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181. Alpenglow on Mount Princeton complements vivid fields of lupine, aster, and Indian paintbrush near Route 321. 182. The epicenter was in the Indian Ocean, 193 kilometers south-southeast of Jakarta, the U.S. Geological Survey said. 183. Almost half of all Indian children under five are malnourished. 184. We've had a good harvest of Indian corn this year. 185. Falun is the third Indian mauryan during the reign of emperor asoka monarchy built in buddhist pilgrims pillars of one of the first design lion stigma. 186. Former "ethnic" goods are rarely differentiated, with grocery stores selling Bok Choy next to spinach, lemon grass alongside parsley, and Indian chutneys in the ketchup and mustard aisle. 187. The Republic of South Africa is located at the southernmost tip of the African continent, with the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean on the other three sides. 188. The supply of cheap medicines was only possible because Indian law hitherto had no product patent constraints . 189. Here a silky tongued ganja salesman keeps us up to date with Indian pot terminology . 190. A sculptor applies finishing touches to an idol of the Hindu goddess Durga as his son looks on him in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata September 25, 2006. 191. A scattering of Arawak Indian villages once surrounded Jamaica’s second largest and most visited city, but now high-rise hotels and restaurants dominate the coastal landscape. 192. The potato dextrose liquor and indian jujube leaf liquor could promote conidia germination obviously. 193. Below share with you a South American Indian - style song that we like. 194. Only around 2 % of Venezuela's 28 m people are of unmixed Indian blood. 195. In 1994, a US company was awarded a patent for neem oil as a method of controlling fungi yet this tree has been used in Indian agriculture for centuries. 196. Indo-Pacific: Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean to the Hawaiian and Society islands, north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to Tonga and Rarotonga. 197. UCAVs will be inducted in the Indian Air Force and used to fight terrorists in northern Jammu and Kashmir bordering Pakistan. 198. On the morning of May 31, 2003, Chinese President Hu Jintao met with Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who came to St. Petersburg for celebrations marking the 300th anniversary of the city. 199. Mung beans , which are a large source of protein and fiber in Indian diets. 200. Sherman Alexie is a Spokane/Coeur d'Alene Indian who grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation in Wellpinit, Washington. 201. I might add that he is an Indian, a Sikh. 202. West Indian manatee drifts through crystal - clear a North Florida spring. 203. Himalayan glaciers are not retreating as rapidly as predicted and in some cases are expanding, claims Indian glaciologist Vijay Kumar Raina, who has caused controversy among scientists. 204. The leaves of West Indian varieties are scentless , while Guatemalan types are rarely anise-scented and have medicinal use. 205. When the Indian captured an enemy he did not obey Grotius' laws of war by taking prisoners and seeking to exchange them. 206. It is not easy to portray the surprise of the Indian at this discovery. 207. A number of bears were killed, the birds of prey escaped and the sole Indian elephant owned by the zoo died. 208. The Indian Ocean paradise hosts many sun-loving tourists who fuel its economic engines. 209. A voracious food and game fish(Pomatomus saltatrix) of temperate and tropical waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans. 210. His coin collection included the complete series of Indian - head pennies.