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31, The UV-975 variable wavelength detector has a tapered flow cell giving reduced refractive index effects. 32, Time allowed 00:11 Read in studio A police force is testing a laser speed detector. 33, A laser transmitted faint light signals to an electronic detector. 34, Could he please try out his metal detector in her yard? 35, After some further outside tests and a fair amount of soul-searching, I eventually bought this detector and the 10.5in accessory coil. 36, In astronomy the transmitter is usually a radio telescope, and it usually acts also as the detector. 37, Transformer coupling of the source and/or detector to the Wheatstone network is often adopted to match impedance levels or for isolation purposes. 38, If necessary, use a shield to prevent stray light from reaching the detector. 39, Presumably, the letter detector level is used equally when non-words or words are presented. 40, Why, he asked,[www.] did the only lie detector test given indicate deception? 41, When you go to a seaside resort, spend an hour or two walking along the beach without your detector. 42, Any reader wanting the right detector to suit his pocket and plenty of sound advice is welcome to give me a ring. 43, Too little; far, far, far too much, straight to a lie detector. 44, These devices illustrate the potential for an easily constructed microchip system with a carbon paste detector that exhibits adjustable selectivity. 45, For his own information, Boesen asked Hicks to take a lie detector test. 46, All the twenty-six letters of the alphabet have links to all the words at the word detector level. 47, I have in fact become something of an addict of detector technology. 48, At the moment, the first line of defence is usually a smoke detector on the ceiling in every corridor. 49, The detector has an amplifier that is tuned to recognize and amplify only the pulsed signal. 50, Luckily we have a smoke detector on the ceiling in each room. 51, When they go home you can get on with some electronic angling with your detector. 52, The metal detector shrilled as Whitney attempted to walk through. 53, The detector should also never be laid in mud or on wet ground as water may enter the battery compartments. 54, But I fancy I can still hear the sounds of the metal detector and a globe spinning! 55, First they discovered bird droppings in their detector and checked for other possible malfunctions, but soon ruled these out. 56, It is this that allows the NMDA receptor to behave as a molecular coincidence detector. 57, A powerful UV-Vis monochromator based detector allows very low detection limits by reaching 0.0005 absorbency units full scale. 58, But this does not mean that the carbon-zinc battery would be suitable for use in your detector. 59, By the time it sets off the smoke detector, the corridor is blocked. 60, When lock is achieved, the digital detector is switched out of circuit to avoid noise denigration in the analogue circuit.