快好知 kuaihz

31. We had a splendid Indian summer last October. 32. America was once the home of many Indian tribes. 33. The very basis of Indian politics has been transformed. 34. An experienced Indian guide is provided during your stay. 35. She has a penchant for Indian food. 36. Farmers occasionally plow up old Indian relics. 37. Chapatis are a kind of flat Indian bread. 38. I'm not wild about Indian food. 39. I fancy an Indian take-away. 40. That girl is a pure Red Indian. 41. He is a high-ranking officer in the Indian Army. 42. Bacher professed himself pleased with the Indian tour. 43. The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life. 44. The programme is 90 minutes of dynamic Indian folk dance, live music and storytelling. 45. Sri Lankans share a common ancestry with their Indian brethren. 46. He studies in particular the fishes of the Indian Ocean. 47. There is one part of the country with an especially large Indian population. That is the southwest. 48. The Indian Prime Minister has expressed optimism about India's future relations with the USA. 49. The Indian caste system is an example of social stratification. 50. I was surfing the net looking for information on Indian music. 51. He is a writer of Indian descent and draws upon diverse cultural influences. 52. A large range of herbs and spices are used in Indian cookery. 53. We could go to the Indian restaurant, or alternatively, we could try that new Italian place. 54. Even the most experienced of West Indian batsmen was unsettled by the sheer speed of this bowler. 55. Though the Indian labor pool is large, it is also primarily unskilled. 56. A traditional Indian custom used to involve widows burning themselves alive on their husbands' funeral pyres. 57. She seems to be enjoying an Indian summer of popularity. 58. Indian skins age far more slowly than American or Italian ones. 59. He made his best films in his seventies ; it was for him a real Indian summer. 60. as an Indian princess.