

  spring festival教案
  module 2 spring festival
  spring festival
  period 1: vocabulary, listening and pronunciation
  period 2: reading and vocabulary
  period 3: speaking, writing, around the world & module task
  period 4: language in use
  语音/ l;动词ing形式的发音
  词汇festival, ready, cook, meal, learn, dragon, lantern, sweep, floor, happen, help, tradition, bad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, everyone, haircut, give, dumpling, sweet, pudding, fireworks, few, want, week, round, bring, colour, something, cut, christmas, long
  词组spring festival, get ready for, dragon dance, lantern festival, sweep away, at work, paper cut, new year, new year’s eve, sweet pudding, a few, all the year round.
  task –cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化"描述人物和活动。"的表达能力,为完
  module 2 spring festival
  period 1 vocabulary, listening and pronunciation
  1、teaching content: vocabulary, listening and pronunciation
  2、teaching aims and demands:
  1) language knowledge
  key words and phrases: spring festival, ready, cook, meal, dragon, floor, happen, help, get ready for, dragon dance, lantern, festival, sweep away, at work
  key structure: be +v.-ing
  what is he doing?
  is he working? yes, he is. no, he isn’t.
  2) listening skill: to understand conversations about the spring festival.
  3) affection and attitudes: we should be interested in the festivals in the world.
  3、learning strategies:
  bottom-up approach and listening to the tape and do some exercises.
  4、teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder, video, handout,etc)
  5、teaching procedures:
  activity 1: revision
  task: recall what we have learned in last lesson.
  step 1
  label the pictures with the words.
  (1). read through the words in the box and have the ss. repeat them after you.
  (2). ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen.
  (3). make some sentences with the words. ask students to speak out as many as they ca n.
  step 2
  talk about the pictures that the teacher brings into the classroom.
  she is standing./walking/ buying/talking …
  i am not walkin g to school now.
  you are not walking to school no w.
  he is not walking to school now.
  are you walking to school now?
  is he walking to school now?
  activity 2: lead in
  task 1: brainstorm of the words "festival".
  step 1
  draw a festival tree.
  chinese festivals western festivals
  ︱ ︱
  step 2
  talk about the festivals.
  do you like festivals?
  what kind of festivals do you like, chinese or western?
  what do people do on festivals?
  what festivals do you like best? etc.
  task 2: match the words with the pictures in activity 1 on page 8.
  step 1
  ask: what is the biggest festival in china?
  what do you think people usually do to get ready for the spring festival?
  read through the words in activity 1 on page 8 and have the ss. repeat them after you chorally and inpidually.
  step 2
  ask the students to do activity 1 on page 8. play the recording and ask the ss. to listen
  step 3
  play the recording again and have them check the words inpidually.
  check their answers with a partner.
  step 4
  call back the answers in a whole- class setting
  step 5
  talk about the pictures
  activity 3: listening
  task 1:. to understand conversations about getting ready for the spring festival.
  step 1
  give the ss 2 questions:
  what are lingling and her mother doing ?
  where is lingling’s father?
  make sure the ss understand the 2 questions:
  step 2
  play the recording and have them listen .
  step 3
  play the recording again and have them write the answers inpidually.
  step 4
  play the recording and have them check their answers with a partner
  step 5
  call back the answers from the whole class.
  task 2: activity 3 on page 9.
  step 1
  choose the best answers in activity 3.
  step 2
  call back the answer in a whole- class setting.
  task 3: listen and read:
  step 1
  play the recording and ask the ss. to listen and read the conversation.
  step 2
  play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the ss. to repeat chorally and inpidually.
  step 3
  put the ss. into groups of 3 to practise the dialogue.
  step 4
  they should repeat it several times, changing the roles each time.
  task 4: activity 4 on page 9
  step 1
  explain by saying "this activity is designed to check if you have grasped the main structure.
  explain that the students have to answer the questions in full sentences.
  step 2
  put the ss. into groups to ask and answer the questions.
  step 3
  call back the answer in a whole- class setting.
  step 4
  ask different students to practice them in front of the class.
  activity 4: pronunciation
  task: grasp 3 phonemes / l
  step 1
  play the recording and ask the ss. to listen and read the phonemes/ l.
  step 2
  play the recording again and ask the ss. to repeat chorally and inpidually.
  step 3
  put the ss. in pairs to practice them.
  activity 5: a test
  listen to the tape and translate some of the sentences into chine se.
  activity 6: homework
  recite the short passage as fluently as possible.
  period 2 reading and vocabulary
  1、teaching content: reading and vocabulary
  2、teaching aims and demands:
  1) language knowledge:
  new words: tradition, bad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, everyone, haircut, dumpling, fireworks, few, week, round, bring
  key phrases: paper cut, new year, new year’s eve, sweet pudding, a few, all the year round.
  2) reading skill: to understand the text. (重 点)
  3) affection and attitudes: we should be interested in festivals in the world.
  3、learning strategies: communicative approach.
  4、teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder, video, handout)
  5、teaching procedures:
  activity 1: revision
  help students to revise what is learnt in period one of this module.
  show them some pictures about the new words in last period. have the ss. spell them chorally and inpidually.
  revise be + v.-ing of the present continuous tense
  i am not walking to school now. you are not walking to school now. he is not walking to school now.
  are you walking to school now? i s he walking to school now?
  activity 2: preparation
  task1: learn the new words.
  directions: label the pictures with the words.
  (1). read through the words in the box and have the ss. repeat them after you.
  (2). ask them to label them in the pictures on the screen.
  (3). make some sentences with the words. ask students to speak out as many as they can.
  task 2: talk about the pictures
  directions: let the ss. ask and answer .eg.
  -what’s the colour of the doors and windows in the room?
  - red.
  - why do people paint them red?
  - the colour means good luck….
  activity 3: scanning and skimming
  task 1: read the passage and match the photos and the paragraphs.
  step 1
  the teacher let the ss read the passage and match the photos and the paragraphs.
  step 2
  ss can share their answers with a partner.
  step 3
  call back the answers from the whole class, having inpiduals read out the answers
  task 2: read the passage and match the questions and the paragraphs.
  step 1
  ss read the passage and match the questions and the paragraphs in activity 3 on page 10 inpidually and check with a partner.
  step 2
  call back the answers from the whole class, having inpiduals read out the answers
  activity 4: dealing with expressions:
  1.we have lots of traditions. 我们有很多传统。
  lots of a lot of 许多,既可跟可数名词,又可跟不可数名词
  there is lots of/ a lot of water in the bottle.瓶子里有很多水。
  many 许多,可跟可数名词; much许多,可跟不可数名词
  there are many books on the desk.
  there is much water in the bottle.瓶子里有很多水
  2 we paint the doors and windows red.我们把门和窗子漆成红色的。
  colour/ paint sth. + red 把…涂上…颜色
  we colour it black.我们把它漆上黑色。
  3.we usually decorate the doors and windows with paper cuts.我们一般用剪纸装饰门和窗。
  decorate… with… 用…装修 ,装饰
  we usually decorate the room with flowers. 我们一般用 花装饰房间。
  decoration n. 装饰
  i need some christmas decoratio ns 我需要一些圣诞节装饰。
  he is good at cake decoration.他擅长蛋糕装饰。
  4. the new year festival finishes at the lantern festival after 2 weeks.
  the new year festival 指整个过年期间。
  they are round and so they bring us good lick all the year round.
  all the year round: during the whole year 一年四季;一年到头
  they work hard all the year round.他们一年到头工作都很努力。
  trade is good all the year round but it is a little less busy in the winter.贸易一年到头都很好,只有冬天不是很忙。
  activity 5: language use
  activity 4 on page 11.
  step 2
  exercise 1on page 92.in the wb.
  direction: ss do it by themselves. l et’s see who can finish it as soon as possible.
  step 3
  (give the students some time to recall what they’ve learned in this class)
  first think by themselves. then discuss in pairs and finally share their answers with the class.
  activity 6: homework: exercise 3 on page 92.in the wb.
  activity 7: a test:
  write a short passage describing what you usually do for the spring festival.
  period 3: speaking, writing, around the world & module task
  1、teaching content: speaking and writing & around the world &module task
  2、teaching aims and demands:
  1) speaking skill: to be able to say what people are doing.
  improve the students’ speaking ability. (重点)
  2) writing skill: write sentences and paragraphs saying what people are doing or aren’t doing. improve the students’ writing ability (难点).
  3) to summarize and consolidate the language covered in this module.
  4) affection and attitudes: we should be interested in festivals in the world.
  3、learning strategies
  top-down and interactive approach and do some exercises.
  4、teaching aids: multi-media (tape recorder , video, ohp, handout)
  5、teaching procedure s:
  activity 1: revision
  task: help students to revise what is learnt in last module.
  step 1
  revise the words and phrases.
  step 2
  put the ss. in pairs to practice the dialogue and the text..
  activity 2: speaking
  task: ask and answer the questions using the present continuous tense.
  improve the students’ speaking ability .
  step 1
  pair the ss. to do activity 6.
  step 2
  have the ss. to practice and write questions using the present continuous tense.
  step 3
  circulate and monitor pronunciation.
  step 4
  call back a few examples from some pairs in a whole-class setting. pay particular attention to the structure of be +v.-ing
  activity 3: writing
  task 1: match the notes with the headings.
  step 1
  run through the examples with the ss. and make sure that they understand them.
  step 2
  ask them to do activity 5 on page 11 inpidually and check their answers with a friend.[来源:zxxk.com]
  step 3
  call back the answers from the whole class, and write them on the board.
  step 4
  task 2: join2 notes and write one sentences with and.
  step 1
  let the ss. read the example in activity 6.
  step 2
  ask them to do activity 6 on page 11 inpidually and check their answers with a friend.
  step 3
  they can then exchange books for peer correction of facts and language.
  step 4
  call back the answers from the whole class.
  task 4: write 5 paragraphs describing christmas in britain.
  step 1
  read the example in activity 7.ask them to do the activity inpidually and check their answers with a friend.
  step 2
  call back the answers from the whole class.
  step 3
  activity 4: around the world
  task: learn something about christmas and father christmas
  step 1
  ask the ss. to look at the different pictures about christmas and father christmas
  .tell the ss. some knowledge about them.
  step 2
  introduce some other festivals in western countries.
  activity 5: module task
  writing a postcard
  activity 5 and activity 6 on page 13 ask the ss. to write notes inpidually. circulate and monitor their production.
  step 2
  write a letter to a pen friend .
  choose a few of the best letters of your students` work and place them in the journal.
  note: let the ss look at it when they have a spare moment. they may use computers if possible.
  activity 6: recalling
  recall what we learn today.
  activity 7: a test
  do ex.9 on page 90.and hand in immediately.
  activity 8: homework: do ex.12 on page 95.
  period 4. language in use
  1、teaching content: language in use
  2、teaching aims and demands:
  key structures: be +v.-ing (重点)
  1) to summarise and consolidate grammar focus.
  2) to summarise and consolidate expressions and vocabulary.
  3) af fection and attitudes: we should be interested in festivals in the world.
  3、learning strategies: formal instruction and task-based approach and interactive practice.
  4、teaching aids: multi-media (video, ohp, handout)
  5、teaching procedures:
  activity 1: revision
  help students to revise what is learnt in 3 periods of this module.
  activity 2: language practice
  task 1: to summarize and consolidate the usage of the present continuous questions and short answers.
  step 1
  run through the examples with the ss. and make sure that they are familiar with the use of
  the present continuous tense
  step 2
  ask the ss. to repeat the sentences in the box.
  step 3
  ask "can you make other similar examples?"
  step 4
  do activity 1 and 2 on page 12. grasp the use of the present continuous tense .
  task 2: to consolidate present simple
  step 1
  do activity 3 on page 12.
  step 2
  ask the ss. to call out the answers from the whole class.
  step 3
  ask the ss. to read the complete sentences.
  activity 3: revise the words that we learned in this m odule:
  task: write the words under these headings in activity 4.
  look at the example in activity 4 and ensure that the ss. know what to do
  call back the answers from the whole class, and make lists on the board.
  let the ss learn to remember the words with word maps. eg.
  meat fish
  … the spring festival
  food vegetables potato
  … fireworks lantern watch tv
  fruit banana jiaozi lucky money visiting friends and relatipns…
  a ctivity 4: a test
  do ex 3 on page 92n the wb. let’s see who can finish it as soon as possible.
  activity 5: homework:
  do the self-assessment on page 95 in the workbook.
  finish all the exercises in the wb.
