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rate of interest造句
61. The fall in the price level from raises the real money stock from and reduces the rate of interest from. 62. The model is deafeningly silent on this question since the only relative price which figures in it is the rate of interest. 63. With these three methods of finance the finance house provides the funds and a percentage rate of interest. 64. At that price an annual payment of £10 would be equivalent to a 20 percent rate of interest. 65. The rate of interest payable to the banks to cover all outstanding loans would be 1 percentage point over market rates. 66. Profits are made by lending money out at a higher rate of interest than that paid to depositors. 67. They make profits by lending at a higher rate of interest than the rate they pay on deposits. 68. The real rate of interest is simply the difference between the market rate of interest and the inflation rate. 69. For bonds and other financial assets, this means a reduction in their rate of interest. 70. Should the bank be unwilling to increase your limit, it may allow you to borrow at a reasonable rate of interest. 71. The rate of interest has been established advance. 72. The rate of interest may be arranged by consultation. 73. House prices are easily upset by factors which have nothing to do with property as such. The fall in prices in the South-East results largely from the high rate of interest on mortgages. 74. You'll lose money first because that 30-year Treasury bond, with its 4.5% coupon rate of interest, will look pretty pathetic in a year if 30-year bonds are paying 6%. 75. Our Savings Bond program offers our highest rate of interest for long-term savers. 76. This is what he means rate of interest and the marginal efficiency of capital. 77. Being fixed - interest, the price varies with ( or to be precise against ) theprevailing rate of interest. 78. Lending Margin A spread that borrowers agree to pay above an agreed base rate of interest. 79. In fact, there are some differences between life insurance death rate and death rate in mortality table, and rate of interest taken on randomness . 80. As interest rates rise, investors will be willing to pay less money to own a bond that pays a given contract rate of interest. 81. Note that the rate of return on incremental real investment in the private sector equals the market rate of interest. 82. They will only lend out money at a high rate of interest. 83. Repurchase agreement (also known as a repo or Sale and Repurchase Agreement) allows a borrower to use a financial security as collateral for a cash loan at a fixed rate of interest. 84. Manager:Yes,[http:///rate of interest.html] of course . We offer it to all our customers. Our Savings Bond program offers our highest rate of interest for long-term savers. 85. First , understand the behavior of the Real Interest Rate Gap is important for understanding the experience relation among the true rate of interest and output. 86. Effective interest rate The true rate of interest paid on an installment loan. 87. Debentures, unlike shares, are loans to a company with a fixed rate of interest. 88. In the absence of such a rate at either place the rate of interest shall be the appropriate rate fixed by the law of the State of the currency of payment. 89. The market rate of interest can not directly substitute the social discount rate for its defect on preference revealing, interest forming, the reward of risk, etc. 90. Where such interest is to be collected, the collection instruction must specify the rate of interest, interest period and basis of calculation.