maintain造句211. This will analyse network performance, maintain equipment inventories, and log software use within the system.
212. Its peeling paint and broken windows stand testimony that it went out of business because it had become too costly to maintain.
213. The critic Greenberg acknowledged the ambiguous position the avant-garde would need to maintain with its patrons.
214. Exercise also helps maintain muscle mass and burn extra calories so you get to enjoy more food without getting fat.
215. It costs money to maintain and advantage your interests in the childbirth field.
216. Centers will maintain the flexibility to accommodate changes in specific projects as the need for information changes.
217. The aim was to get the weight as low as possible while at the same time maintain adequate surface area.
218. Weinstein said he wants to maintain it as a national brand despite its weaknesses in the Midwest and South.
219. We can maintain with relative certainty that at least some of the mummies owed obedience if not allegiance to the Xiongnu shanyu.
220. Indeed, the use of electronic documentation systems should enhance a organisation's ability to maintain full and accurate records.
221. The second liquidity need is the same liquidity need that individuals have-firms need to maintain some cash balances to meet unexpected emergencies.
222. When forces of oppression come to maintain themselves in power against established law, peace is considered already broken.Che Guevara
223. Put Alvin into autopilot to maintain a constant heading; go ahead a little on the pot that controls the forward thrusters.
224. Optimism about the likelihood of a budget agreement is helping to maintain healthy bidding for Treasurys.
225. Nevertheless, sustained horticulture needs an abundant supply of organic waste to maintain soil structure and fertility.
226. Due to its small size and high fecundity it is relatively cheap to breed, buy and maintain.
227. An air conditioner to maintain normal room temperature is advisable.
228. This also gets round problems of fluctuation, when business is slow, they do not have to maintain a regular workforce.
229. Jose Ramon, a new chef who arrived at the Guernica two months ago, will hopefully maintain these high standards.
230. A cycle ride, walk or swim at least three times a week will boost your circulation and help maintain a healthy bloom.
231. All banks need to maintain a cash ratio large enough to meet the cash requirements of their depositors.
232. And of course we have to maintain friendships with all blocs.
233. Workers in fishnet organizations must figure out how to maintain this kind of balance.
234. To Athens, the Peloponnesians offered economic assistance to maintain their destitute people, and even a new home within the Peloponnese.
235. He acknowledged that it is essential to maintain the balance between basic research and commissioned research.
236. The army brought in thousands of extra troops, and put tanks and helicopters at West Bank checkpoints to help maintain order.
237. However, many remained sceptical, remembering the Tsars pledge in 1895 in a speech to Zemstvo representative to maintain autocracy.
238. A tracheotomy was performed and a tracheal cannula was inserted to maintain a free airway.
239. Maintain the correct stance and the ensemble will accelerate to flying speed.
240. Some things help us to maintain our brotherhood, and sisterhood, under the skin.