

  课时计划课时1课题unit 12 fact and fantasy warming-up and speaking课型new教学目标1.warming up and speaking practice2.language study (some useful expressions on beliefs and doubts including those common mistakes or errors in presentation are corrected, practiced and consolidated.)3.imagination (go on making up the dialogue)重点1.warming up and speaking practice2.language study (some useful expressions on beliefs and doubts including those common mistakes or errors in presentation are corrected, practiced and consolidated.)难点imagination (go on making up the dialogue)学情分析the ss can finish the task.教具课件1. a recorder 2. a projector 3. a computer教法task-based teaching method教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动
  时间分配step 1step 2step 3step 4step 5revisionrevise integrating skill in the workbook in unit 11. let ss look through the text and find how the article is organized and sum up the main idea of each part. part 1 (para 1-3)we often pide human history into time periods named after the latest technology of the time. each time period is shaped by the latest and most advanced technology.  part 2(para 4) it takes time for a new technology to enter everyday life.part 3(para 5-7)new technologies show the role and importance of scientific achievements in society. and they can strengthen a country and its economy at first. our ability to understand and use new technology has also developed over years. "age" changes our life and the way we understand the world and ourselves.goals:1.tell ss the goals in this unittalk about science fictionpractise expressing beliefs and doubtslearn about word formation(2)write a creative writing warming-up2.language pointslearn to express beliefs and doubts. belief n. 常与in连用• 1)trust; a feeling that someone or something is good or able. 相信;信任• 2) the feeling that something is true or that something really exists.信仰• 3) something believed; an idea which is considered true.信念e.g.• a common belief religious belief• the patient hasn’t much belief in this doctor.• he has lost the belief in god.1.belief n. 信任, 信心, 信仰have belief in 相信, 信任that man has a strong belief in god. 那个男子虔诚地信仰上帝。the patient hasn’t much belief in this doctor. 这个患者对医生没有太多的信任.he has lost the belief in god. 他已经失去了对上帝的信任.beyond belief无法令人相信;令人难以置信his story is beyond belief. 他的话难以置信 warming-up1.introduce jules vernejules verne (1828-1905), _______ writer and pioneer of science fiction, _______ best known works today are twenty thousand _______ under the sea(1870) and around the world in eighty days (1873).2.language pointsleague n.同盟, 联盟, 盟约, 联合会, 社团 in league (with)与…同盟;与…勾结3.his other worksthe mysterious island the children of captain grantjourney to the center of the earth etc…… 4. quiz among four teams, imitating the tv program "lucky 52"quiz 1 how much do you know about the moon? true or false statements1.the moon , a satellite , rotates around the earth.2.it shines when the sun’s light beams onto its surface and is reflected back to earth.3.only one side of the moon is visible to us on the earth. 4.what we see of the moon changes from night to night.5.most of the moon’s surface is flat. 6. the moon is about 384,000 kilometers away from the earth. 7. the gravity on the moon is about one sixth of that on the earth. 8. there is no air or water on the moon, so there are not any trees or animals on the moon.9. it was on july 16, 1969 that mankind first succeeded in landing on the moon.10. a sunny day on the moon could kill you but you can survive at night. quiz 21 what is the highest mountain on earth and how high is it? 2 what is the deepest point in the ocean and where is it?3 which is the longest river on earth and how long is it? 4. what is the distance from the earth to the moon? what is to mars? what is it to the nearest star?5.which is the biggest ocean on earth? a. the pacific ocean b. the atlantic ocean c. the indian ocean6. what is the distance from the earth to the moon?a. 149 million km b. 384,401 km c. 40,075.16 km7. how far is it to the center of the earth?a. 7 x 105 km b. 6400 km c. 10000 km8. what is the longest distance around the world?a. 40,075.16 km b. 24,901.55 km c. 15000 km9. how fast does a balloon travel? how about an aeroplane? how about a space shuttle?10. how high are the temperatures near the centre of the earth? 5.the definition of "fact and fantasy"ask ss to guess the meaning of "fact" and "fantasy":e.g. what is fact? what is fantasy? what is science fiction? what is a science fiction writer?and the teacher and ss together name some science fiction writers at home and abroad.what is fact? fact is a thing _____have happened or to be true or to exist.a thing that is _______or claimed to be true.characteristics of science fiction: science fiction is a type of books that’s based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future, and often deals with space travel & life on other planets.speaking 1.introduction to some famous science fiction writers, especially verne and his works(it can be introduced by way of using the reading material, the video, and pictures. among them the video of around the world in 80 days can be obtained and showed through the computer on the big screen.)2.daily talking about fantastic idease.g. t: do you often have some fantastic ideas?maybe everyone can be a writer for the time being. today we’ll have a try. the teacher may try as the first.3.speaking partscience fiction is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future. the following dialogues about such topics are incomplete. work with your partner to create dialogues using some of the useful expressions on the next page, and talk more about what you believe may come true in the future.space travela: i don’t believe _____________.b: why not? ________ago nobody thought it was possible to_____________.a: ________more than ________.b: ______we’ll be able to develop.life in 3098a:_____________ any life on earth in the future.b: come on. what do you mean?a: _____________ some terrible disaster. like _____________.b: __________________________.young forevera: do you think there’ll be a time when we can beat all diseases?b: __________________________.a: doctors may find a way to keep us young forever.b: __________________________.creatures from outer spacea: do you believe _____________?b: i don’t only believe in it, _____________.a: do you really? _____________.b: there are so many stars. i’m sure __________________________.4. presentation of the specific expressions on beliefs and doubts and then practice on dialogues on p. 10 in the speaking part is required. first practice in pairs, and then some pairs present before class.5.further practiceusing the expressions in the speaking part to make up dialogues or monologues; talking about more that may come true in the future; any topics what can be ss’ favor can be raised.some hintsuseful expressionsalien, ufo, young forever,the double, cure-all, the 2nd sun, e-friend, transplant the memory,restore organ…i believe …/i doubt…it could be…but…i suppose …/i’m (not) certain…it’s likely…i’m sure that …/it would take…i can’t imagine …6. what principle do science fictions work on? 1.suspense 2. belief7.assignmentlet ss show their dialogues.homework pre-read the textread&sayintroduceexplainhaveaquizexplaintalk5’5’
  19’10’1’板书 unit 12 fact and fantasy the 1st period warming-up and speakingwhat is fact? fact is a thing _____have happened or to be true or to exist.a thing that is _______or claimed to be true.characteristics of science fiction: science fiction is a type of books that’s based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future, and often deals with space travel & life on other planets.belief n. 常与in连用• 1)trust; a feeling that someone or something is good or able. 相信;信任• 2) the feeling that something is true or that something really exists.信仰• 3) something believed; an idea which is considered true.信念have belief in 相信, 信任beyond belief 无法令人相信;令人难以置信 教学后记ss have interest in making their own sentences. ss is rich in imagination.
  课时计划课时2课题unit 12 fact and fantasy pre-reading课型new教学目标1.introduction to some science fictions2.tell the difference between science fiction and fantasy stories. 3.reading practice in integrating skills: frankenstein.4.discussion for imagination training and require after-class reading重点1.warming up and speaking practice2.language study (some useful expressions on beliefs and doubts including those common mistakes or errors in presentation are corrected, practiced and consolidated.)难点imagination (go on making up the dialogue)学情分析the ss can finish the task.教具课件1. a recorder 2. a projector 3. a computer教法task-based teaching method教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动
  时间分配step 1step 2step 3step 4revision1. what is fact? fact is a thing _____have happened or to be true or to exist. a thing that is _______or claimed to be true.characteristics of science fiction: science fiction is a type of books that’s based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future, and often deals with space travel & life on other planets.2.fill in the blanks(1)science fiction is a literary genre _____ _______ scientific development is predicted. it is often based ____ present-day results that seem to make such developments possible options _________ are different from reality. ____ short, it needs great ___________.not only ______science fiction about scientific development in technical fields ,but also in medical ____social science. (2)jules verne (1828-1905), _______ writer and pioneer of science fiction, _______ best known works today are twenty thousand _______ under thesea(1870) and around the world in eighty days (1873).pre-reading: (1)who can say when the inventions in the pictures were made?electric railway was invented in the early years of the 20th century thomas edison invented the light bulb in 1879. steam-powered boat was made in 1807. (2)group work: discuss the questions 1.when was electricity discovered? electricity was _________ in 1600 by gilbert.2.how was it used in the following two hundred years? electricity is very important ___ us. after electricity was discovered, people began to use it to _____ people in many fields. _____ industry for example, people use it to ______ machines and produce a great number of _______, such as cars, planes, weapons, etc. electricity is also used ___ agriculture. _____ electricity people can control the temperature and humidity to make vegetables _____ better. in our daily life, electricity is very useful. for example, watching tv needs electricity, playing computers needs electricity, heaters need electricity, and even our watches need electricity. so, _______ electricity, our life ______ be a mess.3.in the early 19th century, people had no idea what the inside of the earth might look like. can you explain what we know about it today? the earth ___ ______ we live is a big ball of very hot rock, ______ consists ___three parts: the earth’s crust, the earth’s mantle and the earth’s core. the temperature _______ is very high. it’s hot inside but cold _______. it has a shell just like an egg. there are some cracks in the shell of the earth in some places. hot water shoots ____ the air through those cracks and steam comes ___ from pools of hot water.reading1.know about jules verneborn in: died in: nationality: interested in: remembered as: famous novels: 2.fast reading (1)the outline of the text part1(para 1)the brief introduction of jules vernepart1(para 2 5)XX0 leagues under the seapart3(para 6)journey to the center of the earth(2)multiple choices①from the second paragraph we can see " a sea monster" is ______.a a kind of natural phenomenon b an animal that eats people and destroys shipsc people dressed in ping suit d a naval vessel (船) that can operate under water as well as on the surface②" the nautilus" is unusual because _____.a it is strong b it is splendid c it can pe into the sea d all of the above ③from the last paragraph we can see the center of the earth is _____.a nothing but magma(岩漿) and water b a big lake c coal and stone d a wonderful world ④④passage 1 is mainly about ______.a the father of science fiction b XX0 leagues under the sea c journey to the center of the earth d jules verne and his science fiction ⑤we can infer from passage 1 that the science fiction can ______.a make people imaginative and manage to realize their dreams b attract readers c make people amazed and frightened d make people take an adventure bravely3.careful readingpart 1(para 1)1) to make a living, what did jules verne have to do?to make a living, jules verne had to write and sell stories.2) what will many of the instruments in his novels remind the readers of?they will remind the readers of dr benjamin franklin’s experiment with electricity.3) how did verne lay the foundation of modern science fiction?by taking the scientific developments of his day one step further.4.language points (1).his father sent him to paris to study law, but instead verne developed his love for the theatre. v instead "相反;代替" v instead of +名词/ 代词/动名词 "代替,而不" e.g. instead of children’s play and adventure, i was driven by a desire to learn. 在我的童年,我有着强烈的学习欲望,而对儿童游戏及探险却不感兴趣。 v 如果你不能去,让他替你去。 v if you can’t go, let him go instead (2)develop 发展;培育;开发;使发达;(逐渐)显现出; 冲洗 e.g. developed country/developing country v develop a film v i have developed an interest in reading science fiction. v develop the oil and gas (3) make a living 谋生 * earn [gain, get, make] one"s living 谋生 they made their living by hunting. 他们靠打猎为生 (4) apply vt.申请, 应用  be applied to 适用于, 应用于, 施加于, 用来表示, 与...接触 apply for 申请; 请求, 接洽 apply oneself to 致力于, 集中精力做某事 apply sth. to 把...施于...; 把...运用于.. apply to the consul for a visa 向领事申请签证 apply a theory to practice 把理论应用于实践 applied adj 应用的;实用的 applied mathematics 应用数学 applied art 实用美术 homework go on reading the text. review what we’ve learned in this perod.fill in the blanksdiscuss & do exx.read & analysisexplain & do exx.8’
  15’17’1’板书 unit 11 scientific achievements the 2nd period pre-reading (1).his father sent him to paris to study law, but instead verne developed his love for the theatre. v instead "相反;代替" v instead of +名词/ 代词/动名词 "代替,而不" e.g. instead of children’s play and adventure, i was driven by a desire to learn. 在我的童年,我有着强烈的学习欲望,而对儿童游戏及探险却不感兴趣。 v 如果你不能去,让他替你去。 v if you can’t go, let him go instead (2)develop 发展;培育;开发;使发达;(逐渐)显现出; 冲洗 e.g. developed country/developing country v develop a film v i have developed an interest in reading science fiction. v develop the oil and gas (3) make a living 谋生 * earn [gain, get, make] one"s living 谋生 they made their living by hunting. 他们靠打猎为生 (4) apply vt.申请, 应用  be applied to 适用于, 应用于, 施加于, 用来表示, 与...接触 apply for 申请; 请求, 接洽 apply oneself to 致力于, 集中精力做某事 apply sth. to 把...施于...; 把...运用于.. apply to the consul for a visa 向领事申请签证 apply a theory to practice 把理论应用于实践 applied adj 应用的;实用的 applied mathematics 应用数学 applied art 实用美术 教学后记ss have interest in making their own sentences.
  XX年3月16日课时计划课时3课题unit 12 fact and fantasy reading课型new教学目标1.introduction to some science fictions2.tell the difference between science fiction and fantasy stories. 3.reading practice in integrating skills: frankenstein.4.discussion for imagination training and require after-class reading重点1.warming up and speaking practice2.language study (some useful expressions on beliefs and doubts including those common mistakes or errors in presentation are corrected, practiced and consolidated.)难点imagination (go on making up the dialogue)学情分析the ss can finish the task.教具课件1. a recorder 2. a projector 3. a computer教法task-based teaching method教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动
  时间分配step 1step 2step 3revision 1.know about jules verneborn in: died in: nationality: interested in: remembered as: famous novels: 2.fast reading (1)the outline of the text part1(para 1)the brief introduction of jules vernepart1(para 2 5)XX0 leagues under the seapart3(para 6)journey to the center of the earthnew matrerials: part11.language points1)apply vt.申请, 应用be applied to 适用于, 应用于, 施加于, 用来表示, 与...接触apply oneself to 致力于, 集中精力做某事apply to the consul for a visa 向领事申请签证apply a theory to practice 把理论应用于实践1.now a graduate can apply to the school for a scholarship. 2.people can apply the result of this research to new developments in technology. 3.we need apply a new method. apply: vi 申请,请求 apply to sb for sth vt 把…运用于 apply sth to sth vt 运用,应用 applicant n.申请者 application n.申请书 applied: adj 应用的,实用的 applied mathematics应用数学2)foundation n.基础, 根本, 建立, 创立, 地基, 基金, 基金会 slavery provided the foundation for many ancient types of society.  奴隶制为古代社会提供了基础。 he laid the foundations of his success by study and hard work. 他以读书和勤劳奠定了成功的基础。 3)he used the latest ideas and technical inventions of his day in his book.latest adj. 最新的;最近的late adj.& adv. 迟的(地),晚的(地)later adv.后来;以后 adj. 较晚的;lately adv. 最近;近来the ________ news / fashionshave you seen him_________?we arrived there three days __________.in the ______ 1990sof one’s day 某人所处的时代 do you know about the great scientists of his day?in grandmother"s day, skirts were long.swimming and boating were quite popular in shelley’s day.4)many of the instruments in his novels will remind the reader of dr benjamin franklin’s experiments with electricity.remind…of…使…想起,使发生联想v remind me to write to my mother.v the city reminds me of the one we went to last year.v he hasn’t yet informed me of his plan for holiday. 比较: remember "想起; 记得"在我的印象中, 他是个小淘气鬼. i remember him as a naughty little boy. 我不记得怎么使用这台机器 i don’t remember how to operate this machine. similar phrases:v remind …ofv tell sb. of sth.对某人讲述某事v inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事v warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事2.comprehensionwhat did jules verne do to the modern science fiction?___ taking the scientific developments of his day one step ______, he ____ the _________ of modern science _______.3.language points1)by taking the scientific developments of his day one step further, julia verne laid foundation of modern science fiction.by : prep 说明手段或者方法,意思是 "通过,用, 以, 由于", 其后常跟名词或v-ing你必须用行动来说明这个想法. you have to express the thought by action.他通过整夜练习,自学拉小提琴. he taught himself to play the violin by practicing all night. to lay foundation of … 奠定……的基础他在美国待了十年, 这奠定了他事业的基础.his ten years in america laid the foundation of his career. 2)he also suggested how inventions could be used …suggest: "提议"我建议大家乘火车去那里如何? may i suggest going there by train? 我建议他应该参加俱乐部活动.i suggested to him that he should join the club activities 拓展:①suggest " 透漏; 暗示"从他的语调可以看出, 他对那个问题并不关心.his tone suggested his indifference to the matter. ②suggest "使想起""黑"这个单词使你联想到什么? what does the word "black" suggest to you? part 2 : paragraphs 2-51.read paragraph two to paragraph four carefully and try to find the answers to the following questions:1)why do dr aronnax, his servant and a canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster? because ships are ________ all over the world and it is _____ __ __ caused by a sea monster.2)what does the monster turn out to be? the monster turns out __ __ a _______.3)what does nautilus look like? the nautilus is an extraordinary ship.the furniture is precious and huge glass windows ___ can be opened and closed give a view __ the underwater world. the ship is also very strong and protected ___ thick iron plates. electricity is used ___ light, heating, power and _ defend the ship _____ attacks.2. fill in the blanksit tells us that one day all the ships in the world __________ (disappear) and it is believed to __________(cause) by a sea monster, so dr aronna, his servant and a _______ whale hunter set out _____(find) the monster, but at last they find that the monster instead is a submarine. they were forced to travel _____ the ocean with the captain nemo by nautilus ______ is an extraordinary ship. though they keep ________(plan) escape, they still see a lot beautiful scenes in magic world.3. language points1) at the beginning of 20.000 leagues under the sea, ships are disappearing all over the world and it is believed to be caused by a sea monster. be+v-ing 用进行时表示一般现在时,表经常性动作或状态(常与always , often, all the time 连用);表示一种感情,赞叹,厌烦或是强调情况的暂时性。 v don’t believe him. he is always telling lies. v xiao ming is doing fine work all the time at school. v i’m walking to work because my bicycle is being repaired. 2)at the beginning of 20,000 leagues under the sea, one of his most famous novels, ships are disappearing all over the world and it is believed to be caused by a sea monster. ships are disappearing 这里现在进行时并不是表示现在正在进行的动作或正在发生的事情.而是表示经常性的动作, 这是现在进行时的一个重要用法, 一般表示说话人的某种情绪. 你老是把衣服仍在地板上! you are always leaving your clothes on the floor! 你老打断我的话. you are always interrupting me. 她老是帮助别人 she is always helping people. 她老是改变主意 she is constantly changing her mind. 3)dr aronnax, his servant and a canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster. v set out 出发,开始 v set off 出发,起程 v set about开始,着手 v set up 创立,开办,张贴 v set aside留出;拨出(时间,金钱) 4) … in the collision that follows, the three companions are thrown overboard. (1) collision "冲突; 相撞" 公共汽车与轿车相撞 a collision between a bus and a car = a collision of a bus with a car v a collision between two trains 一次两列火车相撞事件(2)正面冲突 a head-on collision5)the workers came into collision with the manager last night. 工人们昨晚和经理发生了冲突。 the three companions: the 表明 "船上总共有三个人" 这个老人的三个儿子在战争中都丧身了. the three sons of the old man were killed in the war. 如不加 the, 则说明总数可能不止三个 他班上有三个学生正计划着乘飞机去意大利.three students in his class are planning to fly to italy. 6)companion n.同伴, 共事者make a companion of 与...作伴,与...为友companion in adversity患难朋友[之交]companion in arms 战友a faithful companion 忠实伴侣companion volume 姐妹篇7)in their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine. (1)turn out to be sb./ sth. 证明是某人(某事物); 原来是 这工作结果比我们想的要难. the job turned out to be harder than we thought. 她原来是我妹妹的朋友. she turned out to be a friend of my sister.  =it turned out that she was a friend of my sister. (2) in their efforts: in表示"正在进行的动作或状态" 他总是在行动中 he is always in action. 在这件事情上我们的意见看来是一致的. we seem to be in agreement on the matter. 当我们到来时, 她正在打电话. when we arrived she was engaged in a telephone conversation. 4.comprehension describe the character __ captain nemocaptain nemo is the kind of person __ ____ of whom it is difficult __ say ______ you like him __ ___. you may think he is hard and cruel, but he also has a soft and gentle ___.homework finish writing your essay.let ss sayintroduceexplainread & do exx.explainread & do exx.explain
  do exx.8’31’1’板书 unit 12 fact and fantasy reading the 3rd period reading1)he also suggested how inventions could be used …suggest: "提议"我建议大家乘火车去那里如何? may i suggest going there by train? 我建议他应该参加俱乐部活动.i suggested to him that he should join the club activities 拓展:①suggest " 透漏; 暗示"从他的语调可以看出, 他对那个问题并不关心.his tone suggested his indifference to the matter. ②suggest "使想起""黑"这个单词使你联想到什么? what does the word "black" suggest to you?2)dr aronnax, his servant and a canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster. v set out 出发,开始 v set off 出发,起程 v set about开始,着手 v set up 创立,开办,张贴 v set aside留出;拨出(时间,金钱) 3) … in the collision that follows, the three companions are thrown overboard. (1) collision "冲突; 相撞" 公共汽车与轿车相撞 a collision between a bus and a car = a collision of a bus with a car v a collision between two trains 一次两列火车相撞事件(2)正面冲突 a head-on collision4)the workers came into collision with the manager last night. 工人们昨晚和经理发生了冲突。 the three companions: the 表明 "船上总共有三个人" 这个老人的三个儿子在战争中都丧身了. the three sons of the old man were killed in the war. 如不加 the, 则说明总数可能不止三个 他班上有三个学生正计划着乘飞机去意大利.three students in his class are planning to fly to italy. 5)companion n.同伴, 共事者make a companion of 与...作伴,与...为友companion in adversity患难朋友[之交]companion in arms 战友a faithful companion 忠实伴侣6)similar phrases:v remind …ofv tell sb. of sth.对某人讲述某事v inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事v warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事教学后记ss have interest in making their own sentences.
  XX年3月17日课时计划课时4课题unit 12 fact and fantasy reading课型new教学目标1.introduction to some science fictions2.tell the difference between science fiction and fantasy stories. 3.reading practice in integrating skills: frankenstein.4.discussion for imagination training and require after-class reading重点1.warming up and speaking practice2.language study (some useful expressions on beliefs and doubts including those common mistakes or errors in presentation are corrected, practiced and consolidated.)难点imagination (go on making up the dialogue)学情分析the ss can finish the task.教具课件1. a recorder 2. a projector 3. a computer教法task-based teaching method教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动
  时间分配step 1step 2step 3step 4revision: 1.fill in the blanksit tells us that one day all the ships in the world __________ (disappear) and it is believed to __________(cause) by a sea monster, so dr aronna, his servant and a _______ whale hunter set out _____(find) the monster, but at last they find that the monster instead is a submarine. they were forced to travel _____ the ocean with the captain nemo by nautilus ______ is an extraordinary ship. though they keep ________(plan) escape, they still see a lot beautiful scenes in magic world.2.comprehensiion• his interest:• in paris libraries:• in his books :• in his novels:• foundation of modern science fiction 3.sentence changing1)his father sent him to paris to study law, ______ instead verne developed his love for theatre.his father sent him to paris to study law. ______ verne developed his love for the theatre.his father _________ (send) him to paris to study law, instead verne developed his love for the theatre. verne developed his love for the theatre ______ ______ studying law.verne ____ not study law _____ developed his love for the theatre.2) only ____ writing and selling stories _____ verne make a living ______ he was young. 3) it was in paris libraries ______ many hours was _______ studying botany, _________ science and many other subjects4) not only ____ he use the _______ ideas and technical inventions of his _____ in his book but many of the instruments in his novels ______ remind the reader ___ dr benjamin franklin’s experiments ____ electricity.5)by taking the scientific developments of his day one step _______ , jules verne _____ the foundation of modern science fiction . part 3 :1.comprehension1)read paragraph six and answer the following question:how does the story journey to the centre of the earth begin and end __?the story begins ___the discovery __an ancient document in an old book and __ the end, their raft is ____ ___ a fast stream and with ___ increasing speed they are ___ out of a volcano in southern italy.2)list what the two men do in the adventure of going to the centre of the earth.enter…through a chimney in a dead volcanotravel to iceland lead…through a narrow passage deep into…pass through layers of coal and marblereach a huge lake or underground oceango through forests of mushrooms and plantscross the sea in a raft …are attacked by…drawn into a fast streamshot out of a volcano in southern italy2. language points 1)all that is needed for life on board comes from the ocean.  that v all that must be done in learning english is to practise every day. v this is the best film that i have seen. v he is the last person that i want to ask for help. v i have read every book that you give me. v she spent the whole evening talking about the things and persons that none of us has ever heard of. v who is the boy that was here just now? 2)please differ the four words:
  board broad aboard abroad 1.this is a board 10 inches wide.  2.please board the plane immediately. 3.a broad road a broad outlook 4. he was already aboard the ship. 5.they climbed/went aboard.  6.she went abroad twice last year. 3)in public 公开地;公然;当众 in private 私下i do not want to speak about it in public. 我不想当众说这件事。he"s not used to making speeches in public; it"s so embarrassing."他不习惯在大庭广众中演讲,因为这太使人窘迫了。"3.fill in the blanks the story mainly about _____ to find a secret road ____ the centre of the earth. two men decided to go on this adventure and travel ___ iceland. their guide leads them ______ a narrow passage _____ into the earth. during their underground travel, they saw layers of coal and marble, a _______(boil) river, a huge lake, forests, mushrooms and plants that lived ___the earth millions of years ago, but at last they failed and __________(shoot) out of a volcano in southern italy.post-reading 1.fill in the blanks differencessubmarinespaceshipspeed landscapenumber for peoplefoodclothsimilarities 2.discussion 1)have you read any books or seen films about science fiction? 2)are you fond of science fiction? why ? why not?ø many fictions in the novels of many years ago have come true, such as television, internet, artificial hearts and so on. ø maybe some fiction of today will be realized some years later. ø everything is possible. 3)what can we learn from the text?ø choose what you are interested in. ø work hard to realize your dreams.ø hold your confidence and perseverance to lead yourself to success. 3.discussion :1.what kind of writing do you think the text is ? a biography2.what are included in a biography ?a brief introduction main achievements influence to later periodshomework retell the story of 20,000 leagues under the sea according to the above three questions and answers.let ss sayexplainread & do exx.discuss8’31’1’板书 unit 12 fact and fantasy reading the 4th period reading1)all that is needed for life on board comes from the ocean.  that v all that must be done in learning english is to practise every day. v this is the best film that i have seen. v he is the last person that i want to ask for help. v i have read every book that you give me. v she spent the whole evening talking about the things and persons that none of us has ever heard of. v who is the boy that was here just now? 2)please differ the four words:
  board aboard broad abroad 1.this is a board 10 inches wide.  2.please board the plane immediately. 3.a broad road a broad outlook 4. he was already aboard the ship. 5.they climbed/went aboard.  6.she went abroad twice last year. 3)in public 公开地;公然;当众 in private 私下i do not want to speak about it in public. 我不想当众说这件事。he"s not used to making speeches in public; it"s so embarrassing."他不习惯在大庭广众中演讲,因为这太使人窘迫了。"4) what kind of writing do you think the text is ? a biographywhat are included in a biography ? a brief introduction main achievements influence to later periods5)fill in the blanks differencessubmarinespaceshipspeed landscapenumber for peoplefoodclothsimilarities 教学后记ss have interest in making their own sentences.
  XX年3月18日课时计划课时5课题unit 12 fact and fantasy课型new教学目标1. get the students to have a good understanding of the story of frankenstein.2. help the students finish the creative writing.重点get the students to have a good understanding of the story of frankenstein.难点help the students finish the creative writing.学情分析the ss can finish the task.教具课件1. a recorder 2. a projector 3. a computer教法task-based teaching method教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动
  时间分配step 1step 2step 3step 4step 5step 6step 7step 8lead-inin the last two periods, we have learnt much about science fiction and known more about science fiction and jules verne, the father of science fiction, who wrote many famous science fictions, such as 20,000 leagues under the sea, around the world in 80 days, journey to the center of the world…he combined fact with fantasy cleverly. now we’re going to read another passage about science fiction, whose title is the story of dr frankenstein.backgrounddr frankenstein is a fictitious scientist portrayed by mary wollstonecraft shelly, who was shelly’s wife. she was honored as a pioneer of the science fiction (genre). shelley, mary wollstonecraft (1797-1851), english novelist. daughter of the british philosopher william godwin and the british author and feminist mary wollstonecraft godwin, she was born in london, and privately educated. she met the young poet percy bysshe shelley in may 1814, and two months later left england with him. when shelley"s first wife died in december 1816, he married mary. in 1818 her first and most important work, the novel frankenstein was published. a remarkable accomplishment for a 20-year-old, the work was an immediate critical and popular success. repeatedly dramatized for both the theater and motion pictures, this tale of frankenstein, a student of the occult, and the subhuman monster he assembles from parts of human corpses added a new word to the english language: a "frankenstein" is any creation that ultimately destroys its creator. no other work by mary shelley achieved the popularity or excellence of this first work, although she wrote four other novels, books of travel sketches, and miscellaneous tales and verse. one of her novels, the last man(1826), reveals her liberal social outlook; another of her books, lodore (1835), is a novelized autobiography.skimmingread the passage as quickly as possible, and answer the following question:what did dr frankenstein create at last?
  (he had planned to create a larger human being but at last it turned out a living horror.)scanning
  now please read the text again and discuss :
  how many periods can dr frankenstein’s experiment be pided?
  (three periods.)
  period 1 (paragraph 1------paragraph 3) he decided to crate life from dead matter.
  period 2 (paragraph 4------paragraph 5) he decided to create a larger human being than man
  period 3 (paragraph 6------paragraph 7) he succeeded in creating a creature, but a living
  horror. detail reading
  read each period again and answer the following questions :period 1paragraph 1 what did dr frankenstein want to do when he was young.? ( he wanted to learn the secrets of heaven and earth when he was young.) paragraph 2 after he was sent to university, what did he think of the thing taught at university? ( he felt very disappointed and decided to pioneer a new way himself.) paragraph 3 what attracted his attention? ( the structure of the human body and any animal that was alive attracted his attention.) what did he discover? (he discovered the cause of life and how to create life from dead matter.) period 2paragraph 4 although he knew how to create life, what remained a difficult work for him? ( how to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job for him.) paragraph 5 why did he decide to create a larger human being than man about eight feet in height? (because the small size of the parts slowed down his speed.) period 3paragraph 6 how did he create a life form that looks like a human being? please rearrange the following steps in the right order. he gained many materials from butcher shops and hospitals. he finished his work on a night in november. the dead creature came to life at one in the morning. he lighted the flame of life into the dead thing. he collected bones from graves and cut up dead bodies. (the right order: 5---1---2---4---3) paragraph 7 what did the creature look like? (he got black hair, white teeth, yellow skin, black lips and strange sounds. he looked like a terrible monster.) what did dr frankenstein think of the creature? ( while unfinished, he was ugly but now he was a living horror.)
  reading comprehendsion
  1.multiple choices
  1)the sentence "no human being could have passed a happier childhood than myself" means_
  a. i think my childhood was the happiest b. my childhood was not the happiest
  c. my childhood was as happy as other children d. no children were happy except me
  2) in order to create a creature, the writer ______.
  a.made many parts by himself b. made many arts with his father’s help
  c. bought many materials from the market.
  d. managed to find some things he needed and arranged them.
  3) from "so i had to look for a road without having a map" we know__
  a. he would explore the secret of nature by himself.
  b. he would not lose his way though he had no map.
  c. he had to draw a map in order not to lose his way.
  d. he would not succeed without a map.
  4) this passage is mainly about__.
  a. a plan for the writer’s dream. b. the writer’s dream coming true.
  c. a creature d. one of the writer’s experiments.
  5.)from the first two paragraphs, we know the writer was interested in ______.
  a.maths and physics b. literature c. the secrets of nature d. the medical science
  2.say true or false
  ( ) i had a miserable childhood.
  ( ) i was not interested in the structure of languages or law, so my father asked me to learn the secrets of heaven and earth.
  ( ) i wanted to know where the principle of life came from, and i worked very hard.
  ( ) i discovered how to create life from dead matter, and immediately i tried it.
  ( ) i collected many materials which came from butcher shops and hospitals to do my job secretly.
  ( ) the being that i created was very nice, just like a normal person.
  language points
  1.one of the phenomena that attracted my attention was …
  ①phenomena 是 phenomenon 的复数, "现象"
  snow is a natural phenomenon in winter.
  ②phenomenon 有时表示"奇迹,罕见的人才或事情"
  beethoven was a phenomenon among musicians.
  harry’s rapid success made him a phenomenon in the business world.
  2.prisoner 囚犯; 犯人; 俘虏  take sb. prisoner (=take sb. captive) 俘虏某人 he made her hand a prisoner. 他握住她的手不放。 my work kept me a prisoner all summer. 整个夏天我忙得不可开交。 3.throw light upon 阐明;帮助把……弄清楚 the facts threw light upon the matter. 那些事实已经将那个问题弄得很清楚了。 bring the scandal to light. 把丑闻曝光 4.hesitate v. 犹豫, 踌躇 hesitate at/about/over sth 对……犹豫不决 hesitate to do sth 不愿做某事  hesitate at nothing 毫不犹豫地做某事 in case you need something, please don"t hesitate to ask me. 如果你需要什么东西, 请不客气地对我说。 he who hesitates is lost. [谚]当断不断, 必受其患。 embarrassment caused me to hesitate. 窘迫使得我(讲话)吞吞吐吐。 n. hesitation 犹豫 without hesitation 毫不犹豫 5.remain1)vi. 剩下,遗留 after the fire, very little remained of my house. 2)vi. 留待以后去做、去看、去说等 much work remained to be done. 3) vi. 逗留,留下 i’ll remain to see the end of the game. 4) l.v. 继续保持,仍是he remained silent after class. the door remained closed. homework finish writing your essay.let ss sayintroducelet ss findread & answer.do exx. &explainexplain3’4’3’5’7’6’11’1’板书 unit 12 fact and fantasy the 5th period integrating skill
  1.one of the phenomena that attracted my attention was …
  ①phenomena 是 phenomenon 的复数, "现象"
  下雪是冬天的一种自然现象 snow is a natural phenomenon in winter.
  ②phenomenon 有时表示"奇迹,罕见的人才或事情"
  贝多芬是位音乐奇才 beethoven was a phenomenon among musicians.
  一夜爆富是哈利被认为是商界奇才. harry’s rapid success made him a phenomenon in the business world.
  2.prisoner 囚犯; 犯人; 俘虏  take sb. prisoner (=take sb. captive) 俘虏某人 he made her hand a prisoner. 他握住她的手不放。 my work kept me a prisoner all summer. 整个夏天我忙得不可开交。 3.throw light upon 阐明;帮助把……弄清楚 the facts threw light upon the matter. 那些事实已经将那个问题弄得很清楚了。 bring the scandal to light. 把丑闻曝光 4.hesitate v. 犹豫, 踌躇 hesitate at/about/over sth对……犹豫不决hesitate to do sth不愿做某事hesitate at nothing毫不犹豫地做事 in case you need something, please don"t hesitate to ask me. 如果你需要什么东西, 请不客气地对我说。he who hesitates is lost. [谚]当断不断, 必受其患。教学后记ss have interest in making their own sentences.
  课时计划课时6课 题unit 12 fact and fantasy课型new教学目标1. get the students to have a good understanding of the story of frankenstein.2. help the students finish the creative writing.重点get the students to have a good understanding of the story of frankenstein.难点help the students finish the creative writing.学情分析the ss can finish the task.教具课件1. a projector  2. a computer教法explaining and practicing教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动
  时间分配step 1step 2step 3step 4revision1.the auther shelley, mary wollstonecraft (1797-1851), english novelist, biographer and editor.she, ____ is shelly from _______ is _________ ___ancestor of science fiction2.fill in the blanksthis part ___ ______the author ________ her imagination _________ ____ her writing mainly introduces ____ _____ the scientist ________ a human being. the scientist did ____ like the university’s lessons, ____ very interested in the deepest __________ of nature. after ____ and ______ efforts, he discovered the ______ of life and how to create life _______ dead matter. he put his theory _____ practice. he collected materials _____ graves, animals and other _____ creatures. at last he ___________, ___ the new person was very ugly and frightening. this is just the _________ writing. it was written ___ mary wollstonecraft shelly ____ was _______ " _________ of science ______".reading comprehension1.questiions1) what is frankenstein?2) why did "i" create it?3) what are the preparations before i began this job?4) can you describe "the being"?5) what other materials did dr frankenstein need to create a life?6) describe how dr frankenstein created a life?2.evaluationwhat do you think of the story?fact or fantasy?a "frankenstein" is any creation that ultimately destroys its creator.3.language points1)one of the phenomena that attracted my attention was the structure of the human body, and any animal that was alive.• alive 修饰"人,物"后置定语,表语 (=living ,补语)• living 表语,前置定语• live "活的,有生命的;现场直播的,实况转播的" 物,前置定语• lively"活泼的,生动逼真的" 修饰"人,物"前置定语,表语e.g.• the bird is still _______• saddam hussein was caught _______.• a _______ show / broadcast/ tv programs• he usually has his own ways of making his classes _______ and interesting.2) it was with these feelings that i began the creation of a human being.it is/was +所要强调的部分 that昨天晚上,是我在公园遇到你的妹妹的。it was i that met your sister in the park last night. change the following sentences into the emphasis sentences:john met me at the airport yesterday.i looked at the result of my work on a night in november.i met your sister in the park last night.they often help me with my lesson.i am going to beijing next week.she didn’t come to school yesterday because her mother was ill.i didnot recognize she was a famous film star until she took off her dark glasses. exercises1.words:1)the general is a real b________ . he killed many people in the war.2)this is my p____________ address. come and visit me whenever you are free.3)that means the c________ will go up for the next act in a minute.4)the members of the chess l__________ arrange games with each other.5)when i give up work , i shall make a long sea v__________.2.phrasesturn out in public slow down be taken prisoner throw new light on a view of apply for set out all aboard lay the foundation forscience fiction lay the foundation for set out to do sth be/get on boardon a voyage keep/take sb a prisoner throw light on/upon come into collision with… hesitate at/ about doing sthbe gentle with sb have belief in… make a living apply for…in league with… make a companion of… go overboard for/ about sthbe driven by a desire throw light upon/on pioneer a new way unfold…to…cut up light the flame of life be burnt out a living horror3.multiple choices1) — i prefer western food. it’s a kind of healthy food.
  — _______ but western food is said to be high in sugar and fat.
  a. is that right? b. how do you know that?
  c. do you really think so? d. who told you that?
  2) _______ from the earth to mars!
  a. how long it is b. how far is it
  c. what a long distance it is d. what a long distance is it
  3) the two leaders have _______ the foundations of anew area in cooperation between their countries.
  a. laid  b. lied  c. lain  d. set
  4) as an economist, he was able to _______ somelight on the problem.
  a. put  b. make c. throw  d. bring
  5) as soon as i was on _______, i began to have second thoughts about leaving.
  a. abroad b. broad c. aboard  d. board 6) whenever i see him, he is _______ a happy smile.
  a. putting on b. wearing c. dressing  d. having on
  7) _______ in her most beautiful skirt, the girl triedto make herself _______at the party.
  a. dressed; noticedb. dressing; noticed c. dressed; noticingd. dressing; being noticing
  8) after he left college, he was employed in an international company and _______ there ever since.
  a. worked b. has worked c. had worked d. was working
  9) — have you finished the work?
  — not yet. i _______ to do it just a moment ago.
  a. set off b. set up c. set out d. set down
  10) if you wish for any _______ explanation, you had better apply in person to chief of police.
  a. farther b. further c. much farther d. more far11) obviously what he said just now is a story of_______. in fact, a car can’t reach that speed.
  a. science b. truth c. fact d. fiction
  12) i want to call his _______ to the result of the experiment.
  a. attention b. attack  c. information d. eye
  13) don’t _______ call me if you need any help.
  a. think of b. remember to c. try to d. hesitate to
  14) the thing that _______ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you tryor not.
  a. matters b. minds c. cares d. considers
  15) long,long ago, people had no idea _______ the inside of the earth might look like.
  a. what b. that c. how d. why she is still hesitating___ her son to college.a to send b at sending c in sending d about sending16)he ___ about buying a computer for his daughter, so he turned to his friends for advice.a worried b cared c hesitated d though17)the magazine ___there since it___ there.a has laid; lay b has lain; was lay c has lain; was laid d has been laid; lay" why did the girl____?"" in order to be employed."a lay to you b lie something c lie to you d lie you something18)he set out____ his journey ___ england.a in; for b for; at c about; to d on; to19)that winter, wang anyi ____ a popular novel.a set off to write b set out to write c set about to write d get down to write20)on receiving the assignment, we___ at once.a set about working b set out to work c get down to working d all the above21)the learned scholar ____ the question raised by the audience how life began.a made out b throw lights on c spoke out d throw light upon22)thank you for your gift. it will always remind me ___ you.a for b about c at d of23) --i think it is going to be a big problem.--yes, it could be.--i wonder ___ we can do about it.a if b how c what d that24)i wonder__ pu su will win the first prize in the contest.a whether b that c how d whenwonder about/ at…对…感到惊讶25)i wondered______ the news. which is wrong?a at b to hear c hearing d aboutwonder 奇迹,可数名词;惊讶,不可数名词26)we are looking at the ____ by the working people in_____.a wonder made; wonder b wonder done; wondersc wonder done; wonder d wonders worked; wonders27)the performance ____ to be very successful.a. was proved b. became c. resulted in d. turned out 28)he is the only man ______ in the accident.a. living b. alive c. lively d. live29)______ from space, the earth looks like a big ball.a. having seen b. seeing c. seen d. to seehomework: writingdo exx.explainexplainexplaindo exx. & explain5’15’19’
  1’板书 unit 12 fact and fantasy the 6th period  integrating skillone of the phenomena that attracted my attention was the structure of the human body, and any animal that was alive.• alive 修饰"人,物"后置定语,表语 (=living ,补语)• living 表语,前置定语• live "活的,有生命的;现场直播的,实况转播的" 物,前置定语• lively"活泼的,生动逼真的" 修饰"人,物"前置定语,表语教学后记it’s a little bit difficult for ss to do the multiple choices.
  XX年3月22日课时计划课时7课 题unit 12 fact and fantasy listening课 型new教学目标practice listening, knowing the fact and fantasy in the listening. imagination (go on making up the continuity of the listening passage)重点practice listening, knowing the fact and fantasy in the listening. 难点imagination (go on making up the continuity of the listening passage)学情分析the ss can finish the task.教具课件1. a projector  2. a computer教法explaining and practicing教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动
  时间分配step 1step 2
  step 3step 4brainstorming
  do you like science fiction? why?if you don’t like science fiction, why not?free talk:let’s share our favorite science fiction.what is the difference between science fiction and fantasy stories?what principle do science fictions work on? 1. suspense 2. belief3.suggestions on technological and scientific developments in a certain directionlistening1.some unfamiliar words and phrases:
  in the distance 在远处
  the trunk of an elephant 象鼻
  the strange monster 怪物
  telescope 望远镜
  it might be a trick of light
  camera 照相机
  dinosaur 恐龙 2.listening 1) write down what sam and betty saw, and where and when they saw it. fill in the chart on the next page and make a sketch of what they saw.place: a lakedescription: one pare looks the trunk of an elephant pointing out of the water and it looks likes three round wheels, half out of water.time: 11:35size:more than 20 metres long2) listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.(1)why does sam need to know the time?he thinks other people will ask him later about the time.(2) what instruments do sam and betty use to observe the animal.the telescope and the camera.3)listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.(3) who will later ask them questions?the police、journalists、 scientists(4) write down five possible questions that other people may later ask sam, betty and karen.
  1what time was it when you saw the creature.
  2can you describe what you saw?
  3how big was it?
  4are you sure it was an animal?
  5where did you see it?
  6can you make a drawing of what you saw?(5)can you describe the monster in brief?one part looks like the trunk of an elephant. it’s like a huge snake…more than 20 meters long. it has a long neck with a white ring around it. 4) listen to the tape and try to catch the answer to the question mentioned on the tape.(1).what other writers are mentioned in the listening text? what did they write?writersworksjules verne20,000 leagues under the sea/a journey to the moonwellsthe first men in the moon/the war of the worldslao shecity of catsmary shelleyfrankenstein(2). why does mark like to read i, robot ?mark wants to read i, robot because he has seen the movie.(3). lao she’s city of cats is also mentioned, but it isn’t about technology. what science is involved in it?lao she’s city of cats is about social or political science.listening in workbooklisten to the tape and try to catch the answer to the question mentioned on the tape.1.which other writers are mentioned in the listening text? what did they write?  writers works jules verne20,000 leagues under the sea / a journey to the moon wellsthe first men in the moon / the war of the worlds lao she  city of cats mary shelley frankenstein2. why does mark like to read i, robot ? mark wants to read i, robot because he has seen the movie. 3. lao she’s city of cats is also mentioned, but it isn’t about technology. what science is involved in it? lao she’s city of cats is about social or political science. homework: learn vocabulary on fact and fantasy.explainlisten & do exxdo exx &explainlisten & do exx7’16’16’1’板书 unit 11 scientific achievements the 7th period listeningsome unfamiliar words and phrases:
  in the distance 在远处 the trunk of an elephant 象鼻
  the strange monster 怪物 telescope 望远镜
  it might be a trick of light 可能是一股光线在捣鬼。
  camera 照相机 dinosaur 恐龙教学后记it’s easy for ss to understand, but difficult to do exx.
