快好知 kuaihz

91. Historians note that some Indian tribes were brutal in the extreme. 92. Indian pottery spans the prehistoric age to the present day. 93. Indian nationalists finally won independence for their country in 1947. 94. The columns and arches are painted in diaper and other patterns in indian red, black and white. 95. Indian farmers have doubled their output of cereal crops like wheat. 96. Singapore's exotic mix of cultures - mostly Chinese, Indian, and Malay - makes it a fascinating holiday destination. 97. 'Doolally', meaning 'crazy', is 19th century soldiers' slang, and comes from the name of an Indian town. 98. Karahi chicken is a spicy Indian preparation that is also done with lamb. 99. Under federal law, Indian nations are allowed to operate casinos on their reservations, with the state's permission. 100. "Voyagers" is a 70-year-old program formerly known as "Indian Guides". 101. West Indian passionflower with edible apple - sized fruit. 102. Next was Tashtego, an unmixed Indian from Gay Head. 103. Do you think you are a Red Indian? 104. The Spaniard and the Indian are diametrically opposed. 105. The four of us were walking in Indian file. 106. Her body was lowered into the Indian Ocean. 107. Some Indian people indulge in wedding extravaganza. 108. Indian banks have 141 foreign branches and 21 subsidiaries. 109. Photo: Chicago-based Chutney Joe's Indian Diner. 110. Two days ago, they'd been enjoying an Indian summer. 111. East Indian tree having a useful dark purple wood. 112. The moving grass, the Indian in his glade. 113. Oceania , continent between the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. 114. He came across a man who was burying a child. This scene was photographed by both Pablo Bartholomew and Raghu Rai, another renowned Indian photojournalist. 115. Make a traditional Indian cucumber Raita with dry roasted cumin seeds! 116. The Commonwealth of Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the world"s smallest continent and a number of islands in the Southern, Indian and Pacific Oceans. 117. Roll coral trout in Indian lettuce head, then tie the roll with carrot strip. Steam the rolls for 3 minutes. 118. NASA was doing some astronaut training on an Indian reservation. An Indian elder and his son were herding sheep and came across the space crew. 119. Top Indian intelligence and security officials were summoned by the Home Minister for an emergency meeting following another fatal bomb blast in the Indian capital. 120. On September 13, 1944, a beautiful Indian princess lay dead on the floor at Dachau concentration camp.