this small man. if you see two policemen coming 18 you, and one is 19 the other, which one 20 you attack?"
  1. a. always b. seldom c. forever d. sometimes
  2. a. meet with b. deal with c. see d. judge
  3. a. about b. from c. in d. of
  4. a. was breaking b. was ordering c. was moving d. was dusting
  5. a. would go b. might beat c. dared to fight d. had to go
  6. a. slightly b. not at all c. heavily d. much more
  7. a. the biggest b. the youngest c. the bravest d. the experienced
  8. a. in fact b. but c. so d. and
  9. a. instead b. therefore c. although d. then
  10. a. good-looking b. weakest-looking c. ugly-looking d. strongest-looking
  11. a. seize b. kill c. get rid of d. catch up with
  12. a. will go b. had come c. would start off d. happened to be
  13. a. yet b. but c. so d. then
  14. a. don" t b. couldn"t c. can" t d. do
  15. a. looks strong b. is drunk c. seems rude d. is dangerous
  16. a. all b. very c. too d. quite
  17. a. how b. what c. why d. that
  18. a. up b. at c. before d. towards
  19. a. not smaller than b. as big as c. as small as d. much smaller than
  20. a. could b. will c. do d. can阅读理解
  awhy does cream go bad faster than butter? some researchers think they have the answer, and it comes down to the structure(结构) of the food, not its chemical composition (成份)—a finding that could help break away from some chemicals. cream and butter contain pretty much the same things, so why cream should go bad much faster has been a problem. both are small globules(小球) of one liquid spread throughout another. the difference lies in what"s in the globules and what"s in the surrounding liquid, says brocklehurst, who led the research. in careen, fatty globules drift about in a sea of water. in butter, globules of a watery road are locked away in a sea of fat. the bacteria(细菌) which make the food go bad prefer to live in the watery areas of the mixture. "this means that in cream, thebacteria are free to grow throughout the mixture," he says. when in butter, the bacteria are locked away in locked places buried deep in the sea of fat. trapped in this way, those colonies cannot spread and rapidly run out. they also slowly poison themselves with their waste products." in butter, you get a self-limiting system which stops the bacteria growing," says brocklehurst. the researchers are already working with food companies eager to see if their products can be made to stand bacterial attack through changes of the food"s structure. brocklehurst believes it will be possible to make something changes of the for instance, more like that in butter, the key will be possible to make something used in salad cream liquid and mot taming like it into a solid state.1 the significance of brocklehurst"s research is that.a. it suggested a way to keep some foods fresh without using some chemicalsb. it discovered small globules in both cream and butterc. it showed the secret of how bacteria increase in cream and butterd. it found that cream and butter share the same chemical composition2 according to the researchers, cream goes bad faster than butter because bacteria.a. are stronger in cream b. increase their number more easily in cream than in butterc. live on less fat in cream than in butter d. produce less waste in cream than in butter3 according to brocklehurst, we can keep cream fresh but .a. removing its fat b. killing the bacteria c. reducing its water d. changing its stricture4 the underlined word "colonies" refers to .a. tiny globules b. watery regions c. bacteria society d. little departments5 commercial use of the research finding will be possible if salad cream can be made to stand bacterial attack .a. by changing its chemical composition b. by turning it into a solid lumpc. while keeping its structure unchanged d. while its liquid form remains
  bmy son and i were trying to sell the house we had repaired but in the barn(谷仓)there were bats(蝙蝠)and they would not leave. the barn was their home. they told us so in their own way. they hung there in the barn and seemed determined to stay for the season. don"t worry about it, dad, " patrick said. they keep down the mosquitoes(蚊子)."unfortunately they also kept the buyers away. when we had asked a person to sell the house for us he had refused to show it because of the bats. bats are popular, "patrick comforted me. they"re ecological(生态学的)."isn"t there a machine you can buy that produces high frequency sounds to keep bats away?" i don"t know," said patrick. but i like bats, and whoever buys this house will probably like them too.""probably?"i hated that word. how many bats are there ,anyway?" i counted about 90 last night," said patrick. they were dropping out from under the edge of the roof." you mean there are more—outside?" they"re everywhere, dad. but look at it this way. when the cold weather comes, they’ll be off to mexico. maybe in the spring we can keep them out. don"t worry about it," he said for the hundredth time. it"s not a problem."the bat expert i called was even more active than patrick. i think you"ve got a large number there," he said in wonder, i’ve been trying to attract bats to our house for 25 years  a single bat eats up his weight in mosquitoes and black flies three times every night. you"re a very lucky man." i offered to share my luck with him. he could take them away. bats have a remarkable homing instinct(本能),"he said. they"d fly straightback even if i transported them 100 miles. once they have settled, you can"t stop them from coming back." i was silent.finally we managed to rent "(出租)the house to a young family, who were also interested in buying it. what about the bats?" i said to patrick.oh, they love the bats," he said. no mosquitoes. no black flies. it"s one of the things that attracted them." do you think they will really buy the bouse? "probably." probably? well,if they do ,i suppose i"ll have to admit that i was wrong. "you mean you"re going to eat your words?"yes, i am."6 what was the problem the author had with his house?a. bats were living in the barn and wouldn"t go away.b. the author and his son couldn"t sleep well because of the bats.c. the author and his son might be able to stay for the season.d. the house was still badly in need of repair.7 what did patrick suggest the author should do to stop the bats living in the barn? a. he should buy a high frequency machine.b. he should move them one hundred miles away.c. he should reduce the number of mosquitoes.d. he should close the barn in the spring.8 why did the author fall silent when he talked with the bat specialist?a. he felt sure about the situation.b. he found out that it would be impossible to remove the bats.c. he learned that he would be able to share his luck with the expert.d. he liked the advice given by the expert.9 what happened regarding the house in the end?a. some people agreed to rent the house.b. the author failed to find anybody who wanted to live in the house.c. the bat expert made the decision to buy the house.d. the bats left the house for mexico in the spring.10 why did the author think he might have to "eat his words"?a. he felt sorry for the bats. b. he might be mistaken about being unable to sell the house.c. he realized he might be wrong about the bats" actions.d. he was happy about selling the house.短文改错mary did not understand such sentences like "she is blue today." 1.____"you are yellow."" he has a green thumb." "he has told a white lie." 2____and so on. and she went to the teacher with help. 3._____mary :mrs smith ,there is a color in each of the sentence. 4_____what do they mean?mrs smith: in everyday english, mary, blue sometimes mean 5_____sad ,yellow afraid . person with a green thumb grows plants well. 6____and a white lie is not a bad one.mary :would you give me a example for "a white lie"? 7_____mrs smith :certainly. now i just give you some cakes. in fact, 8_____you don"t like it, but you won"t say it instead of ,you say 9_____"yes ,thanks, i"m not hungry." that"s a white lie. 10_____mary: oh, i see, thank you very much.
  1.上学的年龄; 2.开学的时间; 3.学制情况(小学六年,初中三年);
  4. 所学课程; 5.收费情况;  6.义务教育的特点。
  compulsory education in china
  a级(基础训练)1.no-smoking 改为 non-smoking 2.去掉will3.fit改为suit 4.in改为with 5.providing改为provided 6.from改为with 7.is will 之间添加冠词a8.去掉have,或将have改为had 9.to改为for10.去掉from
  b级(创新提高)单项选择1—5 bbadb 6—10 abdca 11—15 ccabb完形填空1—5 abbad 6—10 cabab 11—15 adcab 16—20 dcbdb阅读理解1—5 a b d c d 6—10 adbab短文改错1. (like)-as 2.  3.(with)-for 4.(sentence)-sentences 5.(mean)-means 6.person 前加a 7.me(a)-an 8.(cakes)-cake 9.去掉 of 10.(yes)-no书面表达
  one possible version:
  compulsory education in china
  in china, school begins on september 1. children go to school when they are six yearsold. children shall study for six years in primary school, where they will learn chinese,maths, english, music, drawing, p.e. and so on. when they have finished primary school,they will enter junior school, where they will learn other subjects, such as physics, chemistry, politics, history,
  geography, biology and so on. they shall study for 3 yearsin junior school.
  during the compulsory education, parents only have to pay the fees of books and exercise books for their children’s education. according to the law, it’s parents’ duty to send their children to receive the compulsory education.
  全民教育1986年,中国政府提议一项立法,即到XX年为止,每一位中国儿童必须接受九年义务教育。尽管实现这个目标还有诸多问题,可是结果是极其成功的。据报道,截止到XX年报99%的中国学龄儿童上了小学。与其他国家一样,中国政府意识到了公民的未来幸福与教育是紧密相关的。XX年世界教育论坛召开,会上数字表明,全球有一亿一千三百万儿童上不了学。在论坛会上,联合国教科及组织的成员国做出一项承诺:到XX年为止,要为所有儿童提供完美的、免费的及高质量的小学义务教育,即所谓的"全民教育"。这些国家现在试图让每个儿童入学,它们所经历的困难与中国相似。首先,重要的是要抱有一种积极的态度。在一些地方,那是农业扮演着重要角色。人们认为教育对他们不那么举足轻重,父母亲对让孩子摆脱田间劳动的任何事情都表示怀疑。政府不得不向他们解释儿童、家庭及社区能够从教育中得益多少,而改变传统的观念可不是那么轻而易举。中国和其他国家都发现,尤其在农村地区,孩子确实去上学了,而他们有经常逃学,继而辍学这一倾向。在一些国家,父母尤其不愿把女孩送到学校就读,由于习惯上重男轻女的缘故吧。中国人口众多,那就意味着学校不得扩大来接纳如此多的学生。现在的师资有些短缺,即使人口少的国家也有这种情况。在土耳其和凯科斯群岛,那里人口不到2万人,一些学校里的学生如此少,以致于几个不同年级的学生在同一个教室里上课。人口的分布状况也能影响教育体制。在中国,大多数人生活在东部地区,这种情况又导致了大班化。然而,偏远地区及西部省份人口较少。这些地区的学校不能为每个年级的少额学生提供教师,因此让他们编入混合班。在澳大利亚的北部及中部地区,人口稀散,一些家住农村的孩子离最近的学校远达1000公里,为了解决这一问题,澳大利亚政府采用了"远程教学法",让学生使用两用的收音机和邮件上课。在一个国家里所有儿童能够接受教育,其成功之处还要仰赖其经济水平。在许多发展中国家,国家拿不出足够的钱为所有孩子提供教室、课桌、椅子、书籍。为了装备学校设施,这些国家政府几乎完全依赖外国,国际组织,例如世界银行,及非政府组织,诸如"救救孩子" 的援助,其他国家得到特别项目的帮助。在中国,世界银行和"救救孩子",帮助欠发达省份的学校。一些大公司及个人也通过"希望工程"向学校捐助。甚至世界上最富有的国家也面临着一些问题。美国发现,确保让每个学生受到同样的教育是不容易的,美国有1/3的学生生活在农村,要开足他们充足的课程决非易事。远程教学帮了大忙。现在在很小的农村学校。许多儿童使用电脑软件、电子邮件及录像实况上课。中国也采用了"远程教学法"(如电视),并且在1999年,教育部在中西部地区引进了计算机化教学网络。中国政府克服了人口和经济问题来完成"九年义务教育"目标。现在,一对夫妻生一个孩子,他们很有信心把孩子送到学校去,可是在亚洲及非洲的最不发达国家里情况迥异,在这此国家,一些人甚至喝不上新鲜的水,得不到基本的健康保障,尽管有国际社会的援助,要实现"全民教育"这一目标任务仍然艰巨。综合技能:
