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rate of interest造句
31. Other things equal, the higher the rate of interest, the more individuals can be expected to economize on cash holdings. 32. As explained in section 16.1, their price fluctuates inversely with the current market rate of interest. 33. If the rate of interest changes, there will be relatively little shifting between money and financial assets. 34. Conversely, the higher the rate of interest, the greater the additional cost to industry of financing new capital investment. 35. High interest cheque account-Best of both worlds, you get a decent rate of interest and a cheque book. 36. These should then be discounted by the risk-free rate of interest to produce the present values of and respectively. 37. If lenders are not reasonably sure the loan will be paid back, they will understandably charge a higher rate of interest. 38. One is the expected rate of inflation, and the other is the real rate of interest. 39. The rate of interest at which this assistance is provided indicates the Bank's view of the appropriate level of interest rates. 40. Similarly, a fall in the rate of interest means a potential capital gain for investors. 41. In contrast, a fixed rate mortgage has a constant rate of interest which is charged over a specified period. 42. With these loans, the rate of interest is capped at a certain level. 43. Fixed Interest: the rate of interest will not change during the period of the loan agreement. 44. The latest is a card with a 0 per cent rate of interest. 45. Potential purchasers of these securities will probably wait until their prices fall and the rate of interest rises. 46. The rate of interest, in the shape of a tax-free bonus, is set by the Treasury. 47. As the rate of interest falls, so the speculative demand for money increases. 48. The second is some sort of percentage rate of interest. 49. With a given money supply, an increase in the demand for money will also raise the equilibrium rate of interest. 50. The analysis applies in reverse if the actual rate of interest is thought to be abnormally low. 51. The coupon rate is simply the rate of interest specified on the bond coupons at the time the bond is issued. 52. The 90 day treasury bill rate was used as a proxy for the risk-free rate of interest. 53. At that rate of interest, it was almost good business to underpay your taxes. 54. The rate of interest on the bonds is quoted net of basic rate tax. 55. It was certainly not a prohibition on lending money at a rate of interest which can be earned by the recipient. 56. This is the rate of interest expressed in money terms and is also known as the money rate of interest. 57. Altering banks' liquidity or the rate of interest are indirect methods of controlling spending. 58. The best rate of interest the banks can offer is around 14 per cent. 59. The Bank can choose what rate of interest or rediscount to charge the discount houses. 60. This is used by some banks to express the rate of interest as an annual rate.