

  chapter 2 educational visits(reading)一、用所给词的正确形式填空1. she is __________ (confi dence)that she will win the beauty contest.2. school teachers __________ (educational)children.3. have __________ (patient), and the bus will come soon.4. susan was lucky enough to win a __________ (school).5. the new light __________ (able)us to read well.6. i’m __________ (deep)sorry for what i have said.二、选择与划线部分意义最接近的单词或词组a. fortunate b. on a sightseeing tour c. fundedd. accepted e. throughout f. actually g. funny( )1. the good news spread all over the country.( )2. i’m lucky to have a friend like you( )3. he was in fact unaware of what had happened.( )4. the program was paid for by world bank.( )5. the tennis club of our school agreed to have me last month.( )6. we went to visit famous buildings and places in the town.三、按要求改写下列句子1. there is only a table in the room. (改写为同义句) there is __________ in the room __________ a table.2. i’m sorry i come late. (改写为同义句) excuse me _________ my __________ late3. he has learned english for two years and a half. (改写为同义句) he has learned english for __________ and ________ _____ ____ years.4. angela is honest. she is helpful, too. (合并成一句) angela is honest _________ _________ _________ helpful.5. why don’t you try it now? (改写为同义句)[来源:学#科#网] __________ __________ try it now?四、完形填空football is, i do think, the most favourite ga me in england: one has only to go to one of the important 1 to see this. rich and poor, young and old, one can see them all there 2 for one side or the 3 .to a stranger (陌生人), one of the most surprising things about football in 4 is the great knowledge of the game which 5 the smallest boy seems to have. he can t ell you the names of the 6 in most of the important teams, he has 7 of them and knows the results of large numbers of matches. he will tell you who he 8 will win such a match, and his ideas about 9 are usually as good as those of men three or four times his 10 .( )1. a. cities b. matches c. teams d. places( )2. a. waiting b. looking c. asking d. shouting( )3. a. other b. same c. team d. players( )4. a. china b. the usa c. england d. canada( )5. a. all b. hardly c. only d. even( )6. a. players b. cities c. countries d. matches( )7. a. names b. pictures c. heard d. thought( )8. a. says b. asks c. decides d. hopes( )9. a. england b. players c. football d. men( )10.a. ideas b. age c. stories d. education五、阅读理解linda evans was my best friend –– like the sister i never had. we did everything together: piano lessons, movie, swimming, and horseback riding.when i was 13, my family moved away. linda and i kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special time –– like my wedding (婚礼)and linda’s. soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. one day a card that i sent came back, stamped "address unknown". i had no idea how to find linda.over the years, i missed her very much. i needed to shared (分享)my sadness and happiness. there was an empty pla ce in my heart that only a friend like linda could fill.one day i wa s reading a newspaper when i noticed a photo of a young woman who looked a lot liked linda and whose last name was wagman –– linda’s married name. "there must be thousands of wagmans," i thought, but i still wrote to her.she called as soon as she got my letter. "mrs tobin" she said excitedly, "linda wagman is my mother."minutes later i heard a voice that i knew very much, even after 40 years, laughed and cried and caught up each other’s lives. now the empty place in my heart is filled, and there’s one thing tha t linda and i know for sure: we won’t lose each other again.( )1. the writer went to piano lessons with linda ____.a. at the age of 13  b. before she got marriedc. after they moved to new homes d. before the writer’s family moved away( )2. they didn’t often write to each other because they ____.  a. got married  b. had little time to do soc. didn’t like writing letters d. could see each other on special time( )3. there was an empty place in the writer’s heart because she ____.a. was in trouble b. didn’t know linda’s addressc. received the cards she sent d. didn’t have a friend like linda to share her happiness or sadness( )4. the writer was happy when sh e ____.a. read the newspaper b. heard linda’s voice on the phonec. met a young woman looked like lindad. wrote to the woman whose last name was wagman( )5. they haven’t kept in touch ____.a. for about 40 years b. for about 27 yearsc. since the writer’s home moved away d. since they got married【试题答案】一、1. confident 2. educate 3. patience 4. scholarship 5. enables 6. deeply二、1—6: eafc db三、1. nothing, but 2. for, being 3. two, a half 4. as well as 5. why not四、bdacd abdcb五、dbdba
