快好知 kuaihz

181, Had they already reached Saturn, carried out their survey, and gone into hibernation? 182, Company were not satisfied with this and commissioned Thomas Telford, the greatest canal builder of all, to survey a route. 183, He renounced his apprenticeship in 1858 and resolved to follow his eldest brother into the ranks of the Geological Survey. 184, The disembarkation began immediately, and I took the opportunity of a run ashore with the others to survey our unique landfall. 185, This survey is a baseline against which attempts to effect change can be measured. 186, The overwhelming impression in the survey of newly-established firms was also that they had originated in adjacent areas of London. 187, I trust that the reader will therefore forgive the brevity of this survey. 188, The survey focused on four major factors: diet, exercise, smoking, and alcohol consumption. 189, Two researchers drew their conclusions from a survey of a week's complaints about dampness at five local authorities. 190, Jules Angst and Cecile Ernst, published a survey of all the birth order research from 1946 to 1980. 191, The survey indicates that best-seller lists are far less important to consumers than the allocation of media coverage to best-sellers would suggest. 192, It will begin with a brief survey of the corporate economy. 193, We carried out a survey to determine how buyers of conference facilities selected venues. 194, The Hollywood Reporter recently conducted a survey to find out who are the most bankable directors. 195, The population figures estimated by Dolgikh on the basis of this survey have become widely accepted in the Soviet Union. 196, A subject chosen following a nationwide survey. £60,000 advertising campaign. 197, Now you need to analyse the results of the survey. 198, In 1995, salaries of general managers averaged nearly $ 57, 000, according to the Roth Young survey. 199, The following list provides a brief survey of some of the schools that have become major styles in their own right. 200, Peahens survey several males and take their time over their decision, allowing each to parade his tail to best advantage. 201, A Cumbria Tourist Board survey showed that 59 percent of the visitors mentioned the scenery as the main attraction of the area. 202, In the following chapters I survey this unified bionic frontier. 203, The survey used standard socio-economic groups: AB which covers management, professional, technical and administrative occupations. 204, The survey appears to contradict motor industry claims that customers still rate high performance as one of the most desirable attributes. 205, Survey after survey showed the public to be increasingly apprehensive about the broadcast. 206, The survey is perhaps also significant for the total absence of any importance being placed on welfare law work. 207, In survey or exploratory research, questions are a more than adequate device for directing the organization of the methodology. 208, An inventory of boreholes is to be compiled and a survey of dug wells will be made. 209, One particular candidate responding to the survey went to a great deal of trouble to commit his decidedly anti-headhunting views to paper. 210, The General Household Survey in 1979 found that only 20 percent of economically active married men supported a dependent wife and children.