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rate of interest造句
91. He used to lend money at an extremely high rate of interest. 92. The issuer agrees to pay you a stated rate of interest over a specified period of time, at the end of which the issuer will return the original sum. 93. The rate of interest was put up in the last Budget. 94. To begin with, a home equity credit line will offer you a large amount of cash with a comparatively low rate of interest. 95. A great advantage with borrowing from online banks is the lower overhead charges , which in turn means a lower rate of interest. 96. The recent recession has lowered the rate of interest and reduced our margin of safety. 97. I understand Time Certificate of Deposit pays a higher rate of interest than regular deposits do. 98. The rate of interest shall be as agreed between the parties. 99. The fact that this will result in a lower rate of interest, because Germany has a higher credit standing than Ireland or Portugal, would hardly appease an angry electorate. 100. Money Market Account A savings account that offers the competitive rate of interest (real rate) in exchange for larger than normal deposits. 101. The unit recognizes interest revenue as if those buyers borrow at the market rate of interest, and it offsets the revenue with a corresponding selling expense. 102. Debt instruments a defined a maturity date and normally a fixed rate of interest. 103. The stock price is $50, and the risk-free rate of interest is 8% per annum with continuous compounding for all maturities. 104. In this paper, we give computing methods about net premium and net premium reserve of whole life insurances under stochastic rate of interest. 105. If this dichotomy is maintained what happens to the rate of interest? 106. Shadow rate of interest Rate of interest used as te discount rate in project analysis. Include consumption rate of interest and accounting rate of interest. 107. When the rate of interest rise, such a person's expenditure must almost infallibly be reduced. 108. The true rate of interest paid on an installment loan. 109. Make sure you put out your savings a high rate of interest. 110. When the rate of interest is expected to change, they cease to be identical. 111. Money on loan generally at a fixed rate of interest, is called debentures notes or bonds. 112. I understand time certificate of deposit pays a higher rate of interest than regular deposits do. 113. Because of the prospect of possible capital gains on the shares, the bond can carry a lower coupon, or nominal rate of interest. 114. Another was to use foreign currency: the bank could lend, or accept a bill of exchange, in one currency and collect its debt in another, building a hidden rate of interest into the exchange rate. 115. The Steering Committee recommends mortgage lenders to specify the default rate of interest in the facility letter. 116. In chapter 6, considering the pure insurance premium and the calculation of net premium reserves death rate is due to life table, rate of interest is taken by fixed rate of interest. 117. This is what he means by equality between the rate of interest and the marginal efficiency of capital.