

  词 汇
  相关提示1. break down 损坏,不能运转2. goal n. 目的,目标(义析)3. run out of 用完,耗尽4. carry on 继续做某事 5. nationality n. 国籍辨析goal,purpose与aim的用法 对比run out of 与run out的用法 carry 的常见短语归纳和用法:nation一词的派生词和意义二、重难点词汇讲解:1. break down 损坏,不能运转to become disabled or useless they broke down the door and broke in. 他们将门毁坏闯了进来。the car broke down on the way home. 在回家的路上汽车抛锚了。break down 还有"身体垮掉"的含义。如if you always work like this, you’ll break down sooner or later. 2. goal n. 目的,目标(义析)one’s aim or purpose the other driver has no goal or destination or map. 辨析goal,purpose与aim goal指需要艰苦努力才能达到的长期目标;purpose 是普通用词,指人的计划、意图等;aim指比较明确的具体的奋斗方向。如:he decided to reach his goal at all risks. 他决心不顾一切地达到自己的目标。he knew my purpose in writing this book. 他知道我写这本书的目的。her aim is to do two years’work in one. 她的目标是一年完成两年的工作。3. run out of 用完,耗尽to use up we have run out of milk and juice. 我们用完了牛奶和果汁。the petrol has been run out of; we have to walk home. 辨析:run out of 与run out run out of 表示主动含义,主语一般为人;run out 意为"用完,耗尽",表示被动含义,主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等。i have run out of ink. 我把墨水用完了。our food has run out. 我们的食物吃完了。after a day of hard work my strength ran out completely. 4. carry on 继续做某事 to go on ;to cause to remain or last after her husband’s death, she carried on. 丈夫死后,她继续坚持下来。carry on with your work while i’m out. 我出去一下,你接着干吧。carry 的常见短语:carry off 抢走,窃走,带离;carry on 经营,从事,忙于,继续进行;carry out 拿出,进行,开展,执行,完成,实现;carry over使持续下去,推迟;carry through 把……带进,完成,帮助渡过难关5. nationality n. 国籍the condition of belonging to a particular nation, by having been born there or becoming a citizen. what’s your nationality ?你是哪国人?nation n. 国家,民族,国民; national adj. 国家的,全国性的;国有的;nationalism n. 民族主义,国家主义; nationalist n. 国家主义者,民族主义者;nationalistic adj. 国家主义的,民族主义的;nationalize vt. 使……国有化,把……收归国有;nationwide adj. 全国性的三、重难点句式讲解和分析:1. then come the total darkness of the polar winter.接着漆黑的极地冬夜开始了。该句为全部倒装语序,主语为the total darkness of the polar winter. 谓语为came. 全部倒装是将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有:(1)here,there,now,then,thus 等副词置于句首,动词为be,come,go,lie,run. there goes the bell. then came the chairman. here is your letter. (2)表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语是表示运动的动词。如:out rushed a boy from behind the door. 从门后跑出一个小孩。ahead sat an old woman. 前面坐着一位老太太。(3)全部倒装结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能倒装。如:here he comes. 他来了。away they went. 他们走了。2. …we are very cheerful, but what each man feels in his heart i can only guess. 我们都很愉快,但我还是能猜出大家心里的想法。what each man feels in his heart 是动词guess的宾语,为了强调被放到了主语之前。each adj. 每一个。each强调个体,表示单数。如:give an apple to each child. 给每个孩子一个苹果。3. later, these rocks proved that at one time in the distant past the antarctic was covered by plants. 后来,这些石块证明在遥远的过去,南极曾被植物覆盖。that at one time in the distant past the antarctic was covered by plants 是接在动词proved 后面的宾语从句。(1)at one time 曾经,一度。如:the song was popular at one time. 这首歌一度很流行。(2)in the distant past 在遥远的过去。如:there were forests here in the distant past. 远古时期这里是一片森林。拓展:由at …time 所构成的短语:at this time 这时/at that time 那时/at the time 当时/at a time 一次/at one time 曾经,一度/at times 有时候,间或/at no time 决不,在任何时候都不辨析:at a time 与at one time at a time 每次,每一次;at noe time 曾经,一度。如:a whale may eat a ton of fish at a time. 鲸鱼一次可以吃掉一吨鱼。4. scott spent some of his last hours writing. spend…(in)doing sth. 花时间做……如:my niece spends a lot time reading novels every day after school. 与spend…doing sth. 类似,动名词前常省去介词的短语还有:have difficulty/trouble(in)doing sth. 做某事有困难;it’s no use(in)doing sth. 做某事无用;waste time(in)doing sth. 做某事白费时间;prevent /stop…(from)doing sth. 防止……做某事。【模拟试题】一. 单词拼写1. it is known that squirrels often hide a large q of nuts inside trees in autumn. 2. i was still sleeping when the fire b out, and then it spread out. 3. we were a by the news of george’s sudden death, who was only 35 years old. 4. my ink has r out, can you spare me some?5. my computer system b down suddenly when i was surfing the net. 6. not long after his r , a local war broke out near his hometown. 7. but marco always s by his tales. 8. later these rocks proved that at one time in the d past the antarctic was covered by plants. 9. our hometown is l to beijing by the jingjiu railway. 10. we have just e a storm on the way home. 二. 综合阅读a newly discovered ancient chinese map may prove that it was a chinese navigator(航海家)who first discovered america. he may have made the discovery seventy years before columbus discovered the new world. the map, which has gone on display in beijing, is said to be a copy made in 1763 of a much older map dating back to 1418. it clearly describes africa, europe and the americas. if it"s proven to be believable, the map would provide strong evidence to suggest that the famous ming dynasty sailor, zheng he, beat christopher columbus, who arrived in america in 1492, to the discovery of the new world. liu gang, a chinese lawyer and map collector, bought the map in an antique(古董的)store in shanghai in XX for about 500 u. s. dollars. liu gang thinks the map supports the thesis of british author, gavin menzies, who in his XX book argued zheng he was the first person to circumnavigate(环航)the globe and discover america sometime between 1421 and 1423. "in principle, the british author gavin is right. before columbus, zheng he discovered america and the whole world. but in detail, not exactly... three years difference. i don"t think that"s a big deal. " liu said. zheng he commanded a group of ships, which sailed between 1405 and 1433 at the order of the emperor during china"s ming dynasty. his aim was to spread the glory of china to the world and establish trade. 1. we learn from paragraph 1 that________. a. the writer was proud of a ancient map b. both the chinese navigator and columbus were heroes c. the ancient map made by a chinese navigator was just found d. the chinese navigator may be the first man who discovered america 2. which of the following correctly describes the ancient map? a. the ancient map on display in beijing is said to be made in 1418. b. the ancient map, which is said to be made in 1763, is on display in beijing. c. the ancient map was bought by liu gang, a chinese navigator in XX.d. the ancient map was introduced to be listed in gavin" book by liu gang to support his idea. 3. what does the british author in his book try to argue in the passage? a. the first person who discovered america may be zheng he. b. the first person to circumnavigate the globe is not worth discussing. c. the year when zheng he discovered america may be between 1421 and 1423. d. the year when christopher columbus discovered america was ahead of 1423. 4. which of the following would be the best title for the passage? a. ancient map and liu gang. b. zheng he, liu gang and british author. c. zheng he spreads the glory of china to the world. d. ancient map suggests chinese discovered america.
  试题答案一. 单词拼写1. quantity 2. broke 3. amazed 4. run 5. broke 6. return 7. stood 8. distant 9. linked 10. experienced 二. 综合阅读1. d。a、b项不是第一段可以得出的判断;c项事实错误;第一句已明确告诉d项正确。 2. b。根据第二段第一句可以判断:现在在北京的展品是1763年复制古时(1418年)的仿制品。3. a。根据第三段中…zheng he was the first person to circumnavigate(环航)the globe and discover america sometime between 1421 and 1423. 可判断。 4. d。根据全文可以判断。a、c项是细节,不可作为标题;b项太过笼统,不够明确。
