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211. Habitat: Indian Pipe is found on the forest floor in the leaf litter and mold. The species seems to be particularly common near Beech trees. 212. The Indian granite and natural stone industry is in dire straits. 213. For years, the north Indian state of Uttarakhand, for example, has had a tax holiday for manufacturers. 214. Sumatran cuisine, for example, often shows its Middle Eastern and Indian influence, featuring curried meat and vegetables, while Javanese cuisine is rather more indigenously developed. 215. Monk, also known by the ancient Indian Brahmanism, the medieval Catholic ascetics, etc. 216. That, Subramanian contends, shows Indian managers can better compete head-to-head with the world's top CEOs in the most demanding markets. 217. The Aurora Australis, viewed by astronauts aboard the ISS, 356 km above the Indian Ocean on March 28th, 2010. 218. He met, and was backed by , an Indian - American venture capitalist , Vish Mishra. 219. Sometimes, Gandhi said Indian freedom would never come until untouchability was expunged; sometimes he argued that untouchability could be eliminated only after independence was won. 220. Global investors are eager and Indian entrepreneurs have that they are a cut above the rest. 221. Langkazi area lies in the south side of Indian river Brahmaputra suture zone , the north margin of Himalayan flat bar and south margin of Zhada Zhongba flat bar. 222. Prevalence of primary open-angle glaucoma in an urban south Indian population and comparison with a rural population. The Chennai Glaucoma Study. 223. Not long after that, Boomtown and other Reno casinos faced the loss of out-of-town customers from California to Indian casinos closer to their homes. 224. According to some history books and big Indian epics, Aryans were separated into several tribes with Rajah, the Indian chieftain. 225. The Italian restaurant that my friends stole cash from as waiters is now Moghul, one of the most famous Indian restaurants in the country. 226. Still the indian summer held on, and he continued to crawl and faint ,turn and turn about; and ever the sick wolf coughed and wheezed at his heels. 227. The film has been called "Dickensian" -- and freely borrows from Indian film traditions, right down to its closing dance number. 228. It was difficult in several instances for non-Navajos to instruct the recruits in Marine Corps activities; a few marine instructors were unable to cope with the typical Indian imperturbability . 229. This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable. 230. Why does the Red Indian put his ear to the ground to hear the sound of horses that are far away? 231. "And you mother is an Indian, "said Lady Jane, drawing her bow at a venture. " 232. An Indian latrine cleaner may get to vote, she says, but a Chinese one is far less likely to be viewed as completely subhuman. 233. Some Indian Ceres or Minerva must have been the inventor and bestower of it; and when the reign of poetry commences here, its leaves and string of nuts may be represented on our works of art. 234. Somebody-- i got wind of the fact we might have a classical Indian musician in our class, somebody that had studied the sitar and might be able to come in and play one for us. 235. Five thousand patents for traditional medicines have been issued in global trademark offices, 2, 000 of which belong to the Indian ayurveda, unani and siddha systems of medicine. 236. We stood in somber silence as the Indian national anthem was played, followed by a lengthy series of prayers representing five faiths including Zoroastrianism, the original faith of Jamshedji Tata. 237. But how does the progress of the Indian Railways compare on a absolute scale? 238. Four hundred species of flowers, including Indian paintbrushes, prickly poppies, flowering herbs, and the most compelling blossom of all - the bluebonnet, the Texas state flower. 239. So you obviously made it to the tenth chapter, where I mention indian foodas an aphrodisiac. 240. Already, in July, an Indian naval ship off Vietnam ignored a radio warning, apparently from the Chinese navy, that it was entering Chinese waters.