

  外研版高中英语必修3 模块3学案
  1. occur: vi
  eg: many accidents occur in the home.
  sth. occur to sb. it occur to sb. that/to do
  eg: 1. it suddenly occurred to me that i hadn’t seen peter all day.
  2. i suppose it never occurred to you to phone the police.
  2. pick up:
  eg: 1. she picked up japanese when she was in japan.
  2. the bus stopped to pick up passengers.
  3. a bite of something might pick you up.
  4. the train was gradually picking up speed.
  3. leave: vt
  leave+sb./sth. in/on…
  eg: 1. who left the door open last night?
  2. you’d better leave things where you will find them again.
  3. he left the tv on all night.
  4. with these words, he went out, leaving the child crying there.
  5.nothing was left undone.
  4. cause: (1) vt
  cause+sth./sb.sth./sb./sth. to do
  eg: 1. heavy traffic is causing long delays on the freeway.
  2. this car caused me a lot of trouble.
  3. his illness caused him to miss the game.
  (2) n.
  cause and effect
  eg: carelessness is often the cause of fires.
  (u)n.+for/to do
  eg: you have no cause for complaint.
  eg: they are fighting for a good cause.
  5. strike:
  eg: 1.he struck the table with his fist.
  2.the ship struck a rock.
  eg: 1. the church clock began to strike twelve.
  2. an earthquake struck/hit wenchuan on 12th may XX.
  3. a good idea struck me.
  4. it struck me that =it occurred to me that…
  strike a match
  strike home
  strike a bargain
  strike while the iron is hot
  go on strike /be on strike
  call a strike
  hunger strike
  6. end: vi.
  eg: the film ended with the heroine dying.
  end up:
  eg: 1. he ended up his letter with a poem.
  2. the meeting ended up with a song.
  3. he ended up as the head of the company.
  4. you’ll end up in prison if you’re not careful.
  7. bury: vt.
  (1) bury+sb. at/in
  eg: the boy buried the dead bird under the tree.
  (2) has buried sb.
  eg: he has buried both parents.
  (3) bury oneself in one’s work/studies
  (4) the dog buried its teeth in my leg.
  (5) bury one’s face in one’s hands
  (6) bury the hatchet
  (7) bury one’s head in the sand
  (8) be buried in thought
  8. happen:
  sth. happen to sb.
  sb. happen to do
  sb. happen on sth.
  it (so) happen that
  take place:
  eg: 1.great changes have taken place in my hometown in the last 20years.
  2.when will the sports meeting take place?
  1.the gulf stream is a warm ocean current which starts in the gulf of mexico and flows northeast a______ the atlantic.
  2.it also travels past the east coast of the united states t______ eastern canada.
  3.it is one of the s______ currents anywhere in the world.
  4.because of the gulf stream, the united kingdom and other places in europe are much warmer than parts of canada on the same l______.
  5.what can happen to f______ when a house is destroyed by a tornado?
  6.describing the hottest parts of the earth, north and south of the ______.(赤道)
  7.a tornado is a rotating column of air from a ______(雷雨) to the ground.
  8.they can take the fur off the back of a cat and the ______(羽毛) off a chicken.
  9.hurricanes are strong ______(热带的)storms, and they usually occur in the southern atlantic ocean, the caribbean sea and the gulf of mexico.
  10.the worst hurricane ______(灾难) of all time occurred on the 8th september 1900 in galveston, texas.
  11.by the time the t______ ended, more than 700 people had been killed.
  12.coghlan travelled back to canada after he had been b______ in texas.
  13.the s______ of the earthquake were the ones who stayed in the village until the earthquake had finished.
  14.after the hurricane, mary saw that the roof of her house had d______.
  15.she returned home and found all her furniture had been r______ by the flood.
  16.he tried to drive back to his home before the flood had passed t______ the village.
  17.after the earthquake, they ______(发现)that several people had been killed.
  18.montserrat is a beautiful small ______(岛屿)in the caribbean, only 16 kilometres long and 10 kilometres wide.
  19.when the lava reached the sea, there was the ______(可能性)of a huge tidal wave which could flood half the island.
  20.and now, more information about the volcanic ______(爆发)on the island of montserrat in the caribbean sea which took place at 3am on december 26th ,one week ago.
  21.about 400 earthquakes occur w______ every day, more than a hundred thousand in a year.
  22.china is situated in one of the most a______ earthquake regions in the world.
  23.and there have been many t______ earthquakes.
  24.the most s______ of these occurred in hua county in shanxi province in 1556.
  25.the earthquake a______ eight provinces in central china.
  26.it covered an area of 800 ______(平方) kilometers.
  27.in some ______(社区)60 percent of the population were killed. in all, 830,000 people lost their lives.
  28.the california earthquake of the 18th of april 1906 is the ¬________(最厉害的)earthquake that has ever happened in the united states.
  29.it took place at 5:15 a.m., and ________ (持续) for only a minute.
  30. however, it caused the worst ________ (自然的) disaster in the nation’s history.
  1.捡起______________ 2. 五米高的浪______________
  2.每小时400千米_______________ 4. 平均____________
  5. 到……时候____________ 6. take off __________________
  7. by the late 1890s_____________ 8. be related to ____________
  9. refer to _____________________ 10. find out ______________
  11.不睡觉,熬夜_______________ 12. 十千米宽_______________
  13. 倾盆而下__________________ 14. 在1995年7月18日________
  15. 警告……注意……__________ 16. hundreds of_________________
  17. mange to do sth. _____________ 18. put out_____________________
  19. inform sb. of sth._____________ 20.according to ________________¬
  1.______ the time the tornado end, more than 700 people had been killed.
  2. coghlan traveled ______ to canada after he had been buried in texas.
  3. the survivors of the earthquake were the ones who stayed in the village ______ the earthquake had finished.
  4. ______ the earthquake, they discovered that several people had been killed.
  5. his village had been flooded ______ the heavy rain, so he moved to his parents’ house.
  6. when she woke ______, she found that her house had been destroyed by the thunderstorm.
  7. montserrat is a beautiful small island ______ the caribbean, only 16 kilometres long and 10 kilometres wide.
  8. there had been several problems ______ the volcano over the previous hundred years, but this was the first dangerous eruption.
  9. people were told to leave the island as ash and steam began to come ______ of the volcano, and were warned that the lava from the volcano could bury several villages.
  10.when the lava reached the sea, there was the possibility ______ a huge tidal wave which could flood half the island.
  1. do you know anyone who has experienced one of the events?
  2. the gulf stream is a warm ocean current which starts in the gulf of mexico and flows northeast across the atlantic.
  3. they can destroyed houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.
  4. there are violent winds of 120 kilometres per hour or more, which cause huge waves, heavy rain and floods.
  5. tornadoes can pick up cars, train and even houses and put them down in the next street---or even in the next town.
  6. hurricanes are strong tropical storms, and they usually occur in the southern atlantic ocean.
  7. on average there are 800 tornadoes in the us each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.
  8. by the time it ended, more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injured.
  9. china is situated in one of the most active earthquake regions in the world and there have been many terrible earthquakes.
  10.it took place at 5:15 a.m. , and lasted for only a minute.
  i. 单项填空
  1. in the past two years, many villages and towns in this small country______ by the storm.
  a flood b were flooded c have flooded d have been flooded
  2. if the bottle of gas______ fire, the whole building may______.
  a will catch, be burned to the ground b catches, be burned down
  c is on,burn down d will be on, be burned down
  3.---what happened to your car yesterday?
  --- there was an engine problem. but i managed______ the machine______again.
  a to get, run b getting, running c to get, running d getting, to run
  4. i had never spent a ______ day. i really didn’t know how to deal with the situation.
  a more worry b most worrying c more worrying d more worried
  5. the tiring trip made all of us rather ______
  a tiring b tired c tire d to be tired
  6. in the after-class activities, the students had plenty of ______ and gained a lot of practical______.
  a experience, experiences b practices, experience
  c practice, experience d exercise,knowledge
  7. it ‘s dangerous to swim in the sea because the ______ is so strong here.
  a motion b pressure c current d water
  8 don’t leave the water______ while you brush your teeth.
  a run b running c begin run d to run
  9.the storm left, ______ a lot of damage to this area.
  a caused b to have caused c to cause d having caused
  10the accident______ to the man who______ to be a foreigner, so it was hard to deal with.
  a occurs, happened b happened, occurred
  c came about, occurred d occurred, happened
  11they left the house when the clock______ twelve.
  a struck b striken c strike d strikes
  12how many english songs ______by the end of last term?
  a did you learn b have you learned c would you learn d had you learnt
  13smoking too much will______ your health greatly.
  a affect b effect c effort d comfort
  14kathy______ a lot of spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.
  a picked up b took up c made up d turned up
  15if you know what this means, ______ the dictionary.
  a look up b refer to c look at d look in
  16by the time he realizes he______ into a trap, it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it.
  a walks b walked c has walked d had walked
  17---have you known dr.jackson for a long time?
  ---yes, since she______ the chinese society.
  a has joined b joins c had joined d joined
  18the policeman’s attention was suddenly caught by a small box which______ placed under the minister’s car.
  a has been b had been c was being d would be
  19---george and lucy got married last week. did you go to their wedding?
  ---no, i______ . did they have a big wedding?
  a was not invited b have not invited c hadn’t invited d didn’t invite
  20---have you read a book called waiting for anya?
  ---who______ it?
  a writes b has written c wrote d had written
  21---the window is dirty.
  ---i know. it______ for weeks.
  a hasn’t cleaned b didn’t clean c wasn’t cleaned d hasn’t been cleaned
  22he_____ football regularly when he was young
  a was playing b played c has played d had played
  23more patients______ in hospital this year than last year.
  a treated b have treated c had been treated d have been treated
  24in recent years many football clubs______ as business to make a profit.
  a have run b have been run c had been run d will run
  25he______ as a national hero for winning the first gold medal for his country in the olympics.
  a regarded b was regarded c has regarded d had been regarded
  26father______ for london on business upon my arrival, so i didn’t see him.
  a has left b left c was leaving d had left
  27can you make sure______ the gold ring?
  a where alice had put b where had alice put
  c where alice has put d where has alice put
  28he said that he had visited the park______.
  a last week b a week ago c two weeks before d before two weeks
  29he asked me ______ his story.
  a i liked b did you like c whether i like d if i liked
  30tom told his teacher that he______ born in 1984.
  a was b had been c is d has been
  31the performance______ nearly three hours, but few people left the theatre early.
  a covered b reached c played d lasted
  32the companies are working together to create______ they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century.
  a which b that c what d who
  33as his best friend, i can make accurate guesses about______ he will do or think.
  a what b which c whom d that
  34teenagers______ their health because they play computer games too much.
  a have damaged b are damaging c damaged d will damage
  35______ hunger i am, i never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.
  a whatever b whenever c wherever d however
  36it looks like the weather is changing for______. shall we stick to our plan?
  a the worse b worse c the worst d worst
  37he was lucky in the accident, but his______ car is under repair.
  a hurt b destroyed c ruined d damaged
  38to buy some salt, the careless housewife went downstairs, ______ the fish ______over the gas.
  a left, cooked b leaving, being cooked c leaving, cooking d left, being cooked
  39five hundred yuan a month could hardly______ the cost of his life in such a big city as hangzhou.
  a spend b meet c take d cover
  40i’d like to buy a house-modern, comfortable and ______ in a quiet neighborhood.
  a in all b above all c after all d at all
  the train shakes back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise against the tracks. outside the window the freezing cold of winter riles. the carriage is filled with cold, __41____ passengers. suddenly a little boy ___42___ his way through the grown-up legs and sits down by the window. he is all alone among the___43___ grown-up. what a brave child, i think. his father ___44___ to stay by the door behind us. the train begins to crawl into a tunnel. then something very strange happens suddenly. the___45___ little boy slides down from his seat and leans his hand on my knee.___46___, i think that he wants to___47___ me and return to his father, so i help him to stand up. but instead he leans forward and holds his___48___ up towards mine. he wants to say something to me, i think. i lower me head to receive the___49___. wrong again! what i do receive is a ___50___ kiss on the cheek. the boy calmly returns to his seat, leans back and continues looking out of the window. i am ___51___. what just happened? a child kissing ___52___ grown-ups on the train. how can anybody want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? soon enough, all of my neighbors are certainly___53___. nervous and a little surprised, we___54___ at the father. when he sees our questioning___55___ as he gets ready for his stop, he offers a clue.
  " he’s so happy to be alive," the father says. " he has been very sick. "
  father and son ___56___ into the crowd moving toward the exit. the doors close and the train goes on. on my cheek i can still___57____ the child’s kiss—a kiss that has triggered some soul-search inside me. how many___58___ kissing each other from the joy of being alive? how many even give much thought to the privilege of ___59___?
  the little kisser and taught us a sweet but serious lesson: be careful you don’t let yourselt___60___ before your heart stops!
  41. a excited b tired c pleased d surprised
  42. a feels b fights c pushes d picks
  43. a unfriendly b friendly c angry d kind
  44. a likes b promises c chooses d agrees
  45. a impolite b serious c lucky d ugly
  46. a in no time b for a moment c in a while d once in a while
  47. a kick b strike c kiss d pass
  48. a eye b ear c head d lip
  49. a news b message c kiss d opinion
  50. a loud b foolish c strange d fortunate
  51. a pleased b shocked c satisfied d interested
  52. a well-known b smart c unknown d familiar
  53. a praised b kissed c scolded d persuaded
  54. a stare b smile c warn d whisper
  55. a glances b anger c mouths d feeling
  56. a appear b get c disappear d follow
  57. a touch b trust c smell d feel
  58 a go around b come at c keep on d insist on
  59. a a child b a kiss c living d death
  60. a live b stop c die d sleep
  iii. 阅读理解
  diao weihao, a business english major at the chengdu campus of sichuan international studies university, was in his dormitory when, the earthquake struck at 2:30 pm on may 12. the 22-year-old felt that his chair was shaking. all of a sudden, the textbook on the bookshelf began to fall to the floor. the glass in the window broke. "it felt as if our dormitory building was being hit by a tractor," recalled dido. "i wasn’t afraid; i was even excited and curious. now, looking back , it was a scary experience." dido and his roommates kept their calm. they didn’t try to get out of the building until the shaking stopped. they were on the fifth floor and they feared there might be trouble if they didn’t remain calm. "we’ve watched lots of disaster films,. and that helped us keep cool unconsciously, " he said, "only one student hurt his ankle. he was escaping in a hurry. most of us got outside quickly and safely." they were surprised to see so mangy students outside.
  " i began to realize then what had happened," he said. the college had warned them that in the event of an earthquake, they should leave the dormitory immediately. without any tents or bedding, the students stayed on the football field for the whole night. rain started falling in the morning, but the students all kept in good order. they simply chatted and shared their feelings and comforted each other. "our students seemed to have self-control," he said. "i heard that hospitals in chengdu have lots of injured people who jumped out of building."
  diao said, "i want to become a volunteer the damage-stricken area, or donate my blood to the injured people in hospital. also, i will write on my blog to keep people calm and encourage them to protect themselves during emergencies."
  science the university is close to dujianyan, dido and hia classmates are still forbidden to return to their dorms or classrooms. however, they can eat in the canteen and get information about other parts of sichuan by reading the newspapers.
  ( ) 61. what’s the main idea of the first paragraph?
  a. when and where the earthquake struck. b. where diao weihao studied.
  c. what diao weihao majored. d. the earthquake only hit chengdu.
  ( ) 62. the correct clue order of the passage is______.
  a. in the dormitory b. out of the dormitory c. at the damage-stricken area
  d. on the football court
  a a, b, c, d b b, a, d, c c a, b, d, c d d, c, b, a
  ( ) 63. what does the word " canteen" probably mean in the last paragraph?
  a . dormitory b classroom c building d dining hall
  ( ) 64. what’s the author’s tone in the passage?
  a .subjective b. objective c. negative d. shocked
  ( ) 65. the passage may probably appear in the section______.
  a. entertainment b.cover news c. medicine d. campus life
  british man whose wife and daughter were swept away and drowned in spanish floods has spoken of his grief. mark cullen lost his wife lorraine, 47, and one of his twin daughters lauren, 14, after they lost their footing trying to cross a swollen river near l’olleria , a town south of valencia.
  fellow twin samantha,14, watched along with the girls’ spanish friend gemma, 14, as the pair were washed downstream. mr cullen, 49, said: " my wife went to pick up samantha from the town centre. when they drove back the water was up high over the bridge. they got out of the car, all held hands and started to walk across the river."
  "it was only up to their knees, but one of them slipped and the others came crashing down. it carried them across the edge."
  " my daughter sam is quite strong and managed to grab hold of a tree and climb up. she saw gemma and grabbed her, but lorraine and lauren were gone."
  mr cullen flew out to valencia earlier today with his sons daniel, 22, and darren, 19, to be with his surviving daughter as she was treated at a local hospital. he said, " when i saw sam, she was absolutely covered in bruises. nothing is broken but her body’s a mess, i’ve never seen anything like it."
  he added: " it’s a blur, you don’t expect to lose two members of your family in one hit." mr cullen, a roofer and building contractor from brighton, said he and lorraine had just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary.
  he said: " my priority is to see my wife and daughter and bring them back home. that’s all i can do." the cullen family had lived in spain for four years and rented out their  260,000 three-bedroom semi-detached family home in brighton to tenants.
  mr cullen would return to the uk for work for three weeks at a time and stay with friends in newhaven, before rejoining his family in spain.
  ( )66.what’s the best title of the passage?
  a. man’s grief after losing family in floods.
  b. l’olleria, a town south of valencia.
  c. a happy travel to english
  d. the story of the cullen family.
  ( )67.what does the word "crash" in the 3rd paragraph mean?
  a. break b. strike c. hit d. drop
  ( )68.samantha is strong and she managed to save______.
  a. darren b. lorraine c. gemma d.lauren
  ( )69.mark cullen has been married for______ years with his wife.
  a. 20 b. 25 c. 30 d. 35
  ( )70.according to the passage, mark cullen would______.
  a. return to spain for three weeks at a time
  b. work for three weeks in the uk at a time
  c. stay with his friends in spain
  d. rejoin his family in the uk
  john brown is a london taxi driver who love going to 71._______
  the theatre. last week his mother gave him two tickets for a 72._______
  play. the tickets were on sunday evening. then john read some 73._______
  reviews of the play, which all said it was a terribly one! he 74._______
  wouldn’t go to see a play that no one liked it. so two hours 75._______
  before the play started, he left the ticket on the back seat of 76.______
  his taxi. perhaps someone who wanted see the play would 77.________
  take them. however, while john went back home, the tickets were 78._____
  still there.in the fact, there were four tickets on the seat.79_________
  someone has placed another pair of tickets on top of them! 80.________
